npm On-Site Installation Guide

This document is meant to be a comprehensive guide to installing npm On-Site onto your server. When you are done going through the steps, you should have a usable private registry and website.

For details on configuration settings post-installation, please see this page.

Before you get started, please make sure you have the following ready to go:

The installation consists of these 4 main steps.

  1. Install Node.js and npm via instructions here
  2. Install npmo: sudo npm install npmo -g --unsafe
  3. Configure your instance via admin web console at:
  4. Start the services from the Dashboard there

Your npm On-Site instance will then be fully operational!

Follow along for details of each of the 4 main steps.

Node.js and npm are required to run the npmo installer in the next main step.

npm On-Site is distributed via the npmo package, which acts as an installer and CLI tool. It will automatically install Docker and an orchestration layer that comes with its own CLI (replicated) and runs an admin web console on port 8800 of your server. Once npmo is installed, you will need to complete the installation by configuring your instance using the admin web console.

Once the installer is complete, make sure that the docker and replicated daemons are running:

$ sudo ps aux | grep -e docker -e replicated
root      4354  1.5  1.1 495888 90560 ?        Ssl  16:40   6:57 /usr/bin/replicated -d
root      4363  0.0  0.1 115824 12924 ?        Ssl  16:40   0:11 /usr/bin/replicated-ui -d
root      4371  0.0  0.1 107200  7864 ?        Ssl  16:40   0:00 /usr/bin/replicated-updater -d
root      6512  1.2  0.6 1579584 50292 ?       Ssl  16:54   5:28 /usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd://

If any are not up, try running the installer again. On some systems, it's possible that dependencies may not be loaded in the correct order the first time.

Once you have confirmed the daemons are running, there will be an admin web console listening on port 8800. You can now use it to configure your On-Site instance and complete the installation.

At this point, the virtual environment and orchestration layer are in place, but the services that make up the registry are not yet installed and running. To complete this phase, you'll first need to set some things up in the admin web console and activate your instance with your license key.

With configuration settings saved, the admin console will direct you to the Dashboard where you can view the status of the registry services. If the top-left panel does not say "Starting", then hit the "Start Now" button.

If everything looks good, it's time to configure your npm CLI client and start publishing and installing private packages. Congrats!

Last modified January 19, 2016           Found a typo? Send a pull request!

Getting Started

How npm works

Private Modules


Using npm

npm On-Site

CLI Commands

Configuring npm

npm policy documents

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