From Xojo Documentation
Pages in category "Properties"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,238 total.
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- MDIWindow.Top
- NotePlayer.Top
- PrinterSetup.Top
- RBReportControl.Top
- Realbasic.Rect.Top
- Rect.Top
- RectControl.Top
- Screen.Top
- Separator.Top
- WebControl.Top
- Window.Top
- Xojo.Core.Rect.Top
- iOSView.TopLayoutGuide
- Rectangle.TopLeftColor
- JSONItem.ToString
- XMLNode.ToString
- Date.TotalSeconds
- Graphics.Transparency
- Canvas.Transparent
- ContainerControl.Transparent
- Label.Transparent
- Picture.Transparent
- RectControl.Transparent
- RegExOptions.TreatTargetAsOneLIne
- RectControl.TrueWindow
- Window.TrueWindow
- FolderItem.Type
- iOSToolButton.Type
- ListBoxColumn.Type
- OLEParameter.Type
- Picture.Type
- WebDialog.Type
- WebProgressWheel.Type
- WebTextField.Type
- Window.Type
- XMLContentModel.Type
- XMLNode.Type
- Permissions.UIDBit
- Variant.UInt32Value
- Variant.UInt64Value
- Label.Underline
- TextShape.Underline
- Underline property
- ErrorException.UnderlyingError
- AddressBookRecord.UniqueID
- EndOfLine.Unix
- iOSMotion.UpdateInterval
- WebFileUploader.UploadTimeout
- SOAPMethod.URL
- WebApplication.URL
- WebFile.URL
- WebHTMLViewer.URL
- WebImageView.URL
- WebLink.URL
- WebSession.URL
- WebSharingSiteMovie.URL
- WebYouTubeMovie.URL
- FolderItem.URLPath
- Xojo.IO.FolderItem.URLPath
- WebApplication.UseChrome
- WebFile.UseCompression
- iOSCustomTableCell.UseDynamicHeight
- Canvas.UseFocusRing
- ComboBox.UseFocusRing
- ContainerControl.UseFocusRing
- ListBox.UseFocusRing
- TextEdit.UseFocusRing
- Application.UseGDIPlus
- iOSMotion.UserAccelerationX
- iOSMotion.UserAccelerationY
- iOSMotion.UserAccelerationZ
- HTMLViewer.UserAgent
- Database.UserName
- POP3SecureSocket.Username
- POP3Socket.Username
- SMTPSecureSocket.UserName
- SMTPSocket.UserName
- ListColumn.UserResizable
- Xojo.Core.TextEncoding.UTF16
- FileType.UTI
- Xojo.Net.SSLSettings.ValidateCertificates
- TextEdit.ValidationMask
- AttributeInfo.Value
- BevelButton.Value
- CheckBox.Value
- Color.Value
- ComboBox.Value
- DatabaseColumn.Value
- DatabaseField.Value
- DictionaryEntry.Value
- DisclosureTriangle.Value
- GameInputElement.Value
- iOSProgressBar.Value
- iOSSegmentedControl.Value
- iOSSlider.Value
- iOSSQLiteDatabaseField.Value
- iOSSwitch.Value
- Label.Value
- ListBoxColumn.Value
- MD5Digest.Value
- MenuItem.Value
- PagePanel.Value
- Placard.Value
- ProgressBar.Value
- RadioButton.Value
- Scrollbar.Value
- Slider.Value
- TextEdit.Value
- TextShape.Value
- WeakRef.Value
- WebCheckBox.Value
- WebControlCSS.Value
- WebProgressBar.Value
- WebScrollbar.Value
- WebSlider.Value
- XMLNode.Value
- Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry.Value
- Xojo.Core.WeakRef.Value
- Xojo.Introspection.AttributeInfo.Value
- TextEncoding.Variant
- AddressBookContact.VCard
- Application.Version
- WebToolbar.Vertical
- StringShape.VerticalAlignment
- TextShape.VerticalAlignment
- Realbasic.Rect.VerticalCenter
- Rect.VerticalCenter
- WebControl.VerticalCenter
- Picture.VerticalResolution
- PrinterSetup.VerticalResolution
- TextArea.VerticalScrollPosition
- FolderItem.VirtualVolume
- FolderItem.Visible
- iOSControl.Visible
- Line.Visible
- MDIWindow.Visible
- MenuItem.Visible
- MessageDialogButton.Visible
- RBReportControl.Visible
- RectControl.Visible
- WebCanvas.DisableDiffEngine
- WebControl.Visible
- WebMapLocation.Visible
- Window.Visible
- CheckBox.VisualState
- iOSSound.Volume
- MoviePlayer.Volume
- Sound.Volume
- WebMoviePlayer.Volume
- System.WebCursors
- Date.WeekOfYear
- DateTime.WeekOfYear
- Graphics.Width
- iOSBitmap.Width
- iOSControl.Width
- iOSGraphics.Width
- iOSImage.Width
- iOSSegmentedControlItem.Width
- iOSToolButton.Width
- MDIWindow.Width
- Picture.Width
- PrinterSetup.Width
- RBReportControl.Width
- Realbasic.Rect.Width
- Realbasic.Size.Width
- Rect.Width
- RectControl.Width
- RectShape.Width
- Screen.Width
- Segment.Width
- SegmentedControlItem.Width
- SegmentedControlSegment.Width
- Separator.Width
- Size.Width
- StyledTextPrinter.Width
- WebControl.Width
- WebGraphics.Width
- WebPage.Width
- WebPicture.Width
- Window.Width
- Xojo.Core.Rect.Width
- Xojo.Core.Size.Width
- ListColumn.WidthActual
- ListColumn.WidthExpression
- ContainerControl.Window
- Control.Window
- RectControl.Window
- Application.WindowCount
- Variant.WindowPtrValue
- EndOfLine.Windows
- ReportDateLabel.WordWrap
- ReportField.Wordwrap
- ReportLabel.WordWrap
- ReportPageNumberLabel.WordWrap
- SQLiteDatabase.WriteAheadLogging
- Variant.WStringValue