Examples > Robot
The robot has a compass module, which it uses to find its direction. This sketch will make sure the robot goes towards a certain direction.
When you hold the robot in your hands and rotate, you will the screen change, indicating direction.
NB : magnets will interfere with the compass. If you're getting unexpected results, check to make sure there are none around.
- Upload the example, unplug USB and turn on power.
- Place the robot on the ground.
- After the starting screen, a graph will appear on-screen, representing the compass
- The robot will start moving in a direction (in this example, it will sart heading south). If you move it in a different direction, it will turn back to the way it wants to move.
- If you want to change the robot's heading, in the code, look for
int direc=180
at the beginning of the code. Change this value to another number, between 0 and 359. 0 represents north, 90 is east, 180 is south, and 270 is west. Where do you want to go?
Try it out
Check how the compass works
/* Robot Compass
The robot has an on-board compass module, with
which it can tell the direction the robot is
facing. This sketch will make sure the robot
goes towards a certain direction.
Beware, magnets will interfere with the compass
* Arduino Robot
created 1 May 2013
by X. Yang
modified 12 May 2013
by D. Cuartielles
This example is in the public domain
// include the robot library
#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
#include <Wire.h>
int speedLeft;
int speedRight;
int compassValue;
int direc = 180; //Direction the robot is heading
void setup() {
// initialize the modules
void loop() {
// read the compass orientation
compassValue = Robot.compassRead();
// how many degrees are we off
int diff = compassValue - direc;
// modify degress
if (diff > 180) {
diff = -360 + diff;
} else if (diff < -180) {
diff = 360 + diff;
// Make the robot turn to its proper orientation
diff = map(diff, -180, 180, -255, 255);
if (diff > 0) {
// keep the right wheel spinning,
// change the speed of the left wheel
speedLeft = 255 - diff;
speedRight = 255;
} else {
// keep the right left spinning,
// change the speed of the left wheel
speedLeft = 255;
speedRight = 255 + diff;
// write out to the motors
Robot.motorsWrite(speedLeft, speedRight);
// draw the orientation on the screen
See Also: