This page tracks ongoing documentation work in the MDN DOM section. Feel free to contribute!
Note: This list is not yet complete as proper tagging of API pages is still to be done.
Pages | Needs* tags | Missing tags | Editorial reviews | Technical reviews | Outdated pages | Missing pages | Dev-doc-needed bugs | Documentation requests |
581 | 99 (18%) | 0 (0%) | 5 (1%) | 88 (16%) | 122 (21%) | 117 (21%) | 221 (39%) | 24 (5%) |
See also localization status of this section.
Needs* tags
Found 99 pages. Learn more about how to deal with meta-tags.
- Attr
- CompositionEvent
- Console.assert()
- Console.count()
- Console.dir()
- Console.dirxml()
- Console.error()
- Console.groupCollapsed()
- Console.groupEnd()
- Console.log()
- Console.time()
- Console.timeStamp()
- Console.trace()
- Console.warn()
- DOMTokenList
- Document.createProcessingInstruction()
- Document.execCommand()
- Document.hasFocus()
- Element.getAttribute()
- Element.innerHTML
- Element.tagName
- Event.currentTarget
- KeyboardEvent.metaKey
- Node.cloneNode()
- Node.ownerDocument
- Node.parentElement
- Node.parentNode
- Node.prefix
- Window.cancelAnimationFrame()
- Window.minimize()
- Window.showModalDialog()
- Console
- CustomEvent
- DOMUserData
- Document.contentType
- Document.createNodeIterator()
- Document.createProcessingInstruction()
- Document.xmlEncoding
- Element.getAttribute()
- Entity
- EntityReference
- Force Touch events
- MouseEvent.x
- MouseEvent.y
- Navigator.cookieEnabled
- Window.alert()
- Window.confirm()
- Window.home()
- Window.print()
- Window.prompt()
- Window.screen
- WindowTimers.setTimeout()
- Using XMLHttpRequest
- CustomEvent
- DeviceMotionEvent.rotationRate
- Document.adoptNode()
- Document.documentURI
- Document.queryCommandState()
- Element.tabStop
- Comparison of Event Targets
- Event.originalTarget
- IdentityManager.get()
- IdentityManager.getVerifiedEmail()
- Window.find()
- NeedsSpecTable
- NeedsUpdate
- NeedsMarkupWork
- NeedsBrowserAgnosticism
- NeedsContent
- Document.queryCommandState()
- Element.outerHTML
- Event.cancelBubble
- Event.returnValue
- EventTarget.dispatchEvent()
- Force Touch events
- MouseEvent.x
- MouseEvent.y
- Navigator.registerProtocolHandler()
- Node.isSupported()
- UIEvent.cancelBubble
- Window.alert()
- Window.confirm()
- Window.getSelection()
- Window.print()
- Window.prompt()
- Window.requestAnimationFrame()
- NeedsBeginnerUpdate
- NeedsHelp
- NeedsRewrite
- NeedsNewLayout
- NeedsLiveExample
Editorial reviews
Found 5 pages. Learn more about how to do an editorial review.
Technical reviews
Found 88 pages. Learn more about how to do a technical review.
- ByteString
- Console.timeStamp()
- DOMPoint
- DOMPoint.DOMPoint()
- DOMPointReadOnly
- DOMPoint.w
- DOMPoint.x
- DOMPoint.y
- DOMPoint.z
- DOMRect
- DOMRectReadOnly.bottom
- DOMRectReadOnly.height
- DOMRectReadOnly.left
- DOMRectReadOnly.right
- DOMRectReadOnly.width
- DOMRectReadOnly.x
- DOMRectReadOnly.y
- DOMTokenList.prototype.supports()
- Document.caretRangeFromPoint()
- Document.createTouchList()
- Document.execCommand()
- Document.querySelectorAll()
- DragEvent.dataTransfer
- Element.getAttributeNS()
- Element.matches()
- Element.ongotpointercapture
- Element.onlostpointercapture
- Element.onwheel
- Element.releasePointerCapture()
- Element.setPointerCapture()
- Element.tabStop
- Comparison of Event Targets
- Event.cancelBubble
- Event.eventPhase
- Event.returnValue
- EventTarget.addEventListener()
- EventTarget.attachEvent()
- EventTarget.detachEvent()
- EventTarget.fireEvent()
- FileRequest
- FileRequest.onprogress
- Force Touch events
- GestureEvent
- HTMLElement.outerText
- IDBVersionChangeEvent
- LocalMediaStream
- MSGestureEvent
- MouseEvent.webkitForce
- MutationRecord
- Navigator.requestMediaKeySystemAccess()
- Node.cloneNode()
- Node.insertBefore()
- Node.outerText
- NodeIterator.nextNode()
- NodeIterator.previousNode()
- Notification.permission
- PerformanceResourceTiming
- PointerEvent.height
- PointerEvent.isPrimary
- PointerEvent.pointerId
- PointerEvent.pointerType
- PointerEvent.pressure
- PointerEvent.tiltX
- PointerEvent.tiltY
- PointerEvent.width
- Selection.isCollapsed
- registration
- Touch.radiusY
- TouchEvent()
- TouchEvent.altKey
- TouchEvent.ctrlKey
- TouchEvent.metaKey
- TouchEvent.shiftKey
- TouchList.identifiedTouch()
- sourceCapabilities
- USVString
- ValidityState.tooLong
- Window.event
- mozNetworkStats
- Window.postMessage()
- Window.restore()
- cancelIdleCallback
- requestIdleCallback
- XSLTProcessor
Outdated pages
Found 122 pages. These pages haven't been updated in over a year. Outdated pages can have problems with both content and format. Look at these pages and consider: Is this page talking about the Web of today? Does it look consistent with newer pages in this topic area? If not, make any needed changes.
- BlobEvent()
436 days old -
436 days old - ByteString
424 days old - CharacterData
436 days old - Comment
436 days old - Comment()
436 days old - DOMConfiguration
435 days old - DOMImplementation
435 days old - DOMImplementation.createDocument()
435 days old - DOMImplementation.createDocumentType()
435 days old - DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument()
435 days old - Binary strings
598 days old - How to create a DOM tree
450 days old - Locating DOM elements using selectors
785 days old - Using the W3C DOM Level 1 Core
1041 days old - Whitespace in the DOM
514 days old - DocumentFragment()
435 days old - DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll()
435 days old - Element.attributes
422 days old - Element.getAttributeNode()
435 days old - Element.getAttributeNodeNS()
435 days old - Element.hasAttributeNS()
435 days old - Element.onwheel
435 days old - Element.removeAttribute()
435 days old - Element.removeAttributeNS()
435 days old - Element.removeAttributeNode()
435 days old - Element.setAttributeNS()
435 days old - Element.setAttributeNode()
435 days old - Element.setAttributeNodeNS()
435 days old - Element.setCapture()
396 days old - Comparison of Event Targets
558 days old - Event.createEvent()
435 days old - Event.initEvent()
435 days old - EventListener
375 days old - File.fileName
435 days old - File.fileSize
435 days old - FileRequest.onprogress
435 days old - FocusEvent
435 days old - IdentityManager.get()
434 days old - IdentityManager.getVerifiedEmail()
434 days old - IdentityManager.logout()
434 days old - IdentityManager.request()
434 days old -
434 days old - InputEvent()
435 days old - KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey
435 days old - KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent()
435 days old - KeyboardEvent.isComposing
435 days old - KeyboardEvent.shiftKey
435 days old - LocalMediaStream
433 days old - MouseEvent.ctrlKey
435 days old - MouseEvent.shiftKey
435 days old - MouseWheelEvent
433 days old - NamedNodeMap.getNamedItem()
375 days old - Navigator.addIdleObserver()
434 days old - Navigator.buildID
434 days old -
434 days old - Navigator.productSub
434 days old - Node.baseURIObject
434 days old - Node.firstChild
434 days old - Node.hasChildNodes()
434 days old - Node.isDefaultNamespace()
434 days old - Node.lastChild
434 days old - Node.lookupNamespaceURI()
434 days old - Node.lookupPrefix()
434 days old - Node.nextSibling
434 days old - Node.nodeName
434 days old - Node.nodePrincipal
434 days old - Node.nodeValue
434 days old - Node.normalize()
434 days old - Node.parentNode
413 days old - Node.previousSibling
434 days old - NodeFilter.acceptNode()
434 days old - NodeIterator.detach()
434 days old - NodeIterator.expandEntityReferences
434 days old - NodeIterator.filter
434 days old - NodeIterator.nextNode()
434 days old - NodeIterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode
434 days old - NodeIterator.previousNode()
434 days old - NodeIterator.referenceNode
434 days old - NodeIterator.root
434 days old - NodeList.length
434 days old - NonDocumentTypeChildNode
434 days old - Plugin
434 days old - PluginArray
434 days old - ProcessingInstruction
434 days old - Screen.mozEnabled
434 days old - Selection.isCollapsed
431 days old - StyleSheet
434 days old - Text
434 days old - Text()
434 days old - Text.isElementContentWhitespace
434 days old - Text.wholeText
434 days old - TreeWalker.currentNode
434 days old - TreeWalker.expandEntityReferences
434 days old - TreeWalker.firstChild()
434 days old - TreeWalker.lastChild()
434 days old - TreeWalker.nextNode()
434 days old - TreeWalker.nextSibling()
434 days old - TreeWalker.parentNode()
434 days old - TreeWalker.previousNode()
434 days old - TreeWalker.previousSibling()
434 days old - TreeWalker.root
434 days old - UIEvent.initUIEvent()
434 days old - UIEvent.isChar
434 days old - UIEvent.view
434 days old - USVString
422 days old - UserDataHandler
434 days old - WheelEvent.deltaX
436 days old - WheelEvent.deltaY
436 days old - WheelEvent.deltaZ
436 days old - Window.clearImmediate()
434 days old - Window.forward()
434 days old - Window.frameElement
393 days old - Window.getAttention()
434 days old - Window.home()
434 days old - Window.minimize()
434 days old - mozNetworkStats
421 days old - Window.restore()
434 days old - Window.scrollByPages()
434 days old - Window.setImmediate()
469 days old - Window.updateCommands()
434 days old - XMLDocument.load()
434 days old
Missing pages
Found 117 pages. These pages are not yet written. Please help to create them.
- Attr.localName
- Attr.namespaceURI
- Attr.ownerElement
- Attr.prefix
- Attr.specified
- Attr.value
- CharacterData.appendData
- CharacterData.deleteData
- CharacterData.insertData
- CharacterData.length
- CharacterData.replaceData
- CharacterData.substringData
- CustomEvent.detail
- DOMError.DOMError
- DOMError.message
- DOMException.code
- DOMParser.DOMParser
- DOMParser.init
- DOMParser.parseFromBuffer
- DOMParser.parseFromStream
- DOMParser.parseFromString
- DOMPoint.w
- DOMPoint.x
- DOMPoint.y
- DOMPoint.z
- DOMRect.height
- DOMRect.width
- DOMRect.x
- DOMRect.y
- DOMTokenList.add
- DOMTokenList.contains
- DOMTokenList.item
- DOMTokenList.length
- DOMTokenList.remove
- DOMTokenList.toString
- DOMTokenList.toggle
- Document
- Document.Document
- Document.contentLanguage
- Document.createAttributeNS
- Document.docShell
- Document.documentLoadGroup
- Document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute
- Document.getAnonymousNodes
- Document.getBindingParent
- Document.getElementsByTagName
- Document.hidden
- Document.insertAnonymousContent
- Document.isSrcdocDocument
- Document.loadBindingDocument
- Document.mozExitPointerLock
- Document.mozHidden
- Document.mozPointerLockElement
- Document.mozVisibilityState
- Document.obsoleteSheet
- Document.oncopy
- Document.oncut
- Document.onpaste
- Document.onreadystatechange
- Document.onwheel
- Document.referrerPolicy
- Document.removeAnonymousContent
- Document.styleSheetChangeEventsEnabled
- Document.undoManager
- Document.visibilityState
- DocumentFragment.getElementById
- DocumentType.internalSubset
- DocumentType.publicId
- DocumentType.systemId
- Element.fontSizeInflation
- Element.getDestinationInsertionPoints
- Element.mozMatchesSelector
- Element.mozRequestFullScreen
- Element.mozRequestPointerLock
- Element.mozScrollSnap
- Element.releaseCapture
- Element.releasePointerCapture
- Element.scroll
- Element.scrollBy
- Element.scrollByNoFlush
- Element.scrollTo
- Element.setPointerCapture
- Element.undoManager
- Element.undoScope
- Event.composedTarget
- Event.getPreventDefault
- Event.isSynthesized
- Event.multipleActionsPrevented
- EventTarget.getEventHandler
- EventTarget.ownerGlobal
- EventTarget.setEventHandler
- HTMLCollection.length
- HTMLCollection.namedItem
- MutationObserver.MutationObserver
- MutationObserver.disconnect
- MutationObserver.getObservingInfo
- MutationObserver.mergeAttributeRecords
- MutationObserver.mutationCallback
- MutationObserver.observe
- MutationObserver.takeRecords
- Node.getBoundMutationObservers
- Node.namespaceURI
- Selection.GetRangesForInterval
- Selection.addSelectionListener
- Selection.caretBidiLevel
- Selection.interlinePosition
- Selection.removeSelectionListener
- Selection.scrollIntoView
- Selection.toStringWithFormat
- Selection.type
- TextDecoder.fatal
- XMLDocument.async
Dev-doc-needed bugs
Found 221 bugs. Learn more about how to resolve a dev-doc-needed bug.
Bug | Summary | Release |
1205219 | [Presentation WebAPI] Support terminate semantics | FxOS-S9 (16Oct) |
1192101 | [Presentation WebAPI] support PresentationRequest / PresentationAvailability / getSession(s) | FxOS-S8 (02Oct) |
1069230 | [Stingray] Presentation API webidl implementation | FxOS-S5 (21Aug) |
1080474 | [Presentation WebAPI] Device discovery mechanism | 2.2 S4 (23jan) |
1013913 | Add meta name="theme-color" to have configurable status bar color | 2.1 S3 (29aug) |
899574 | Notification API follow-up: provide a way to get current Notification objects | 1.3 Sprint 3 - 10/25 |
1268361 | Strip leading '?' in `new URLSearchParams(query)` | mozilla49 |
1224186 | Implement DOMTokenList's new replace() method | mozilla49 |
1178337 | Valid referrer attribute values | mozilla49 |
1267932 | Update EventSource.webidl | mozilla49 |
809865 | Disable inputmode for Firefox 17 and Firefox 18 | --- |
962747 | Hide Window.openDialog from content | --- |
433616 | [FIX]Need facility for managing documents referenced via local URI references | --- |
609555 | beforescriptexecute/afterscriptexecute should use moz prefix or should be defined in some specification | --- |
916089 | Meta-bug for DataStore | --- |
1080177 | Add "h" support to img srcset | --- |
605271 | Don't let scripts QI elements to non-classinfo interfaces | --- |
1256178 | Drop the moz prefix from the MozCSSKeyframeRule and MozCSSKeyframesRule interfaces | mozilla48 |
1259169 | nsICookieManager::remove() should be back-compatible for 1 or 2 releases. | mozilla48 |
1104955 | Implement IDL [Unscopable] | mozilla48 |
1261405 | PushPermissionDescriptor in Permissions.webidl is wrong ('userVisible' should be 'userVisibleOnly') | mozilla48 |
1265941 | Rename ReferrerPolicy "origin-only" attribute to "origin" | mozilla48 |
1055776 | Investigate moving namespaceURI, prefix, and localName to Element and Attr | mozilla48 |
1173320 | Allow FileList objects to contain Directory objects | mozilla48 |
811259 | implement Element.insertAdjacentText and Element.insertAdjacentElement | mozilla48 |
1257877 | Remove support for UTF-16 from TextEncoder | mozilla48 |
1260511 | navigator.registerProtocolHandler throws a number as an exception, rather than an Error object | mozilla48 |
1262739 | Remove support for splash_screens member in Manifest Processor | mozilla48 |
1216751 | provide forEach() method on iterable<> webidl interfaces | mozilla47 |
993311 | Convert Network Stats API to WebIDL | mozilla47 |
1251627 | Fix the exceptions XMLHttpRequest (XHR) send() throws to follow the spec more | mozilla47 |
743198 | Unprefix the DOM fullscreen API | mozilla47 |
1227906 | HTML `pattern` attribute should set `u` flag for regular expressions | mozilla46 |
1162658 | Update FormData to match latest spec | mozilla46 |
1227206 | Location.assign and Location.replace should use USVStrings instead DOMStrings | mozilla45 |
1213815 | searchParams is just on URL | mozilla45 |
1227458 | Alias setAttributeNode to setAttributeNodeNS and setNamedItem to setNamedItemNS | mozilla45 |
1214148 | AudioChannel API design doesn't fit into nested mozbrowser iframe case. | mozilla45 |
1167465 | Exposing Allowed Audio Channels in System App's Window | mozilla44 |
1196654 | [Browser API] Implement a proxy API allowing content to control it's embedding frame | mozilla44 |
949376 | event.initMessageEvent is not a function | mozilla44 |
1216193 | Implement webkitMatchesSelector | mozilla44 |
1145744 | Disallow Cache API in 3rd party windows when 3rd party cookies are disabled | mozilla43 |
1191178 | Add PerformanceRenderTiming and PerformanceCompositeTiming webidl | mozilla43 |
1165796 | Implement Performance Observer | mozilla43 |
1131470 | w3c screen orientation api has changed | mozilla43 |
1177688 | Implement Directory.getContents() and Directory.path | mozilla42 |
1148044 | Split nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT into TYPE_FRAME and TYPE_IFRAME so that Request.context can reflect the correct value | mozilla42 |
1177991 | document.adoptNode on a ShadowRoot should throw a HierarchyRequestError exception | mozilla42 |
1148593 | addEventListener should use JS::AutoSetAsyncStackForNewCalls | mozilla42 |
1164310 | Implement MS's proposal for a reduced subset of the new FileSystem API | mozilla42 |
1127380 | Implement AnimationPlayer.playbackRate | mozilla42 |
1176757 | shadowRoot.cloneNode() returns a DocumentFragment, should throw DataCloneError | mozilla42 |
1148030 | Split nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OBJECT into TYPE_EMBED and TYPE_OBJECT so that Request.context can reflect the correct value | mozilla42 |
1177914 | document.importNode on a ShadowRoot should throw a NotSupportedError exception | mozilla42 |
1107443 | Make WindowProxy throw if you attempt to define a non-configurable property | mozilla42 |
1113086 | Implement AudioChannel API into BrowserElement | mozilla42 |
1123516 | implement support for maplike/setlike in Web IDL bindings | mozilla42 |
1165263 | Use origin for nsIPermissionManager | mozilla42 |
1174731 | Make searchParams attribute readonly | mozilla41 |
1143879 | Implement lang member of Web manifest | mozilla41 |
1153734 | Rename Animation to KeyframeEffect (and merge in AnimationEffect) | mozilla40 |
1160892 | Url.createObjectURL(blob) creates invalid URL on unicode non-ascii domain | mozilla40 |
1148496 | Allow to set an interface member as [Deprecated] in WebIDL | mozilla40 |
1152171 | Rename AnimationTimeline to DocumentTimeline | mozilla40 |
1154615 | Rename AnimationPlayer to Animation | mozilla40 |
853162 | Remove XMLHttpRequest sendAsBinary | mozilla39 |
1073379 | Make AnimationPlayer.startTime writeable | mozilla39 |
1130663 | requestsync-manager API to allow for an immediate sync | mozilla38 |
1134559 | DOMContentLoaded should not be cancelable | mozilla38 |
1017875 | Pref on the picture element by default | mozilla38 |
782751 | Implement the User Timing spec | mozilla38 |
1111633 | Implement Unresolved Element Pseudoclass for Custom Elements | mozilla38 |
1115130 | Output logging metadata from User Timing marks and measures | mozilla38 |
1073231 | Implement valid Request and Response clone() method | mozilla38 |
1018320 | Implement RequestSync API for FirefoxOS | mozilla38 |
1096328 | Remove nativeOwnership from Bindings.conf | mozilla38 |
1065366 | Implement ServiceWorkerGlobalScope update() | mozilla37 |
704320 | Implement <meta name="referrer"> | mozilla36 |
1070745 | Implement play and pause on AnimationPlayer | mozilla36 |
1036606 | Add options dict and vrDevice to mozRequestFullScreen | mozilla36 |
1067701 | Implement | mozilla35 |
1047483 | Porting DOMFile/DOMBlob to WebIDL | mozilla35 |
1035060 | Implement AbortablePromise | mozilla35 |
969490 | Implement to match for non-window chrome code | mozilla35 |
1048293 | File::mozFullPath attribute should not be exposed to content. | mozilla35 |
916607 | Convert MozSmsSegmentInfo to WebIDL dictionary | mozilla34 |
887541 | Implement web components event retargeting. | mozilla34 |
1045993 | Implement AnimationEffect and | mozilla34 |
1058470 | Update blob URL and origin related code | mozilla34 |
966471 | DOM Promise state, value and reason should be inspectable in the debugger (like Promise.jsm) | mozilla33 |
857648 | stack property on DOMException errors is missing/undefined | mozilla33 |
1000199 | Enable Web Components by default for certified apps | mozilla33 |
966452 | DOM Promises should report all unhandled rejections to the Console on GC (like Promise.jsm) | mozilla33 |
870022 | Implement `picture` element | mozilla33 |
997285 | Put Error.prototype on the proto chain of DOMExceptions | mozilla32 |
1003539 | HTMLTableElement.insertRow doesn't insert the row at the right place when table has a thead or tfoot, no tbody, and no rows | mozilla32 |
1020440 | Create DOM interfaces and stub for the requestAutocomplete method and events | mozilla32 |
891952 | Update empty string handling in named getters to spec changes | mozilla32 |
936813 | Implement "onresourcetimingbufferfull" callback for Resource Timing. | mozilla32 |
983502 | Implement and expose the feature detection API to privileged apps | mozilla32 |
870021 | Implement `srcset` attribute on `img` | mozilla32 |
986837 | Port most of the network stats API to WebIDL | mozilla32 |
874212 | Move document.all to WebIDL | mozilla32 |
528456 | Implement scoped selectors for querySelector(All) | mozilla32 |
968272 | use less conservative temporary storage policy in QuotaManager | mozilla32 |
990220 | Enable navigator.sendBeacon by default on desktop and Android | mozilla31 |
355430 | Stack information of uncaught Error object should be available in window.onerror | mozilla31 |
822480 | Add in the Resource Timing API | mozilla31 |
897359 | Remove unimplemented method in nsCrypto | mozilla31 |
866528 | Make nsIDOMActivityOptions a Dictionary | mozilla31 |
986542 | .onClick event handler function not firing if defined in a document that was in a now-removed iframe | mozilla31 |
845690 | Support meta viewport in Firefox OS apps | mozilla30 |
966348 | Rename Promise.cast to Promise.resolve | mozilla30 |
923247 | Nice feature to have is mute and volume per window | mozilla30 |
969030 | Remove the caller from document.all | mozilla30 |
981036 | Disallow calling WebIDL constructors as functions for system callers in non-release builds | mozilla30 |
960945 | MozConnection should be NoInterfaceObject | mozilla30 |
964192 | Remove the required argument to captureEvents/releaseEvents | mozilla30 |
856140 | Update document.register to adhere to the latest Custom Element spec | mozilla30 |
936340 | Implement navigator.sendBeacon | mozilla30 |
981652 | Dispatch "select" events from HTMLInputElement/HTMLTextAreaElement.setSelectionRange() and selection setters | mozilla30 |
959988 | Remove URLSearchParams.prototype.size | mozilla29 |
879245 | Implement thenables for promises | mozilla29 |
887928 | document.referrer should be based on the incumbent script for location-based navigation | mozilla29 |
827161 | Implement ValidityState.badInput | mozilla29 |
959684 | Implement URLSearchParams stringifier | mozilla29 |
887538 | Implement web components shadow element. | mozilla29 |
887836 | Implement URLSearchParams | mozilla29 |
675579 | The user setting input or textarea direction does not set the element's dir and does not fire the input event | mozilla29 |
939332 | Add Promise.all, Promise.cast, Promise.race | mozilla29 |
949488 | postMessage's targetOrigin argument should accept / | mozilla29 |
806506 | Implement web components ShadowRoot interface. | mozilla28 |
933193 | add getElementById on DocumentFragment | mozilla28 |
909254 | Stop using jsapi for HTMLCollection.namedItem | mozilla28 |
854736 | Implement web components content element. | mozilla28 |
840488 | Add a much faster way to do the "is script enabled for this global?" check | mozilla28 |
850364 | Implement setRangeText(DOMString) in HTMLInputElement | mozilla27 |
920015 | Expose DOM URL to js modules | mozilla27 |
918940 | Implement setRangeText(DOMString) for HTMLTextAreaElement | mozilla27 |
920877 | make media fragment: -moz-resolution work for blob files | mozilla27 |
856977 | Alert is still possible in onbeforeunload | mozilla27 |
926890 | Throw JavaScript exceptions for URL | mozilla27 |
910220 | HTMLDocument throws on assignment to named properties even in non-strict mode | mozilla26 |
915450 | [Web Notifications] cannot inspect notification properties (ie. title, tag, body, etc) | mozilla26 |
677638 | (MessageChannel) Implement HTML5's channel messaging API | mozilla26 |
897913 | Turn on Promise for b2g | mozilla26 |
848294 | Update MessageEvent to be compatible with the spec | mozilla26 |
911213 | Implement new promise constructor | mozilla26 |
760851 | Add toJSON accessors on Performance and related interfaces | mozilla25 |
894448 | Remove nativeOwnership = 'nsisupports' | mozilla25 |
888576 | Follow the spec for document.body | mozilla25 |
892609 | Implement [ArrayClass] support | mozilla25 |
870856 | Convert DOMError to WebIDL | mozilla24 |
856410 | Implement promises | mozilla24 |
870787 | Improve named getter for form | mozilla24 |
855971 | Switch HTMLDocument to WebIDL bindings | mozilla23 |
525444 | Expose text to speech (TTS) capability to content | mozilla23 |
866272 | expose privileged access to mcc+mnc pair for last home network and roaming network | mozilla23 |
690938 | Support Bluetooth controllers for gamepad API | mozilla23 |
861495 | Transplant getOuterWindowWithId from nsIDOMWindowUtils to a window-related service | mozilla23 |
818976 | Implement web components template. | mozilla22 |
845010 | Provide an API to retrieve the current document's scrollbar size (not only width) | mozilla22 |
767944 | Implement a manager for centralized quota and storage handling | mozilla22 |
852846 | Implement PutForwards for .style | mozilla22 |
783129 | Implement the document.register interface method | mozilla22 |
830858 | Implement a generic way to dispatch events to chrome only | mozilla21 |
826166 | Remove an ability to set higher JS versions via language attribute | mozilla21 |
827546 | |non editable element|.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMNSEditableElement) does not throw anymore | mozilla21 |
617532 | implement the HTML5 "undo history" feature (UndoManager interface) | mozilla20 |
821606 | Turn on WebIDL bindings for Element and HTMLElement | mozilla20 |
824970 | convert nsIDOMRect to webidl | mozilla20 |
821593 | convert RGBColor to webidl | mozilla20 |
656311 | Remove XML Events, or improve the implementation | mozilla19 |
749448 | Remove XTF | mozilla19 |
801402 | Use EncodingUtils::FindEncodingForLabel instead of nsCharsetAlias::GetPreferred from HTML5 parser and DOM APIs | mozilla19 |
809290 | document.referrer should be based on the script entry point | mozilla19 |
795930 | ArchiveReader should live behind a pref | mozilla19 |
776416 | Remove exceptions to 5MB quota rule in localStorage | mozilla18 |
783531 | Implement a "select word at point" text selection routine in nsIDOMWindowUtils | mozilla18 |
787378 | Dispatch a "firstpaint" event for mozbrowsers | mozilla18 |
564815 | implement window.devicePixelRatio | mozilla18 |
744907 | Remove BlobBuilder | mozilla18 |
784402 | Pointer Lock must respect iframe sandbox flag | mozilla18 |
769254 | Clicking a target=_blank link inside <iframe mozbrowser> crashes Gecko, should pass opened URL to mozbrowseropenwindow event | mozilla17 |
772434 | Blob support for Zip file contents | mozilla17 |
672814 | Increase the set of script @type values that nsScriptLoader treats as JavaScript | mozilla17 |
774705 | Throw a TypeError when trying to construct an interface without a constructor | mozilla17 |
600111 | XMLHttpRequest.setRequestHeader() throws NS_ERROR_FAILURE inappropriately | mozilla17 |
391834 | Don't allow alert/confirm/prompt in onbeforeunload, onunload and onpagehide | mozilla17 |
776376 | Old FCKeditor versions (e.g. 2.6.6) stopped working due to navigator.productSub sniffing | mozilla17 |
779626 | Javascript-global-constructor objects should be passed a window reference | mozilla17 |
743888 | Replace SVGException and XPathException with DOMException | mozilla16 |
769771 | add ability to opt-in to content docshell for html:iframes inserted into chrome documents | mozilla16 |
773734 | Have a separate preference to only enable the gc/cc notifications | mozilla16 |
591467 | Implement HTML Microdata API | mozilla16 |
695480 | Remove support for Chrome -> Content leaks | mozilla15 |
752402 | Blob constructor should take ArrayBufferView as a member of blobParts parameter in addition to ArrayBuffer | mozilla15 |
756066 | StorageEventInit.key should be nullable | mozilla15 |
625664 | accelerometer support using Windows 7 Sensor API | mozilla15 |
663057 | support RFC2231/5987 encoding for title parameter in HTTP link header fields | mozilla15 |
510849 | web storage (localStorage/sessionStorage) empty string as key not supported | mozilla15 |
749920 | Unprefix MozMutationObserver and add a warning about use of mutation events | mozilla15 |
754553 | Remove indexed property access from localStorage/sessionStorage | mozilla15 |
702880 | Allow pages to explicitly change visibilityState of child iframes | mozilla15 |
641821 | Implement mutation events replacement (sync approach) (using moz prefix) | mozilla14 |
738647 | DOMStorageImpl::GetKey shouldn't throw | mozilla14 |
740771 | Stringify null for Storage.getItem/setItem/removeItem | mozilla14 |
532062 | localStorage/sessionStorage should return undefined (not null) for undefined keys | mozilla14 |
697132 | Create API for content to keep the screensaver from turning on (or to prevent phone/tablet's screen from turning off) | mozilla14 |
733035 | need a way to postMessage from sandboxes (without source window object) | mozilla14 |
740069 | Land Paris Bindings and use them for XMLHttpRequest | mozilla14 |
708176 | [WebAPI] Allow privileged pages to access cross-origin properties in child iframes | mozilla12 |
704175 | requestAnimationFrame callback function name should be "sample", not "onBeforePaint" | mozilla11 |
707576 | Remove nsIDOMNSElement | mozilla11 |
648801 | Prototype a proxy-based NodeList implementation | mozilla10 |
684821 | Remove nsIDOMNSHTMLElement | mozilla10 |
695935 | Make document.mozRequestFullScreen() asynchronous | mozilla10 |
687087 | Support "chunked" data for XMLHttpRequest | mozilla9 |
567357 | Fire a DOMWindowCreated DOM event to match the observer notification in bug 549539 | mozilla2.0b6 |
323810 | [FIXr]Move forcing into tabs and current windows out of Gecko | mozilla1.9alpha1 |
Browse as bug list.
Documentation requests
Found 24 bugs. Documentation request bugs can contain various kinds work related to MDN pages. Read through the bug and ask questions in the bug if in doubt.
Bug | Summary |
729109 | Make sure synchronous XHR examples don't appear on MDN |
805571 | Mozilla event reference needs XMLHttpRequest timeout event |
827863 | Fix touch events example code regarding pageX/pageY offset postion |
891086 | documentElement.scrollHeight/clientHeight documentation incorrect |
952746 | Document key codes |
973223 | Add browser compatibility info for Element.prototype.setCapture |
1074424 | Document registerElement |
1094394 | Missing Web Crypto Api documentation and examples |
1146459 | Document the Encrypted Media Extensions (EME) API on MDN |
1150158 | Document subpages of DOMTokenList |
1168839 | Document members of HTMLImageElement |
1209624 | Sidebar missing change event |
1230772 | Document XPathResult.iterateNext() |
1249293 | Updating and/or clarifying support for location |
1250893 | page not found |
1253636 | Broken URL |
1256023 | Geo Location issue |
1258743 | Please provide example implementation of EventTarget |
1259708 | Element.getBoundingClientRect: CSS transforms consideration legit ? |
1261274 | Search for exact page title does not show that page in the results |
1262999 | Verify and sign use object reference as first argument |
1265467 | DOMImplementation.createHTMLDocument requires a 'title' param in IE |
1266395 | window.frameElement return null not only in top context |
1267942 | Note that DataTransfer.clearData can't be called from drop handler |
Browse as bug list.
Please help us to localize this documentation into different languages. Read more about how to translate.
Language | Pages | Translated | Translations up to date |
fr | 685 | 169 (24%) | 26 (15%) |
ko | 744 | 41 (5%) | 8 (19%) |
Tagging standard
- Grouping tag is: "DOM"
Other tasks to do
Tutorial to-do list
Notes for translators
Any notes here? Where do we expect updates, so that localizers don't translate and update too often?
The interfaces defined in the following specifications are tracked by this status page: