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Getting Started
Dynamic Inventory
Introduction To Ad-Hoc Commands
Configuration file
BSD Support
Windows Support
Quickstart Video
Intro to Playbooks
Playbook Roles and Include Statements
Jinja2 filters
Best Practices
Playbooks: Special Topics
Become (Privilege Escalation)
Accelerated Mode
Asynchronous Actions and Polling
Check Mode (“Dry Run”)
Playbook Debugger
Delegation, Rolling Updates, and Local Actions
Setting the Environment (and Working With Proxies)
Error Handling In Playbooks
Advanced Syntax
Using Lookups
Start and Step
Directives Glossary
About Modules
Core Modules
Extras Modules
Common Return Values
Module Index
All Modules
Cloud Modules
Clustering Modules
Commands Modules
Database Modules
Files Modules
Inventory Modules
Messaging Modules
Monitoring Modules
Network Modules
Notification Modules
Packaging Modules
Source Control Modules
System Modules
Utilities Modules
Web Infrastructure Modules
Windows Modules
Detailed Guides
Amazon Web Services Guide
Rackspace Cloud Guide
Google Cloud Platform Guide
CloudStack Cloud Guide
Using Vagrant and Ansible
Continuous Delivery and Rolling Upgrades
Developer Information
Python API
Developing Dynamic Inventory Sources
Developing Modules
Developing Plugins
Helping Testing PRs
Ansible Tower
Community Information & Contributing
Ansible Users
For Current and Prospective Developers
Other Topics
Ansible Galaxy
The Website
The ansible-galaxy command line tool
Testing Strategies
Integrating Testing With Ansible Playbooks
The Right Level of Testing
Check Mode As A Drift Test
Modules That Are Useful for Testing
Testing Lifecycle
Integrating Testing With Rolling Updates
Achieving Continuous Deployment
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I set the PATH or any other environment variable for a task or entire playbook?
How do I handle different machines needing different user accounts or ports to log in with?
How do I get ansible to reuse connections, enable Kerberized SSH, or have Ansible pay attention to my local SSH config file?
How do I configure a jump host to access servers that I have no direct access to?
How do I speed up management inside EC2?
How do I handle python pathing not having a Python 2.X in /usr/bin/python on a remote machine?
What is the best way to make content reusable/redistributable?
Where does the configuration file live and what can I configure in it?
How do I disable cowsay?
How do I see a list of all of the ansible_ variables?
How do I see all the inventory vars defined for my host?
How do I loop over a list of hosts in a group, inside of a template?
How do I access a variable name programmatically?
How do I access a variable of the first host in a group?
How do I copy files recursively onto a target host?
How do I access shell environment variables?
How do I generate crypted passwords for the user module?
Can I get training on Ansible or find commercial support?
Is there a web interface / REST API / etc?
How do I submit a change to the documentation?
How do I keep secret data in my playbook?
When should I use {{ }}? Also, howto interpolate variables or dyanmic variable names
I don’t see my question here
YAML Syntax
YAML Basics
Porting Guide
Other caveats
Porting plugins
Lookup plugins
Connection plugins
Action plugins
Callback plugins
Connection plugins
Hybrid plugins
Lookup plugins
Connection plugins
Action plugins
Callback plugins
Connection plugins
Porting custom scripts
Ansible Documentation
Module Index
All Modules
Cloud Modules
Clustering Modules
Commands Modules
Database Modules
Files Modules
Inventory Modules
Messaging Modules
Monitoring Modules
Network Modules
Notification Modules
Packaging Modules
Source Control Modules
System Modules
Utilities Modules
Web Infrastructure Modules
Windows Modules