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phoenix_title wx.ItemContainerImmutable

wx.ItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected.

It is decomposed in wx.ItemContainerImmutable which omits all methods adding/removing items and is used by wx.RadioBox and wx.ItemContainer itself.

Note that this is not a control, it’s a mixin interface that classes have to derive from in addition to wx.Control or wx.Window.

Examples: wx.ListBox, wx.CheckListBox, wx.Choice and wx.ComboBox (which implements an extended interface deriving from this one)

class_hierarchy Class Hierarchy

Inheritance diagram for class ItemContainerImmutable:

method_summary Methods Summary

__init__ Constructor.
FindString Finds an item whose label matches the given string.
GetCount Returns the number of items in the control.
GetSelection Returns the index of the selected item or NOT_FOUND if no item is selected.
GetString Returns the label of the item with the given index.
GetStringSelection Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is selected.
GetStrings Returns the array of the labels of all items in the control.
IsEmpty Returns True if the control is empty or False if it has some items.
Select This is the same as SetSelection and exists only because it is slightly more natural for controls which support multiple selection.
SetSelection Sets the selection to the given item n or removes the selection entirely if n == NOT_FOUND .
SetString Sets the label for the given item.
SetStringSelection Selects the item with the specified string in the control.

api Class API

class wx.ItemContainerImmutable(object)

Possible constructors:


ItemContainer defines an interface which is implemented by all controls which have string subitems each of which may be selected.




FindString(self, string, caseSensitive=False)

Finds an item whose label matches the given string.

  • string (string) – String to find.
  • caseSensitive (bool) – Whether search is case sensitive (default is not).
Return type:



The zero-based position of the item, or wx.NOT_FOUND if the string was not found.


Returns the number of items in the control.

Return type:int

See also



Returns the index of the selected item or NOT_FOUND if no item is selected.

Return type:int
Returns:The position of the current selection.


This method can be used with single selection list boxes only, you should use wx.ListBox.GetSelections for the list boxes with wx.LB_MULTIPLE style.

GetString(self, n)

Returns the label of the item with the given index.

Parameters:n (int) – The zero-based index.
Return type:string
Returns:The label of the item or an empty string if the position was invalid.


Returns the label of the selected item or an empty string if no item is selected.

Return type:string

See also



Returns the array of the labels of all items in the control.

Return type:list of strings


Returns True if the control is empty or False if it has some items.

Return type:bool

See also


Select(self, n)

This is the same as SetSelection and exists only because it is slightly more natural for controls which support multiple selection.

Parameters:n (int) –

SetSelection(self, n)

Sets the selection to the given item n or removes the selection entirely if n == NOT_FOUND .

Note that this does not cause any command events to be emitted nor does it deselect any other items in the controls which support multiple selections.

Parameters:n (int) – The string position to select, starting from zero.

SetString(self, n, string)

Sets the label for the given item.

  • n (int) – The zero-based item index.
  • string (string) – The label to set.

SetStringSelection(self, string)

Selects the item with the specified string in the control.

This method doesn’t cause any command events to be emitted.

Notice that this method is case-insensitive, i.e. the string is compared with all the elements of the control case-insensitively and the first matching entry is selected, even if it doesn’t have exactly the same case as this string and there is an exact match afterwards.

Parameters:string (string) – The string to select.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if the specified string has been selected, False if it wasn’t found in the control.



See GetCount


See GetSelection and SetSelection


See GetStringSelection and SetStringSelection


See GetStrings