A Discrete-Event Network Simulator
ns-3.29 @
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; c-file-style: "gnu"; indent-tabs-mode:nil; -*- */
2 /*
3  * Copyright (c) 2009 The Boeing Company
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
7  * published by the Free Software Foundation;
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
17  *
18  * Author: Guangyu Pei <guangyu.pei@boeing.com>
19  */
21 #include "ns3/gnuplot.h"
22 #include "ns3/command-line.h"
23 #include "ns3/config.h"
24 #include "ns3/double.h"
25 #include "ns3/string.h"
26 #include "ns3/log.h"
27 #include "ns3/yans-wifi-helper.h"
28 #include "ns3/mobility-helper.h"
29 #include "ns3/yans-wifi-channel.h"
30 #include "ns3/mobility-model.h"
31 #include "ns3/internet-stack-helper.h"
32 #include "ns3/ipv4-address-helper.h"
34 using namespace ns3;
36 NS_LOG_COMPONENT_DEFINE ("ClearChannelCmu");
38 class Experiment
39 {
40 public:
41  Experiment ();
42  Experiment (std::string name);
43  uint32_t Run (const WifiHelper &wifi, const YansWifiPhyHelper &wifiPhy,
44  const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel);
45 private:
46  void ReceivePacket (Ptr<Socket> socket);
47  void SetPosition (Ptr<Node> node, Vector position);
48  Vector GetPosition (Ptr<Node> node);
50  void GenerateTraffic (Ptr<Socket> socket, uint32_t pktSize,
51  uint32_t pktCount, Time pktInterval );
53  uint32_t m_pktsTotal;
54  Gnuplot2dDataset m_output;
55 };
58 {
59 }
61 Experiment::Experiment (std::string name)
62  : m_output (name)
63 {
64  m_output.SetStyle (Gnuplot2dDataset::LINES);
65 }
67 void
69 {
71  mobility->SetPosition (position);
72 }
74 Vector
76 {
78  return mobility->GetPosition ();
79 }
81 void
83 {
84  Ptr<Packet> packet;
85  while ((packet = socket->Recv ()))
86  {
87  m_pktsTotal++;
88  }
89 }
93 {
94  TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory");
95  Ptr<Socket> sink = Socket::CreateSocket (node, tid);
96  InetSocketAddress local = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address::GetAny (), 80);
97  sink->Bind (local);
98  sink->SetRecvCallback (MakeCallback (&Experiment::ReceivePacket, this));
99  return sink;
100 }
102 void
103 Experiment::GenerateTraffic (Ptr<Socket> socket, uint32_t pktSize,
104  uint32_t pktCount, Time pktInterval )
105 {
106  if (pktCount > 0)
107  {
108  socket->Send (Create<Packet> (pktSize));
109  Simulator::Schedule (pktInterval, &Experiment::GenerateTraffic, this,
110  socket, pktSize,pktCount - 1, pktInterval);
111  }
112  else
113  {
114  socket->Close ();
115  }
116 }
118 uint32_t
119 Experiment::Run (const WifiHelper &wifi, const YansWifiPhyHelper &wifiPhy,
120  const WifiMacHelper &wifiMac, const YansWifiChannelHelper &wifiChannel)
121 {
122  m_pktsTotal = 0;
124  NodeContainer c;
125  c.Create (2);
127  InternetStackHelper internet;
128  internet.Install (c);
130  YansWifiPhyHelper phy = wifiPhy;
131  phy.SetChannel (wifiChannel.Create ());
133  WifiMacHelper mac = wifiMac;
134  NetDeviceContainer devices = wifi.Install (phy, mac, c);
137  Ptr<ListPositionAllocator> positionAlloc = CreateObject<ListPositionAllocator> ();
138  positionAlloc->Add (Vector (0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
139  positionAlloc->Add (Vector (5.0, 0.0, 0.0));
140  mobility.SetPositionAllocator (positionAlloc);
141  mobility.SetMobilityModel ("ns3::ConstantPositionMobilityModel");
142  mobility.Install (c);
144  Ipv4AddressHelper ipv4;
145  NS_LOG_INFO ("Assign IP Addresses.");
146  ipv4.SetBase ("", "");
149  Ptr<Socket> recvSink = SetupPacketReceive (c.Get (0));
151  TypeId tid = TypeId::LookupByName ("ns3::UdpSocketFactory");
152  Ptr<Socket> source = Socket::CreateSocket (c.Get (1), tid);
153  InetSocketAddress remote = InetSocketAddress (Ipv4Address (""), 80);
154  source->SetAllowBroadcast (true);
155  source->Connect (remote);
156  uint32_t packetSize = 1014;
157  uint32_t maxPacketCount = 200;
158  Time interPacketInterval = Seconds (1.);
159  Simulator::Schedule (Seconds (1.0), &Experiment::GenerateTraffic,
160  this, source, packetSize, maxPacketCount,interPacketInterval);
161  Simulator::Run ();
163  Simulator::Destroy ();
165  return m_pktsTotal;
166 }
168 int main (int argc, char *argv[])
169 {
170  std::ofstream outfile ("clear-channel.plt");
171  std::vector <std::string> modes;
173  modes.push_back ("DsssRate1Mbps");
174  modes.push_back ("DsssRate2Mbps");
175  modes.push_back ("DsssRate5_5Mbps");
176  modes.push_back ("DsssRate11Mbps");
179  cmd.Parse (argc, argv);
181  Gnuplot gnuplot = Gnuplot ("clear-channel.eps");
183  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < modes.size (); i++)
184  {
185  std::cout << modes[i] << std::endl;
186  Gnuplot2dDataset dataset (modes[i]);
188  for (double rss = -102.0; rss <= -80.0; rss += 0.5)
189  {
191  dataset.SetStyle (Gnuplot2dDataset::LINES);
194  wifi.SetStandard (WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b);
195  WifiMacHelper wifiMac;
196  Config::SetDefault ("ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NonUnicastMode",
197  StringValue (modes[i]));
198  wifi.SetRemoteStationManager ("ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager",
199  "DataMode",StringValue (modes[i]),
200  "ControlMode",StringValue (modes[i]));
201  wifiMac.SetType ("ns3::AdhocWifiMac");
203  YansWifiPhyHelper wifiPhy = YansWifiPhyHelper::Default ();
204  YansWifiChannelHelper wifiChannel;
205  wifiChannel.SetPropagationDelay ("ns3::ConstantSpeedPropagationDelayModel");
206  wifiChannel.AddPropagationLoss ("ns3::FixedRssLossModel","Rss",DoubleValue (rss));
209  NS_LOG_DEBUG (modes[i]);
210  experiment = Experiment (modes[i]);
211  wifiPhy.Set ("EnergyDetectionThreshold", DoubleValue (-110.0) );
212  wifiPhy.Set ("CcaMode1Threshold", DoubleValue (-110.0) );
213  wifiPhy.Set ("TxPowerStart", DoubleValue (15.0) );
214  wifiPhy.Set ("TxPowerEnd", DoubleValue (15.0) );
215  wifiPhy.Set ("RxGain", DoubleValue (0) );
216  wifiPhy.Set ("RxNoiseFigure", DoubleValue (7) );
217  uint32_t pktsRecvd = experiment.Run (wifi, wifiPhy, wifiMac, wifiChannel);
218  dataset.Add (rss, pktsRecvd);
219  }
221  gnuplot.AddDataset (dataset);
222  }
223  gnuplot.SetTerminal ("postscript eps color enh \"Times-BoldItalic\"");
224  gnuplot.SetLegend ("RSS(dBm)", "Number of packets received");
225  gnuplot.SetExtra ("set xrange [-102:-83]");
226  gnuplot.GenerateOutput (outfile);
227  outfile.close ();
229  return 0;
230 }
void AddPropagationLoss(std::string name, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue())
Helper class for UAN CW MAC example.
Ptr< PacketSink > sink
Definition: wifi-tcp.cc:56
void Set(std::string name, const AttributeValue &v)
Definition: wifi-helper.cc:134
void GenerateTraffic(Ptr< Socket > socket, uint32_t pktSize, uint32_t pktCount, Time pktInterval)
Simulation virtual time values and global simulation resolution.
Definition: nstime.h:102
an Inet address class
Vector GetPosition(Ptr< Node > node)
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:76
Class to represent a 2D points plot.
Definition: gnuplot.h:117
holds a vector of std::pair of Ptr<Ipv4> and interface index.
Hold variables of type string.
Definition: string.h:41
virtual bool SetAllowBroadcast(bool allowBroadcast)=0
Configure whether broadcast datagram transmissions are allowed.
Make it easy to create and manage PHY objects for the yans model.
static Vector GetPosition(Ptr< Node > node)
Definition: multirate.cc:341
static void GenerateTraffic(Ptr< Socket > socket, uint32_t pktSize, Ptr< Node > n, uint32_t pktCount, Time pktInterval)
void ReceivePacket(Ptr< Socket > socket)
Define a Log component with a specific name.
Definition: log.h:202
aggregate IP/TCP/UDP functionality to existing Nodes.
void AddDataset(const GnuplotDataset &dataset)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:756
#define NS_LOG_INFO(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_INFO.
Definition: log.h:278
Definition: second.py:35
uint32_t packetSize
Definition: multirate.cc:130
helps to create WifiNetDevice objects
Definition: wifi-helper.h:230
void ReceivePacket(Ptr< Socket > socket)
Definition: multirate.cc:189
static void SetPosition(Ptr< Node > node, Vector position)
Definition: wifi-ap.cc:89
Ptr< YansWifiChannel > Create(void) const
Definition: third.py:101
Definition: third.py:86
Keep track of the current position and velocity of an object.
double Run(Parameters params)
a simple class to generate gnuplot-ready plotting commands from a set of datasets.
Definition: gnuplot.h:371
Vector3D Vector
Definition: vector.h:217
holds a vector of ns3::NetDevice pointers
Definition: third.py:92
Callback< R > MakeCallback(R(T::*memPtr)(void), OBJ objPtr)
Definition: callback.h:1489
void GenerateOutput(std::ostream &os)
Writes gnuplot commands and data values to a single output stream.
Definition: gnuplot.cc:762
Parse command-line arguments.
Definition: command-line.h:213
void SetLegend(const std::string &xLegend, const std::string &yLegend)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:736
virtual int Connect(const Address &address)=0
Initiate a connection to a remote host.
Ptr< T > GetObject(void) const
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object.
Definition: object.h:459
Ptr< Socket > SetupPacketReceive(Ptr< Node > node)
Every class exported by the ns3 library is enclosed in the ns3 namespace.
keep track of a set of node pointers.
virtual Ptr< Packet > Recv(uint32_t maxSize, uint32_t flags)=0
Read data from the socket.
DSSS PHY (Clause 15) and HR/DSSS PHY (Clause 18)
Gnuplot2dDataset m_output
Definition: multirate.cc:123
manage and create wifi channel objects for the yans model.
create MAC layers for a ns3::WifiNetDevice.
void SetStyle(enum Style style)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:342
void SetExtra(const std::string &extra)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:743
virtual void SetType(std::string type, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n8="", const AttributeValue &v8=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n9="", const AttributeValue &v9=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n10="", const AttributeValue &v10=EmptyAttributeValue())
void Install(std::string nodeName) const
Aggregate implementations of the ns3::Ipv4, ns3::Ipv6, ns3::Udp, and ns3::Tcp classes onto the provid...
Definition: third.py:89
Helper class used to assign positions and mobility models to nodes.
Ipv4 addresses are stored in host order in this class.
Definition: ipv4-address.h:40
Ipv4InterfaceContainer Assign(const NetDeviceContainer &c)
Assign IP addresses to the net devices specified in the container based on the current network prefix...
#define NS_LOG_DEBUG(msg)
Use NS_LOG to output a message of level LOG_DEBUG.
Definition: log.h:270
Time Seconds(double value)
Construct a Time in the indicated unit.
Definition: nstime.h:1014
void SetDefault(std::string name, const AttributeValue &value)
Definition: config.cc:782
void Add(Vector v)
Add a position to the list of positions.
Ptr< Node > Get(uint32_t i) const
Get the Ptr<Node> stored in this container at a given index.
A helper class to make life easier while doing simple IPv4 address assignment in scripts.
void Create(uint32_t n)
Create n nodes and append pointers to them to the end of this NodeContainer.
void SetPropagationDelay(std::string name, std::string n0="", const AttributeValue &v0=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n1="", const AttributeValue &v1=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n2="", const AttributeValue &v2=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n3="", const AttributeValue &v3=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n4="", const AttributeValue &v4=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n5="", const AttributeValue &v5=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n6="", const AttributeValue &v6=EmptyAttributeValue(), std::string n7="", const AttributeValue &v7=EmptyAttributeValue())
Definition: first.py:32
virtual int Send(Ptr< Packet > p, uint32_t flags)=0
Send data (or dummy data) to the remote host.
virtual int Close(void)=0
Close a socket.
void SetTerminal(const std::string &terminal)
Definition: gnuplot.cc:724
This class can be used to hold variables of floating point type such as &#39;double&#39; or &#39;float&#39;...
Definition: double.h:41
void SetPosition(Ptr< Node > node, Vector position)
Definition: wifi-adhoc.cc:69
a unique identifier for an interface.
Definition: type-id.h:58
Ptr< Socket > SetupPacketReceive(Ptr< Node > node)
Definition: multirate.cc:177
void SetBase(Ipv4Address network, Ipv4Mask mask, Ipv4Address base="")
Set the base network number, network mask and base address.
void experiment(bool enableCtsRts, std::string wifiManager)
Run single 10 seconds experiment.