implement the CARA rate control algorithmImplement the CARA algorithm from: J. More...
#include "cara-wifi-manager.h"
Public Member Functions | |
CaraWifiManager () | |
virtual | ~CaraWifiManager () |
void | SetHeSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable HE capability support. More... | |
void | SetHtSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable HT capability support. More... | |
void | SetVhtSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable VHT capability support. More... | |
![]() | |
WifiRemoteStationManager () | |
virtual | ~WifiRemoteStationManager () |
void | AddAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddAllSupportedModes (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddBasicMcs (WifiMode mcs) |
Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS. More... | |
void | AddBasicMode (WifiMode mode) |
Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally. More... | |
void | AddStationHeCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HeCapabilities hecapabilities) |
Records HE capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddStationHtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htcapabilities) |
Records HT capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddStationVhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtcapabilities) |
Records VHT capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedErpSlotTime (Mac48Address address, bool isShortSlotTimeSupported) |
Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs) |
Record the MCS index supported by the station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedMode (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddSupportedPlcpPreamble (Mac48Address address, bool isShortPreambleSupported) |
Record whether the short PLCP preamble is supported by the station. More... | |
WifiTxVector | DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector (void) |
Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifiremote station manager. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode) |
WifiMode | GetBasicMcs (uint8_t i) const |
Return the MCS at the given list index. More... | |
WifiMode | GetBasicMode (uint8_t i) const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetBlockAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode) |
uint16_t | GetChannelWidthSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the channel width supported by the station. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetCtsToSelfTxVector (const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
WifiTxVector | GetCtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode rtsMode) |
WifiTxVector | GetDataTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
WifiMode | GetDefaultMcs (void) const |
Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index. More... | |
WifiMode | GetDefaultMode (void) const |
Return the default transmission mode. More... | |
uint8_t | GetDefaultTxPowerLevel (void) const |
uint32_t | GetFragmentationThreshold (void) const |
Return the fragmentation threshold. More... | |
uint32_t | GetFragmentOffset (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
uint32_t | GetFragmentSize (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
bool | GetGreenfieldSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More... | |
bool | GetHtSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports HT or not. More... | |
WifiRemoteStationInfo | GetInfo (Mac48Address address) |
uint8_t | GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams (void) |
uint8_t | GetNBasicMcs (void) const |
Return the number of basic MCS index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNBasicModes (void) const |
Return the number of basic modes we support. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNMcsSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the number of MCS supported by the station. More... | |
uint32_t | GetNNonErpBasicModes (void) const |
Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonErpBasicMode (uint8_t i) const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonUnicastMode (void) const |
Return a mode for non-unicast packets. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfAntennas (void) |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetQosSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable. More... | |
bool | GetRifsPermitted (void) const |
Return whether the device can use RIFS. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetRtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | GetShortGuardInterval (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval. More... | |
bool | GetShortPreambleEnabled (void) const |
Return whether the device uses short PLCP preambles. More... | |
bool | GetShortPreambleSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports short PLCP preamble or not. More... | |
bool | GetShortSlotTimeEnabled (void) const |
Return whether the device uses short slot time. More... | |
bool | GetShortSlotTimeSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not. More... | |
bool | GetUseGreenfieldProtection (void) const |
Return whether protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format is enabled. More... | |
bool | GetUseNonErpProtection (void) const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations. More... | |
bool | GetUseNonHtProtection (void) const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations. More... | |
bool | GetVhtSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports VHT or not. More... | |
bool | HasHeSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasHtSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasPcfSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has PCF capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasVhtSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | IsAssociated (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station associated. More... | |
bool | IsBrandNew (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station state is brand new. More... | |
bool | IsLastFragment (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
bool | IsWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
bool | NeedCtsToSelf (WifiTxVector txVector) |
Return if we need to do Cts-to-self before sending a DATA. More... | |
bool | NeedFragmentation (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | NeedRetransmission (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | NeedRts (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, WifiTxVector txVector) |
void | PrepareForQueue (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
void | RecordDisassociated (Mac48Address address) |
Records that the STA was disassociated. More... | |
void | RecordGotAssocTxFailed (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RecordGotAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RecordWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RemoveAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination. More... | |
void | ReportAmpduTxStatus (Mac48Address address, uint8_t tid, uint8_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint8_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr) |
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed. More... | |
void | ReportDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More... | |
void | ReportDataOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Ack associated to a data packet we just sent. More... | |
void | ReportFinalDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false. More... | |
void | ReportFinalRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false. More... | |
void | ReportRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header) |
Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More... | |
void | ReportRtsOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Cts associated to an RTS we just sent. More... | |
void | ReportRxOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode) |
void | Reset (void) |
Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot. More... | |
void | SetDefaultTxPowerLevel (uint8_t txPower) |
Set the default transmission power level. More... | |
void | SetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold) |
Sets a fragmentation threshold. More... | |
void | SetMaxSlrc (uint32_t maxSlrc) |
Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC). More... | |
void | SetMaxSsrc (uint32_t maxSsrc) |
Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC). More... | |
virtual void | SetPcfSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable PCF capability support. More... | |
void | SetQosSupport (Mac48Address from, bool qosSupported) |
Records QoS support of the remote station. More... | |
void | SetRifsPermitted (bool allow) |
Permit or prohibit RIFS. More... | |
void | SetRtsCtsThreshold (uint32_t threshold) |
Sets the RTS threshold. More... | |
void | SetShortPreambleEnabled (bool enable) |
Enable or disable short PLCP preambles. More... | |
void | SetShortSlotTimeEnabled (bool enable) |
Enable or disable short slot time. More... | |
virtual void | SetupMac (const Ptr< WifiMac > mac) |
Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g. More... | |
virtual void | SetupPhy (const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy) |
Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported. More... | |
void | SetUseGreenfieldProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format. More... | |
void | SetUseNonErpProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations. More... | |
void | SetUseNonHtProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations. More... | |
void | UpdateFragmentationThreshold (void) |
Typically called to update the fragmentation threshold at the start of a new transmission. More... | |
![]() | |
Object () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Object () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other) |
Aggregate two Objects together. More... | |
void | Dispose (void) |
Dispose of this Object. More... | |
AggregateIterator | GetAggregateIterator (void) const |
Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one. More... | |
virtual TypeId | GetInstanceTypeId (void) const |
Get the most derived TypeId for this Object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject (void) const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject (TypeId tid) const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId. More... | |
void | Initialize (void) |
Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one. More... | |
bool | IsInitialized (void) const |
Check if the object has been initialized. More... | |
![]() | |
SimpleRefCount () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
uint32_t | GetReferenceCount (void) const |
Get the reference count of the object. More... | |
SimpleRefCount & | operator= (const SimpleRefCount &o) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
void | Ref (void) const |
Increment the reference count. More... | |
void | Unref (void) const |
Decrement the reference count. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~ObjectBase () |
Virtual destructor. More... | |
void | GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const |
Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More... | |
bool | GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const |
Get the value of an attribute without raising erros. More... | |
void | SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More... | |
bool | SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute without raising errors. More... | |
bool | TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context. More... | |
bool | TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context. More... | |
bool | TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context. More... | |
bool | TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Get the type ID. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Get the type ID. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Register this type. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Get the type ID. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
WifiRemoteStation * | DoCreateStation (void) const |
WifiTxVector | DoGetDataTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
WifiTxVector | DoGetRtsTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
bool | DoNeedRts (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally) |
void | DoReportDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportDataOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportFinalDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportFinalRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportRtsOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoReportRxOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode) |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
bool | IsLowLatency (void) const |
Private Attributes | |
TracedValue< uint64_t > | m_currentRate |
Trace rate changes. More... | |
uint32_t | m_failureThreshold |
failure threshold More... | |
uint32_t | m_probeThreshold |
probe threshold More... | |
uint32_t | m_successThreshold |
success threshold More... | |
uint32_t | m_timerTimeout |
timer threshold More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
typedef void(* | PowerChangeTracedCallback) (double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for power change events. More... | |
enum | ProtectionMode { RTS_CTS, CTS_TO_SELF } |
ProtectionMode enumeration. More... | |
typedef void(* | RateChangeTracedCallback) (DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for rate change events. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual void | DoDispose (void) |
Destructor implementation. More... | |
Mac48Address | GetAddress (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the address of the station. More... | |
bool | GetAggregation (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU. More... | |
uint16_t | GetChannelWidth (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the channel width supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetGreenfield (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More... | |
uint16_t | GetGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetHeSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is HE capable. More... | |
bool | GetHtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is HT capable. More... | |
Ptr< WifiMac > | GetMac (void) const |
Return the WifiMac. More... | |
WifiMode | GetMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNess (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
uint8_t | GetNMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of MCS supported by the given station. More... | |
uint32_t | GetNNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of modes supported by the given station. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of supported streams the station has. More... | |
Ptr< WifiPhy > | GetPhy (void) const |
Return the WifiPhy. More... | |
WifiPreamble | GetPreambleForTransmission (WifiMode mode, Mac48Address dest) |
Return the preamble to be used for the transmission. More... | |
bool | GetQosSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable. More... | |
bool | GetShortGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval. More... | |
WifiMode | GetSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
bool | GetVhtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is VHT capable. More... | |
![]() | |
Object (const Object &o) | |
Copy an Object. More... | |
virtual void | DoInitialize (void) |
Initialize() implementation. More... | |
virtual void | NotifyNewAggregate (void) |
Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated. More... | |
![]() | |
void | ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes) |
Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes. More... | |
virtual void | NotifyConstructionCompleted (void) |
Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed. More... | |
![]() | |
static uint16_t | GetChannelWidthForTransmission (WifiMode mode, uint16_t maxSupportedChannelWidth) |
Return the channel width that corresponds to the selected mode (instead of letting the PHY's default channel width). More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetObjectIid (void) |
Ensure the TypeId for ObjectBase gets fully configured to anchor the inheritance tree properly. More... | |
implement the CARA rate control algorithm
Implement the CARA algorithm from: J.
Kim, S. Kim, S. Choi, and D. Qiao. "CARA: Collision-Aware Rate Adaptation for IEEE 802.11 WLANs."
Originally implemented by Federico Maguolo for a very early prototype version of ns-3.
This RAA does not support HT, VHT nor HE modes and will error exit if the user tries to configure this RAA with a Wi-Fi MAC that has VhtSupported, HtSupported or HeSupported set.
ns3::CaraWifiManager is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:
Size of this type is 344 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).
Definition at line 44 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
ns3::CaraWifiManager::CaraWifiManager | ( | ) |
Definition at line 82 of file
virtual |
Definition at line 89 of file
privatevirtual |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 95 of file
References ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_failed, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_success, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_timer, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet or a fragment of a unicast packet to decide which transmission mode to use.
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 182 of file
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAddress(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAggregation(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiMode::GetDataRate(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported(), m_currentRate, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
Note: This method is called before sending an rts to a station to decide which transmission mode to use for the rts.
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 202 of file
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAddress(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAggregation(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonErpSupported(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetSupported(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseNonErpProtection(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
packet | the packet to send |
normally | indicates whether the normal 802.11 rts enable mechanism would request that the rts is sent or not. |
Note: This method is called before a unicast packet is sent on the medium.
Reimplemented from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 229 of file
References ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_failed, m_probeThreshold, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send DATA |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 113 of file
References ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_failed, m_failureThreshold, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_success, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_timer, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we successfully sent RTS |
ackSnr | the SNR of the ACK we received |
ackMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK |
dataSnr | the SNR of the DATA we sent |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 147 of file
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNSupported(), ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_failed, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_rate, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_success, m_successThreshold, ns3::CaraWifiRemoteStation::m_timer, m_timerTimeout, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send DATA |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 176 of file
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send RTS |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 170 of file
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send RTS |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 107 of file
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we successfully sent RTS |
ctsSnr | the SNR of the CTS we received |
ctsMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS |
rtsSnr | the SNR of the RTS we sent |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 140 of file
privatevirtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that sent the DATA to us |
rxSnr | the SNR of the DATA we received |
txMode | the WifiMode the sender used to send the DATA |
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 133 of file
static |
Get the type ID.
Definition at line 48 of file
References m_currentRate, m_failureThreshold, m_probeThreshold, m_successThreshold, m_timerTimeout, ns3::MakeTraceSourceAccessor(), ns3::MakeUintegerAccessor(), and ns3::TypeId::SetParent().
privatevirtual |
Note: In this context, low vs high latency is defined in IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation: A Practical Approach, by M. Lacage, M.H. Manshaei, and T. Turletti.
Implements ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 238 of file
virtual |
Enable or disable HE capability support.
enable | enable or disable HE capability support |
Reimplemented from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 264 of file
References NS_FATAL_ERROR.
virtual |
Enable or disable HT capability support.
enable | enable or disable HT capability support |
Reimplemented from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 244 of file
References NS_FATAL_ERROR.
virtual |
Enable or disable VHT capability support.
enable | enable or disable VHT capability support |
Reimplemented from ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager.
Definition at line 254 of file
References NS_FATAL_ERROR.
private |
Trace rate changes.
Definition at line 85 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
Referenced by DoGetDataTxVector(), and GetTypeId().
private |
failure threshold
Definition at line 82 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
Referenced by DoReportDataFailed(), and GetTypeId().
private |
probe threshold
Definition at line 83 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
Referenced by DoNeedRts(), and GetTypeId().
private |
success threshold
Definition at line 81 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
Referenced by DoReportDataOk(), and GetTypeId().
private |
timer threshold
Definition at line 80 of file cara-wifi-manager.h.
Referenced by DoReportDataOk(), and GetTypeId().