Source code for mlflow.tracking.client

Internal package providing a Python CRUD interface to MLflow experiments, runs, registered models,
and model versions. This is a lower level API than the :py:mod:`mlflow.tracking.fluent` module,
and is exposed in the :py:mod:`mlflow.tracking` module.
import logging

from mlflow.entities import ViewType
from mlflow.entities.model_registry.model_version_stages import ALL_STAGES
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.protos.databricks_pb2 import FEATURE_DISABLED
from mlflow.tracking._model_registry.client import ModelRegistryClient
from mlflow.tracking.registry import UnsupportedModelRegistryStoreURIException
from mlflow.tracking._tracking_service import utils
from mlflow.tracking._tracking_service.client import TrackingServiceClient
from mlflow.utils import experimental, deprecated

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class MlflowClient(object): """ Client of an MLflow Tracking Server that creates and manages experiments and runs, and of an MLflow Registry Server that creates and manages registered models and model versions. It's a thin wrapper around TrackingServiceClient and RegistryClient so there is a unified API but we can keep the implementation of the tracking and registry clients independent from each other. """ def __init__(self, tracking_uri=None, registry_uri=None): """ :param tracking_uri: Address of local or remote tracking server. If not provided, defaults to the service set by ``mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri``. See `Where Runs Get Recorded <../tracking.html#where-runs-get-recorded>`_ for more info. :param registry_uri: Address of local or remote model registry server. If not provided, defaults to the service set by ``mlflow.tracking.set_tracking_uri``. """ final_tracking_uri = tracking_uri or utils.get_tracking_uri() self._registry_uri = registry_uri or final_tracking_uri self._tracking_client = TrackingServiceClient(final_tracking_uri) # `MlflowClient` also references a `ModelRegistryClient` instance that is provided by the # `MlflowClient._get_registry_client()` method. This `ModelRegistryClient` is not explicitly # defined as an instance variable in the `MlflowClient` constructor; an instance variable # is assigned lazily by `MlflowClient._get_registry_client()` and should not be referenced # outside of the `MlflowClient._get_registry_client()` method def _get_registry_client(self): """ Attempts to create a py:class:`ModelRegistryClient` if one does not already exist. :raises: py:class:`mlflow.exceptions.MlflowException` if the py:class:`ModelRegistryClient` cannot be created. This may occur, for example, when the registry URI refers to an unsupported store type (e.g., the FileStore). :return: A py:class:`ModelRegistryClient` instance """ # Attempt to fetch a `ModelRegistryClient` that is lazily instantiated and defined as # an instance variable on this `MlflowClient` instance. Because the instance variable # is undefined until the first invocation of _get_registry_client(), the `getattr()` # function is used to safely fetch the variable (if it is defined) or a NoneType # (if it is not defined) registry_client_attr = "_registry_client_lazy" registry_client = getattr(self, registry_client_attr, None) if registry_client is None: try: registry_client = ModelRegistryClient(self._registry_uri) # Define an instance variable on this `MlflowClient` instance to reference the # `ModelRegistryClient` that was just constructed. `setattr()` is used to ensure # that the variable name is consistent with the variable name specified in the # preceding call to `getattr()` setattr(self, registry_client_attr, registry_client) except UnsupportedModelRegistryStoreURIException as exc: raise MlflowException( "Model Registry features are not supported by the store with URI:" " '{uri}'. Stores with the following URI schemes are supported:" " {schemes}.".format(uri=self._registry_uri, schemes=exc.supported_uri_schemes), FEATURE_DISABLED) return registry_client # Tracking API
[docs] def get_run(self, run_id): """ Fetch the run from backend store. The resulting :py:class:`Run <mlflow.entities.Run>` contains a collection of run metadata -- :py:class:`RunInfo <mlflow.entities.RunInfo>`, as well as a collection of run parameters, tags, and metrics -- :py:class:`RunData <mlflow.entities.RunData>`. In the case where multiple metrics with the same key are logged for the run, the :py:class:`RunData <mlflow.entities.RunData>` contains the most recently logged value at the largest step for each metric. :param run_id: Unique identifier for the run. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Run` object, if the run exists. Otherwise, raises an exception. """ return self._tracking_client.get_run(run_id)
[docs] def get_metric_history(self, run_id, key): """ Return a list of metric objects corresponding to all values logged for a given metric. :param run_id: Unique identifier for run :param key: Metric name within the run :return: A list of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Metric` entities if logged, else empty list """ return self._tracking_client.get_metric_history(run_id, key)
[docs] def create_run(self, experiment_id, start_time=None, tags=None): """ Create a :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Run` object that can be associated with metrics, parameters, artifacts, etc. Unlike :py:func:``, creates objects but does not run code. Unlike :py:func:`mlflow.start_run`, does not change the "active run" used by :py:func:`mlflow.log_param`. :param experiment_id: The ID of then experiment to create a run in. :param start_time: If not provided, use the current timestamp. :param tags: A dictionary of key-value pairs that are converted into :py:class:`mlflow.entities.RunTag` objects. :return: :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Run` that was created. """ return self._tracking_client.create_run(experiment_id, start_time, tags)
[docs] def list_run_infos(self, experiment_id, run_view_type=ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY): """:return: List of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.RunInfo`""" return self._tracking_client.list_run_infos(experiment_id, run_view_type)
[docs] def list_experiments(self, view_type=None): """ :return: List of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Experiment` """ return self._tracking_client.list_experiments(view_type)
[docs] def get_experiment(self, experiment_id): """ Retrieve an experiment by experiment_id from the backend store :param experiment_id: The experiment ID returned from ``create_experiment``. :return: :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Experiment` """ return self._tracking_client.get_experiment(experiment_id)
[docs] def get_experiment_by_name(self, name): """ Retrieve an experiment by experiment name from the backend store :param name: The experiment name. :return: :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Experiment` """ return self._tracking_client.get_experiment_by_name(name)
[docs] def create_experiment(self, name, artifact_location=None): """Create an experiment. :param name: The experiment name. Must be unique. :param artifact_location: The location to store run artifacts. If not provided, the server picks an appropriate default. :return: Integer ID of the created experiment. """ return self._tracking_client.create_experiment(name, artifact_location)
[docs] def delete_experiment(self, experiment_id): """ Delete an experiment from the backend store. :param experiment_id: The experiment ID returned from ``create_experiment``. """ self._tracking_client.delete_experiment(experiment_id)
[docs] def restore_experiment(self, experiment_id): """ Restore a deleted experiment unless permanently deleted. :param experiment_id: The experiment ID returned from ``create_experiment``. """ self._tracking_client.restore_experiment(experiment_id)
[docs] def rename_experiment(self, experiment_id, new_name): """ Update an experiment's name. The new name must be unique. :param experiment_id: The experiment ID returned from ``create_experiment``. """ self._tracking_client.rename_experiment(experiment_id, new_name)
[docs] def log_metric(self, run_id, key, value, timestamp=None, step=None): """ Log a metric against the run ID. :param run_id: The run id to which the metric should be logged. :param key: Metric name. :param value: Metric value (float). Note that some special values such as +/- Infinity may be replaced by other values depending on the store. For example, the SQLAlchemy store replaces +/- Inf with max / min float values. :param timestamp: Time when this metric was calculated. Defaults to the current system time. :param step: Integer training step (iteration) at which was the metric calculated. Defaults to 0. """ self._tracking_client.log_metric(run_id, key, value, timestamp, step)
[docs] def log_param(self, run_id, key, value): """ Log a parameter against the run ID. Value is converted to a string. """ self._tracking_client.log_param(run_id, key, value)
[docs] def set_experiment_tag(self, experiment_id, key, value): """ Set a tag on the experiment with the specified ID. Value is converted to a string. :param experiment_id: String ID of the experiment. :param key: Name of the tag. :param value: Tag value (converted to a string). """ self._tracking_client.set_experiment_tag(experiment_id, key, value)
[docs] def set_tag(self, run_id, key, value): """ Set a tag on the run with the specified ID. Value is converted to a string. :param run_id: String ID of the run. :param key: Name of the tag. :param value: Tag value (converted to a string) """ self._tracking_client.set_tag(run_id, key, value)
[docs] def delete_tag(self, run_id, key): """ Delete a tag from a run. This is irreversible. :param run_id: String ID of the run :param key: Name of the tag """ self._tracking_client.delete_tag(run_id, key)
[docs] def log_batch(self, run_id, metrics=(), params=(), tags=()): """ Log multiple metrics, params, and/or tags. :param run_id: String ID of the run :param metrics: If provided, List of Metric(key, value, timestamp) instances. :param params: If provided, List of Param(key, value) instances. :param tags: If provided, List of RunTag(key, value) instances. Raises an MlflowException if any errors occur. :return: None """ self._tracking_client.log_batch(run_id, metrics, params, tags)
[docs] def log_artifact(self, run_id, local_path, artifact_path=None): """ Write a local file or directory to the remote ``artifact_uri``. :param local_path: Path to the file or directory to write. :param artifact_path: If provided, the directory in ``artifact_uri`` to write to. """ self._tracking_client.log_artifact(run_id, local_path, artifact_path)
[docs] def log_artifacts(self, run_id, local_dir, artifact_path=None): """ Write a directory of files to the remote ``artifact_uri``. :param local_dir: Path to the directory of files to write. :param artifact_path: If provided, the directory in ``artifact_uri`` to write to. """ self._tracking_client.log_artifacts(run_id, local_dir, artifact_path)
def _record_logged_model(self, run_id, mlflow_model): """ Record logged model info with the tracking server. :param run_id: run_id under which the model has been logged. :param mlflow_model: Model info to be recorded. """ self._tracking_client._record_logged_model(run_id, mlflow_model)
[docs] def list_artifacts(self, run_id, path=None): """ List the artifacts for a run. :param run_id: The run to list artifacts from. :param path: The run's relative artifact path to list from. By default it is set to None or the root artifact path. :return: List of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.FileInfo` """ return self._tracking_client.list_artifacts(run_id, path)
[docs] def download_artifacts(self, run_id, path, dst_path=None): """ Download an artifact file or directory from a run to a local directory if applicable, and return a local path for it. :param run_id: The run to download artifacts from. :param path: Relative source path to the desired artifact. :param dst_path: Absolute path of the local filesystem destination directory to which to download the specified artifacts. This directory must already exist. If unspecified, the artifacts will either be downloaded to a new uniquely-named directory on the local filesystem or will be returned directly in the case of the LocalArtifactRepository. :return: Local path of desired artifact. """ return self._tracking_client.download_artifacts(run_id, path, dst_path)
[docs] def set_terminated(self, run_id, status=None, end_time=None): """Set a run's status to terminated. :param status: A string value of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.RunStatus`. Defaults to "FINISHED". :param end_time: If not provided, defaults to the current time.""" self._tracking_client.set_terminated(run_id, status, end_time)
[docs] def delete_run(self, run_id): """ Deletes a run with the given ID. """ self._tracking_client.delete_run(run_id)
[docs] def restore_run(self, run_id): """ Restores a deleted run with the given ID. """ self._tracking_client.restore_run(run_id)
[docs] def search_runs(self, experiment_ids, filter_string="", run_view_type=ViewType.ACTIVE_ONLY, max_results=SEARCH_MAX_RESULTS_DEFAULT, order_by=None, page_token=None): """ Search experiments that fit the search criteria. :param experiment_ids: List of experiment IDs, or a single int or string id. :param filter_string: Filter query string, defaults to searching all runs. :param run_view_type: one of enum values ACTIVE_ONLY, DELETED_ONLY, or ALL runs defined in :py:class:`mlflow.entities.ViewType`. :param max_results: Maximum number of runs desired. :param order_by: List of columns to order by (e.g., "metrics.rmse"). The ``order_by`` column can contain an optional ``DESC`` or ``ASC`` value. The default is ``ASC``. The default ordering is to sort by ``start_time DESC``, then ``run_id``. :param page_token: Token specifying the next page of results. It should be obtained from a ``search_runs`` call. :return: A list of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.Run` objects that satisfy the search expressions. If the underlying tracking store supports pagination, the token for the next page may be obtained via the ``token`` attribute of the returned object. """ return self._tracking_client.search_runs(experiment_ids, filter_string, run_view_type, max_results, order_by, page_token)
# Registry API # Registered Model Methods
[docs] @experimental def create_registered_model(self, name): """ Create a new registered model in backend store. :param name: Name of the new model. This is expected to be unique in the backend store. :return: A single object of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.RegisteredModel` created by backend. """ return self._get_registry_client().create_registered_model(name)
[docs] @experimental def rename_registered_model(self, name, new_name): """ Update registered model name. :param name: Name of the registered model to update. :param new_name: New proposed name for the registered model. :return: A single updated :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.RegisteredModel` object. """ self._get_registry_client().rename_registered_model(name, new_name)
[docs] @experimental def update_registered_model(self, name, new_name=None, description=None): """ Updates metadata for RegisteredModel entity. Either ``new_name`` or ``description`` should be non-None. Backend raises exception if a registered model with given name does not exist. :param name: Name of the registered model to update. :param new_name: (Deprecated) New proposed name for the registered model. This argument is deprecated. Use the :py:func:`rename_registered_model <MlflowClient.rename_registered_model>` method to rename registered models instead. :param description: (Optional) New description. :return: A single updated :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.RegisteredModel` object. """ if new_name is None and description is None: raise MlflowException("Attempting to update registered model with no new field values.") if new_name is not None and new_name.strip() == "": raise MlflowException("The new name must not be an empty string.") res = None if new_name is not None: _logger.warning("The `new_name` argument in update_registered_model is deprecated." " Use the `rename_registered_model` method instead.") res = self._get_registry_client().rename_registered_model(name=name, new_name=new_name) name = new_name if description is not None: res = self._get_registry_client().update_registered_model(name=name, description=description) return res
[docs] @experimental def delete_registered_model(self, name): """ Delete registered model. Backend raises exception if a registered model with given name does not exist. :param name: Name of the registered model to update. """ self._get_registry_client().delete_registered_model(name)
[docs] @experimental def list_registered_models(self): """ List of all registered models. :return: List of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.RegisteredModel` objects. """ return self._get_registry_client().list_registered_models()
[docs] @deprecated(alternative="mlflow.tracking.client.get_registered_model", since="1.7") def get_registered_model_details(self, name): return self.get_registered_model(name)
[docs] @experimental def get_registered_model(self, name): """ :param name: Name of the registered model to update. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.RegisteredModel` object. """ return self._get_registry_client().get_registered_model(name)
[docs] @experimental def get_latest_versions(self, name, stages=None): """ Latest version models for each requests stage. If no ``stages`` provided, returns the latest version for each stage. :param name: Name of the registered model to update. :param stages: List of desired stages. If input list is None, return latest versions for for ALL_STAGES. :return: List of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` objects. """ return self._get_registry_client().get_latest_versions(name, stages)
# Model Version Methods
[docs] @experimental def create_model_version(self, name, source, run_id): """ Create a new model version from given source or run ID. :param name: Name ID for containing registered model. :param source: Source path where the MLflow model is stored. :param run_id: Run ID from MLflow tracking server that generated the model :return: Single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` object created by backend. """ return self._get_registry_client().create_model_version(name, source, run_id)
[docs] @experimental def update_model_version(self, name, version, stage=None, description=None): """ Update metadata associated with a model version in backend. :param name: Name of the containing registered model. :param version: Version number of the model version. :param stage: (Deprecated) New desired stage forthis model version. This field is deprecated as of mlflow 1.7. Use transition_model_version_stage instead to update stage. :param description: New description. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` object. """ if stage is None and description is None: raise MlflowException("Attempting to update model version with no new field values.") if stage is not None and stage.strip() == "": raise MlflowException("The stage must not be an empty string.") res = None if stage is not None: _logger.warning("'stage' field in update_model_version is deprecated. " "Use transition_model_stage instead.") res = self._get_registry_client().transition_model_version_stage(name=name, version=version, stage=stage) if description is not None: res = self._get_registry_client().update_model_version(name=name, version=version, description=description) return res
[docs] @experimental def transition_model_version_stage(self, name, version, stage): """ Update model version stage. :param name: Registered model name. :param version: Registered model version. :param stage: New desired stage for this model version. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` object. """ return self._get_registry_client().transition_model_version_stage(name, version, stage)
[docs] @experimental def delete_model_version(self, name, version): """ Delete model version in backend. :param name: Name of the containing registered model. :param version: Version number of the model version. """ self._get_registry_client().delete_model_version(name, version)
[docs] @deprecated("mlflow.tracking.client.get_model_version", "1.7") def get_model_version_details(self, name, version): """ :param name: Name of the containing registered model. :param version: Version number of the model version. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` object. """ return self._get_registry_client().get_model_version(name, version)
[docs] @experimental def get_model_version(self, name, version): """ :param name: Name of the containing registered model. :param version: Version number of the model version. :return: A single :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` object. """ return self._get_registry_client().get_model_version(name, version)
[docs] @experimental def get_model_version_download_uri(self, name, version): """ Get the download location in Model Registry for this model version. :param name: Name of the containing registered model. :param version: Version number of the model version. :return: A single URI location that allows reads for downloading. """ return self._get_registry_client().get_model_version_download_uri(name, version)
[docs] @experimental def search_model_versions(self, filter_string): """ Search for model versions in backend that satisfy the filter criteria. :param filter_string: A filter string expression. Currently supports a single filter condition either name of model like ``name = 'model_name'`` or ``run_id = '...'``. :return: PagedList of :py:class:`mlflow.entities.model_registry.ModelVersion` objects. """ return self._get_registry_client().search_model_versions(filter_string)
[docs] @experimental def get_model_version_stages(self, name, version): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ :return: A list of valid stages. """ return ALL_STAGES