OpenCV  4.1.0
Open Source Computer Vision
Hough Circle Transform

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In this tutorial you will learn how to:


Hough Circle Transform

What does this program do?


[block] [block] [block]


The image we used can be found here

Load an image:

[block] [block] [block]

Convert it to grayscale:

[block] [block] [block]

Apply a Median blur to reduce noise and avoid false circle detection:

[block] [block] [block]

Proceed to apply Hough Circle Transform:

[block] [block] [block]

Draw the detected circles:

[block] [block] [block]

You can see that we will draw the circle(s) on red and the center(s) with a small green dot

Display the detected circle(s) and wait for the user to exit the program:

[block] [block] [block]


The result of running the code above with a test image is shown below:
