hold a list of per-remote-station state. More...
#include "wifi-remote-station-manager.h"
Public Types | |
typedef void(* | PowerChangeTracedCallback) (double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for power change events. More... | |
enum | ProtectionMode { RTS_CTS, CTS_TO_SELF } |
ProtectionMode enumeration. More... | |
typedef void(* | RateChangeTracedCallback) (DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for rate change events. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
WifiRemoteStationManager () | |
virtual | ~WifiRemoteStationManager () |
void | AddAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddAllSupportedModes (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddBasicMcs (WifiMode mcs) |
Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS. More... | |
void | AddBasicMode (WifiMode mode) |
Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally. More... | |
void | AddStationHeCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HeCapabilities hecapabilities) |
Records HE capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddStationHtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, HtCapabilities htcapabilities) |
Records HT capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddStationVhtCapabilities (Mac48Address from, VhtCapabilities vhtcapabilities) |
Records VHT capabilities of the remote station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedErpSlotTime (Mac48Address address, bool isShortSlotTimeSupported) |
Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mcs) |
Record the MCS index supported by the station. More... | |
void | AddSupportedMode (Mac48Address address, WifiMode mode) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally. More... | |
void | AddSupportedPlcpPreamble (Mac48Address address, bool isShortPreambleSupported) |
Record whether the short PLCP preamble is supported by the station. More... | |
WifiTxVector | DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector (void) |
Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifiremote station manager. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode) |
WifiMode | GetBasicMcs (uint8_t i) const |
Return the MCS at the given list index. More... | |
WifiMode | GetBasicMode (uint8_t i) const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetBlockAckTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode dataMode) |
uint16_t | GetChannelWidthSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the channel width supported by the station. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetCtsToSelfTxVector (const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
WifiTxVector | GetCtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, WifiMode rtsMode) |
WifiTxVector | GetDataTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
WifiMode | GetDefaultMcs (void) const |
Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index. More... | |
WifiMode | GetDefaultMode (void) const |
Return the default transmission mode. More... | |
uint8_t | GetDefaultTxPowerLevel (void) const |
uint32_t | GetFragmentationThreshold (void) const |
Return the fragmentation threshold. More... | |
uint32_t | GetFragmentOffset (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
uint32_t | GetFragmentSize (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
bool | GetGreenfieldSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More... | |
bool | GetHtSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports HT or not. More... | |
WifiRemoteStationInfo | GetInfo (Mac48Address address) |
uint8_t | GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams (void) |
uint8_t | GetNBasicMcs (void) const |
Return the number of basic MCS index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNBasicModes (void) const |
Return the number of basic modes we support. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNMcsSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the number of MCS supported by the station. More... | |
uint32_t | GetNNonErpBasicModes (void) const |
Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonErpBasicMode (uint8_t i) const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonUnicastMode (void) const |
Return a mode for non-unicast packets. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfAntennas (void) |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetQosSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable. More... | |
bool | GetRifsPermitted (void) const |
Return whether the device can use RIFS. More... | |
WifiTxVector | GetRtsTxVector (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | GetShortGuardInterval (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval. More... | |
bool | GetShortPreambleEnabled (void) const |
Return whether the device uses short PLCP preambles. More... | |
bool | GetShortPreambleSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports short PLCP preamble or not. More... | |
bool | GetShortSlotTimeEnabled (void) const |
Return whether the device uses short slot time. More... | |
bool | GetShortSlotTimeSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not. More... | |
bool | GetUseGreenfieldProtection (void) const |
Return whether protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format is enabled. More... | |
bool | GetUseNonErpProtection (void) const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations. More... | |
bool | GetUseNonHtProtection (void) const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations. More... | |
bool | GetVhtSupported (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station supports VHT or not. More... | |
bool | HasHeSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasHtSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasPcfSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has PCF capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | HasVhtSupported (void) const |
Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled. More... | |
bool | IsAssociated (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station associated. More... | |
bool | IsBrandNew (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether the station state is brand new. More... | |
bool | IsLastFragment (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, uint32_t fragmentNumber) |
bool | IsWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) const |
Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
bool | NeedCtsToSelf (WifiTxVector txVector) |
Return if we need to do Cts-to-self before sending a DATA. More... | |
bool | NeedFragmentation (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | NeedRetransmission (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
bool | NeedRts (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet, WifiTxVector txVector) |
void | PrepareForQueue (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
void | RecordDisassociated (Mac48Address address) |
Records that the STA was disassociated. More... | |
void | RecordGotAssocTxFailed (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RecordGotAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RecordWaitAssocTxOk (Mac48Address address) |
Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent. More... | |
void | RemoveAllSupportedMcs (Mac48Address address) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination. More... | |
void | ReportAmpduTxStatus (Mac48Address address, uint8_t tid, uint8_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint8_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr) |
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed. More... | |
void | ReportDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More... | |
void | ReportDataOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Ack associated to a data packet we just sent. More... | |
void | ReportFinalDataFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, uint32_t packetSize) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false. More... | |
void | ReportFinalRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false. More... | |
void | ReportRtsFailed (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header) |
Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires. More... | |
void | ReportRtsOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Cts associated to an RTS we just sent. More... | |
void | ReportRxOk (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode) |
void | Reset (void) |
Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot. More... | |
void | SetDefaultTxPowerLevel (uint8_t txPower) |
Set the default transmission power level. More... | |
void | SetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold) |
Sets a fragmentation threshold. More... | |
virtual void | SetHeSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable HE capability support. More... | |
virtual void | SetHtSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable HT capability support. More... | |
void | SetMaxSlrc (uint32_t maxSlrc) |
Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC). More... | |
void | SetMaxSsrc (uint32_t maxSsrc) |
Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC). More... | |
virtual void | SetPcfSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable PCF capability support. More... | |
void | SetQosSupport (Mac48Address from, bool qosSupported) |
Records QoS support of the remote station. More... | |
void | SetRifsPermitted (bool allow) |
Permit or prohibit RIFS. More... | |
void | SetRtsCtsThreshold (uint32_t threshold) |
Sets the RTS threshold. More... | |
void | SetShortPreambleEnabled (bool enable) |
Enable or disable short PLCP preambles. More... | |
void | SetShortSlotTimeEnabled (bool enable) |
Enable or disable short slot time. More... | |
virtual void | SetupMac (const Ptr< WifiMac > mac) |
Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g. More... | |
virtual void | SetupPhy (const Ptr< WifiPhy > phy) |
Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported. More... | |
void | SetUseGreenfieldProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format. More... | |
void | SetUseNonErpProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations. More... | |
void | SetUseNonHtProtection (bool enable) |
Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations. More... | |
virtual void | SetVhtSupported (bool enable) |
Enable or disable VHT capability support. More... | |
void | UpdateFragmentationThreshold (void) |
Typically called to update the fragmentation threshold at the start of a new transmission. More... | |
![]() | |
Object () | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~Object () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | AggregateObject (Ptr< Object > other) |
Aggregate two Objects together. More... | |
void | Dispose (void) |
Dispose of this Object. More... | |
AggregateIterator | GetAggregateIterator (void) const |
Get an iterator to the Objects aggregated to this one. More... | |
virtual TypeId | GetInstanceTypeId (void) const |
Get the most derived TypeId for this Object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject (void) const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object. More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Ptr< T > | GetObject (TypeId tid) const |
Get a pointer to the requested aggregated Object by TypeId. More... | |
void | Initialize (void) |
Invoke DoInitialize on all Objects aggregated to this one. More... | |
bool | IsInitialized (void) const |
Check if the object has been initialized. More... | |
![]() | |
SimpleRefCount () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
SimpleRefCount (const SimpleRefCount &o) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
uint32_t | GetReferenceCount (void) const |
Get the reference count of the object. More... | |
SimpleRefCount & | operator= (const SimpleRefCount &o) |
Assignment operator. More... | |
void | Ref (void) const |
Increment the reference count. More... | |
void | Unref (void) const |
Decrement the reference count. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~ObjectBase () |
Virtual destructor. More... | |
void | GetAttribute (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const |
Get the value of an attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More... | |
bool | GetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, AttributeValue &value) const |
Get the value of an attribute without raising erros. More... | |
void | SetAttribute (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute, raising fatal errors if unsuccessful. More... | |
bool | SetAttributeFailSafe (std::string name, const AttributeValue &value) |
Set a single attribute without raising errors. More... | |
bool | TraceConnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback with a context. More... | |
bool | TraceConnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Connect a TraceSource to a Callback without a context. More... | |
bool | TraceDisconnect (std::string name, std::string context, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected with a context. More... | |
bool | TraceDisconnectWithoutContext (std::string name, const CallbackBase &cb) |
Disconnect from a TraceSource a Callback previously connected without a context. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Get the type ID. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Register this type. More... | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetTypeId (void) |
Get the type ID. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | DoDispose (void) |
Destructor implementation. More... | |
Mac48Address | GetAddress (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the address of the station. More... | |
bool | GetAggregation (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU. More... | |
uint16_t | GetChannelWidth (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the channel width supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetGreenfield (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not. More... | |
uint16_t | GetGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station. More... | |
bool | GetHeSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is HE capable. More... | |
bool | GetHtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is HT capable. More... | |
Ptr< WifiMac > | GetMac (void) const |
Return the WifiMac. More... | |
WifiMode | GetMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNess (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
uint8_t | GetNMcsSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of MCS supported by the given station. More... | |
uint32_t | GetNNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station. More... | |
WifiMode | GetNonErpSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of modes supported by the given station. More... | |
uint8_t | GetNumberOfSupportedStreams (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return the number of supported streams the station has. More... | |
Ptr< WifiPhy > | GetPhy (void) const |
Return the WifiPhy. More... | |
WifiPreamble | GetPreambleForTransmission (WifiMode mode, Mac48Address dest) |
Return the preamble to be used for the transmission. More... | |
bool | GetQosSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable. More... | |
bool | GetShortGuardInterval (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval. More... | |
WifiMode | GetSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t i) const |
Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index. More... | |
bool | GetVhtSupported (const WifiRemoteStation *station) const |
Return whether the given station is VHT capable. More... | |
![]() | |
Object (const Object &o) | |
Copy an Object. More... | |
virtual void | DoInitialize (void) |
Initialize() implementation. More... | |
virtual void | NotifyNewAggregate (void) |
Notify all Objects aggregated to this one of a new Object being aggregated. More... | |
![]() | |
void | ConstructSelf (const AttributeConstructionList &attributes) |
Complete construction of ObjectBase; invoked by derived classes. More... | |
virtual void | NotifyConstructionCompleted (void) |
Notifier called once the ObjectBase is fully constructed. More... | |
Static Protected Member Functions | |
static uint16_t | GetChannelWidthForTransmission (WifiMode mode, uint16_t maxSupportedChannelWidth) |
Return the channel width that corresponds to the selected mode (instead of letting the PHY's default channel width). More... | |
Private Types | |
typedef std::vector< WifiRemoteStation * > | Stations |
A vector of WifiRemoteStations. More... | |
typedef std::vector< WifiRemoteStationState * > | StationStates |
A vector of WifiRemoteStationStates. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
virtual WifiRemoteStation * | DoCreateStation (void) const =0 |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetAckTxChannelWidth (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetAckTxGuardInterval (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ackMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetAckTxNess (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ackMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetAckTxNss (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ackMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetAckTxPowerLevel (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ackMode) |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetBlockAckTxChannelWidth (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetBlockAckTxGuardInterval (Mac48Address address, WifiMode blockAckMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetBlockAckTxNess (Mac48Address address, WifiMode blockAckMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetBlockAckTxNss (Mac48Address address, WifiMode blockAckMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetBlockAckTxPowerLevel (Mac48Address address, WifiMode blockAckMode) |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetCtsTxChannelWidth (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint16_t | DoGetCtsTxGuardInterval (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetCtsTxNess (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetCtsTxNss (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual uint8_t | DoGetCtsTxPowerLevel (Mac48Address address, WifiMode ctsMode) |
virtual WifiTxVector | DoGetDataTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
uint32_t | DoGetFragmentationThreshold (void) const |
Return the current fragmentation threshold. More... | |
virtual WifiTxVector | DoGetRtsTxVector (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
virtual bool | DoNeedFragmentation (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally) |
virtual bool | DoNeedRetransmission (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally) |
virtual bool | DoNeedRts (WifiRemoteStation *station, Ptr< const Packet > packet, bool normally) |
virtual void | DoReportAmpduTxStatus (WifiRemoteStation *station, uint8_t nSuccessfulMpdus, uint8_t nFailedMpdus, double rxSnr, double dataSnr) |
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportDataOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ackSnr, WifiMode ackMode, double dataSnr)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportFinalDataFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportFinalRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportRtsFailed (WifiRemoteStation *station)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportRtsOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double ctsSnr, WifiMode ctsMode, double rtsSnr)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
virtual void | DoReportRxOk (WifiRemoteStation *station, double rxSnr, WifiMode txMode)=0 |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class. More... | |
void | DoSetFragmentationThreshold (uint32_t threshold) |
Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of the given threshold. More... | |
WifiMode | GetControlAnswerMode (Mac48Address address, WifiMode reqMode) |
Get control answer mode function. More... | |
uint32_t | GetNFragments (const WifiMacHeader *header, Ptr< const Packet > packet) |
Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet. More... | |
bool | IsAllowedControlAnswerModulationClass (WifiModulationClass modClassReq, WifiModulationClass modClassAnswer) const |
Return whether the modulation class of the selected mode for the control answer frame is allowed. More... | |
virtual bool | IsLowLatency (void) const =0 |
WifiRemoteStation * | Lookup (Mac48Address address, uint8_t tid) const |
Return the station associated with the given address and TID. More... | |
WifiRemoteStation * | Lookup (Mac48Address address, const WifiMacHeader *header) const |
Find a remote station by its remote address and TID taken from MAC header. More... | |
WifiRemoteStationState * | LookupState (Mac48Address address) const |
Return the state of the station associated with the given address. More... | |
Private Attributes | |
WifiModeList | m_bssBasicMcsSet |
basic MCS set More... | |
WifiModeList | m_bssBasicRateSet |
This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the BSSBasicRateSet parameter. More... | |
WifiMode | m_defaultTxMcs |
The default transmission modulation-coding scheme (MCS) More... | |
WifiMode | m_defaultTxMode |
The default transmission mode. More... | |
uint8_t | m_defaultTxPowerLevel |
Default tranmission power level. More... | |
ProtectionMode | m_erpProtectionMode |
Protection mode for ERP stations when non-ERP stations are detected. More... | |
uint32_t | m_fragmentationThreshold |
Current threshold for fragmentation. More... | |
bool | m_heSupported |
Flag if HE capability is supported. More... | |
ProtectionMode | m_htProtectionMode |
Protection mode for HT stations when non-HT stations are detected. More... | |
bool | m_htSupported |
Flag if HT capability is supported. More... | |
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > | m_macTxDataFailed |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single data packet has failed. More... | |
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > | m_macTxFinalDataFailed |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a data packet has exceeded the maximum number of attempts. More... | |
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > | m_macTxFinalRtsFailed |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a RTS has exceeded the maximum number of attempts. More... | |
TracedCallback< Mac48Address > | m_macTxRtsFailed |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single RTS has failed. More... | |
uint32_t | m_maxSlrc |
Maximum STA long retry count (SLRC) More... | |
uint32_t | m_maxSsrc |
Maximum STA short retry count (SSRC) More... | |
uint32_t | m_nextFragmentationThreshold |
Threshold for fragmentation that will be used for the next transmission. More... | |
WifiMode | m_nonUnicastMode |
Transmission mode for non-unicast DATA frames. More... | |
bool | m_pcfSupported |
Flag if PCF capability is supported. More... | |
bool | m_rifsPermitted |
flag if RIFS is enabled More... | |
uint32_t | m_rtsCtsThreshold |
Threshold for RTS/CTS. More... | |
bool | m_shortPreambleEnabled |
flag if short PLCP preamble is enabled More... | |
bool | m_shortSlotTimeEnabled |
flag if short slot time is enabled More... | |
StationStates | m_states |
States of known stations. More... | |
Stations | m_stations |
Information for each known stations. More... | |
bool | m_useGreenfieldProtection |
flag if protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format is enabled More... | |
bool | m_useNonErpProtection |
flag if protection for non-ERP stations against ERP transmissions is enabled More... | |
bool | m_useNonHtProtection |
flag if protection for non-HT stations against HT transmissions is enabled More... | |
bool | m_vhtSupported |
Flag if VHT capability is supported. More... | |
Ptr< WifiMac > | m_wifiMac |
This is a pointer to the WifiMac associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupMac(). More... | |
Ptr< WifiPhy > | m_wifiPhy |
This is a pointer to the WifiPhy associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupPhy(). More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static TypeId | GetObjectIid (void) |
Ensure the TypeId for ObjectBase gets fully configured to anchor the inheritance tree properly. More... | |
hold a list of per-remote-station state.
ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager is accessible through the following paths with Config::Set and Config::Connect:
Size of this type is 296 bytes (on a 64-bit architecture).
Definition at line 93 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
typedef void(* ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::PowerChangeTracedCallback) (double oldPower, double newPower, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for power change events.
[in] | oldPower | The previous power (in dBm). |
[in] | newPower | The new power (in dBm). |
[in] | address | The remote station MAC address. |
Definition at line 861 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
typedef void(* ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RateChangeTracedCallback) (DataRate oldRate, DataRate newRate, Mac48Address remoteAddress) |
TracedCallback signature for rate change events.
[in] | oldRate | The previous data rate. |
[in] | newRate | The new data rate. |
[in] | address | The remote station MAC address. |
Definition at line 870 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
private |
A vector of WifiRemoteStations.
Definition at line 1392 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
private |
A vector of WifiRemoteStationStates.
Definition at line 1396 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
ProtectionMode enumeration.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 106 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::WifiRemoteStationManager | ( | ) |
Definition at line 405 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
virtual |
Definition at line 420 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddAllSupportedMcs | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the MCS supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
address | the address of the station being recorded |
Definition at line 636 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcs(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNMcs(), LookupState(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddAllSupportedModes | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store all of the modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
The set of supported modes includes the BSSBasicRateSet.
address | the address of the station being recorded |
Definition at line 619 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References AddBasicMode(), first::address, ns3::WifiPhy::GetMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNModes(), ns3::WifiMode::IsMandatory(), LookupState(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMcs | ( | WifiMode | mcs | ) |
Add a given Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index to the set of basic MCS.
mcs | the WifiMode to be added to the basic MCS set |
Definition at line 1956 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetBasicMcs(), ns3::WifiMode::GetMcsValue(), GetNBasicMcs(), m_bssBasicMcsSet, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMode | ( | WifiMode | mode | ) |
Invoked in a STA upon association to store the set of rates which belong to the BSSBasicRateSet of the associated AP and which are supported locally.
Invoked in an AP to configure the BSSBasicRateSet.
mode | the WifiMode to be added to the basic mode set |
Definition at line 1885 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetBasicMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), GetNBasicModes(), m_bssBasicRateSet, NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.
Referenced by AddAllSupportedModes(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHeCapabilities | ( | Mac48Address | from, |
HeCapabilities | hecapabilities | ||
) |
Records HE capabilities of the remote station.
from | the address of the station being recorded |
hecapabilities | the HE capabilities of the station |
Definition at line 1790 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References AddSupportedMcs(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetChannelWidthSet(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetFrequency(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHeLtfAndGiForHePpdus(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHighestMcsSupported(), ns3::HeCapabilities::GetHighestNssSupported(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcs(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNMcs(), ns3::Is2_4Ghz(), ns3::Is5Ghz(), LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_guardInterval, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_heSupported, m_wifiPhy, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, SetQosSupport(), and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationHtCapabilities | ( | Mac48Address | from, |
HtCapabilities | htcapabilities | ||
) |
Records HT capabilities of the remote station.
from | the address of the station being recorded |
htcapabilities | the HT capabilities of the station |
Definition at line 1723 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References AddSupportedMcs(), ns3::HtCapabilities::GetGreenfield(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcs(), ns3::WifiMode::GetMcsValue(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNMcs(), ns3::HtCapabilities::GetRxHighestSupportedAntennas(), ns3::HtCapabilities::GetShortGuardInterval20(), ns3::HtCapabilities::GetSupportedChannelWidth(), ns3::HtCapabilities::IsSupportedMcs(), LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_greenfield, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htSupported, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortGuardInterval, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_streams, m_wifiPhy, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, SetQosSupport(), and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddStationVhtCapabilities | ( | Mac48Address | from, |
VhtCapabilities | vhtcapabilities | ||
) |
Records VHT capabilities of the remote station.
from | the address of the station being recorded |
vhtcapabilities | the VHT capabilities of the station |
Definition at line 1753 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References AddSupportedMcs(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcs(), ns3::WifiMode::GetMcsValue(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNMcs(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::GetRxLdpc(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::GetRxStbc(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::GetSupportedChannelWidthSet(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::GetTxStbc(), ns3::VhtCapabilities::IsSupportedMcs(), LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ldpc, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_stbc, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_vhtSupported, m_wifiPhy, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedErpSlotTime | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
bool | isShortSlotTimeSupported | ||
) |
Record whether the short ERP slot time is supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
isShortSlotTimeSupported | whether or not short ERP slot time is supported by the station |
Definition at line 593 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedMcs | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
WifiMode | mcs | ||
) |
Record the MCS index supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
mcs | the WifiMode supported by the station |
Definition at line 658 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by AddStationHeCapabilities(), AddStationHtCapabilities(), AddStationVhtCapabilities(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedMode | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
WifiMode | mode | ||
) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to store the set of modes supported by a destination which is also supported locally.
The set of supported modes includes the BSSBasicRateSet.
address | the address of the station being recorded |
mode | the WifiMode supports by the station |
Definition at line 602 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::Receive(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::AddSupportedPlcpPreamble | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
bool | isShortPreambleSupported | ||
) |
Record whether the short PLCP preamble is supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
isShortPreambleSupported | whether or not short PLCP preamble is supported by the station |
Definition at line 584 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
privatepure virtual |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by Lookup().
protectedvirtual |
Destructor implementation.
This method is called by Dispose() or by the Object's destructor, whichever comes first.
Subclasses are expected to implement their real destruction code in an overridden version of this method and chain up to their parent's implementation once they are done. i.e, for simplicity, the destructor of every subclass should be empty and its content should be moved to the associated DoDispose() method.
It is safe to call GetObject() from within this method.
Reimplemented from ns3::Object.
Definition at line 426 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and Reset().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1574 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ackMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1580 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ackMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1592 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ackMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1586 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient of the ACK |
ackMode | the mode to be used for the ACK |
Definition at line 1568 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxPowerLevel.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1604 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetBlockAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
blockAckMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1610 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetBlockAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
blockAckMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1622 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetBlockAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
blockAckMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1616 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetBlockAckTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient of the Block ACK |
blockAckMode | the mode to be used for the Block ACK |
Definition at line 1598 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxPowerLevel.
Referenced by GetBlockAckTxVector().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector | ( | void | ) |
Since CTS-to-self parameters are not dependent on the station, it is implemented in wifiremote station manager.
Definition at line 870 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), GetChannelWidthForTransmission(), GetDefaultMode(), GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), GetNumberOfAntennas(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), m_wifiPhy, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_MF, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG, and ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_VHT.
Referenced by GetCtsToSelfTxVector(), and PrepareForQueue().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1544 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetCtsTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1550 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by GetCtsTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1562 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetCtsTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient |
ctsMode | the mode to be used |
Definition at line 1556 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetCtsTxVector().
privatevirtual |
address | the address of the recipient of the CTS |
ctsMode | the mode to be used for the CTS |
Definition at line 1538 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxPowerLevel.
Referenced by GetCtsTxVector().
privatepure virtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet or a fragment of a unicast packet to decide which transmission mode to use.
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by GetDataTxVector(), and PrepareForQueue().
private |
Return the current fragmentation threshold.
Definition at line 1250 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_fragmentationThreshold.
Referenced by GetFragmentationThreshold(), and GetTypeId().
privatepure virtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
Note: This method is called before sending an rts to a station to decide which transmission mode to use for the rts.
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by GetRtsTxVector(), and PrepareForQueue().
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
packet | the packet to send |
normally | indicates whether the normal 802.11 data fragmentation mechanism would request that the data packet is fragmented or not. |
Note: This method is called before sending a unicast packet.
Definition at line 2017 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by NeedFragmentation().
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
packet | the packet to send |
normally | indicates whether the normal 802.11 data retransmission mechanism would request that the data is retransmitted or not. |
Note: This method is called after any unicast packet transmission (control, management, or data) has been attempted and has failed.
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager.
Definition at line 2010 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by NeedRetransmission().
privatevirtual |
station | the station that we need to communicate |
packet | the packet to send |
normally | indicates whether the normal 802.11 rts enable mechanism would request that the rts is sent or not. |
Note: This method is called before a unicast packet is sent on the medium.
Reimplemented in ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, and ns3::CaraWifiManager.
Definition at line 2003 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by NeedRts().
privatevirtual |
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.
This method is a virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class intended to handle A-MPDUs. This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently.
station | the station that sent the DATA to us |
nSuccessfulMpdus | number of successfully transmitted MPDUs. A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed. |
nFailedMpdus | number of unsuccessfully transmitted MPDUs. |
rxSnr | received SNR of the block ack frame itself |
dataSnr | data SNR reported by remote station |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, and ns3::IdealWifiManager.
Definition at line 2024 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References NS_LOG_DEBUG.
Referenced by ReportAmpduTxStatus().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send DATA |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportDataFailed().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we successfully sent RTS |
ackSnr | the SNR of the ACK we received |
ackMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK |
dataSnr | the SNR of the DATA we sent |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportDataOk().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send DATA |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportFinalDataFailed().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send RTS |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportFinalRtsFailed().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we failed to send RTS |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportRtsFailed().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that we successfully sent RTS |
ctsSnr | the SNR of the CTS we received |
ctsMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS |
rtsSnr | the SNR of the RTS we sent |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportRtsOk().
privatepure virtual |
This method is a pure virtual method that must be implemented by the sub-class.
This allows different types of WifiRemoteStationManager to respond differently,
station | the station that sent the DATA to us |
rxSnr | the SNR of the DATA we received |
txMode | the WifiMode the sender used to send the DATA |
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by ReportRxOk().
private |
Actually sets the fragmentation threshold, it also checks the validity of the given threshold.
threshold | the fragmentation threshold |
Definition at line 1214 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_nextFragmentationThreshold, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and NS_LOG_WARN.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), and SetFragmentationThreshold().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetAckTxVector | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
WifiMode | dataMode | ||
) |
address | |
dataMode | the transmission mode used to send an ACK we just received |
Definition at line 1504 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoGetAckTxChannelWidth(), DoGetAckTxGuardInterval(), DoGetAckTxNess(), DoGetAckTxNss(), DoGetAckTxPowerLevel(), GetChannelWidthForTransmission(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetStbc(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNess(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetStbc(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::GetAckTxVector().
protected |
Return the address of the station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2072 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_address, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().
protected |
Return whether the given station supports A-MPDU.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2102 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_aggregation, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMcs | ( | uint8_t | i | ) | const |
Return the MCS at the given list index.
i | the position in the list |
Definition at line 1976 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNBasicMcs(), m_bssBasicMcsSet, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by AddBasicMcs(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMode | ( | uint8_t | i | ) | const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes.
i | index of the basic mode in the basic mode set |
Definition at line 1909 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNBasicModes(), m_bssBasicRateSet, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by AddBasicMode(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::CheckSupportedRates(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), GetDataTxVector(), GetNonUnicastMode(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::GetSupportedRates(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBlockAckTxVector | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
WifiMode | dataMode | ||
) |
address | |
dataMode | the transmission mode used to send an ACK we just received |
Definition at line 1521 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoGetBlockAckTxChannelWidth(), DoGetBlockAckTxGuardInterval(), DoGetBlockAckTxNess(), DoGetBlockAckTxNss(), DoGetBlockAckTxPowerLevel(), GetChannelWidthForTransmission(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetStbc(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNess(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetStbc(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::GetBlockAckTxVector().
protected |
Return the channel width supported by the station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2078 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().
staticprotected |
Return the channel width that corresponds to the selected mode (instead of letting the PHY's default channel width).
This is especially useful when using non-HT modes with HT/VHT/HE capable stations (with default width above 20 MHz).
mode | selected WifiMode |
maxSupportedChannelWidth | maximum channel width supported by the PHY layer |
Definition at line 779 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), GetAckTxVector(), GetBlockAckTxVector(), GetCtsTxVector(), and GetDataTxVector().
uint16_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetChannelWidthSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return the channel width supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2183 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::GetHtOperation(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::GetVhtOperationalChannelWidth().
private |
Get control answer mode function.
address | the address of the station |
reqMode | request mode |
The standard has relatively unambiguous rules for selecting a control response rate (the below is quoted from IEEE 802.11-2012, Section 9.7):
To allow the transmitting STA to calculate the contents of the Duration/ID field, a STA responding to a received frame shall transmit its Control Response frame (either CTS or ACK), other than the BlockAck control frame, at the highest rate in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter that is less than or equal to the rate of the immediately previous frame in the frame exchange sequence (as defined in Annex G) and that is of the same modulation class (see Section 9.7.8) as the received frame...
If no suitable basic rate was found, we search the mandatory rates. The standard (IEEE 802.11-2007, Section 9.6) says:
...If no rate contained in the BSSBasicRateSet parameter meets these conditions, then the control frame sent in response to a received frame shall be transmitted at the highest mandatory rate of the PHY that is less than or equal to the rate of the received frame, and that is of the same modulation class as the received frame. In addition, the Control Response frame shall be sent using the same PHY options as the received frame, unless they conflict with the requirement to use the BSSBasicRateSet parameter.
If we still haven't found a suitable rate for the response then someone has messed up the simulation config. This probably means that the WifiPhyStandard is not set correctly, or that a rate that is not supported by the PHY has been explicitly requested in a WifiRemoteStationManager (or descendant) configuration.
Either way, it is serious - we can either disobey the standard or fail, and I have chosen to do the latter...
Definition at line 1346 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, GetDefaultMcs(), GetDefaultMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMcs(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNMcs(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetNModes(), HasHeSupported(), HasHtSupported(), HasVhtSupported(), IsAllowedControlAnswerModulationClass(), ns3::WifiMode::IsHigherCodeRate(), ns3::WifiMode::IsHigherDataRate(), ns3::WifiMode::IsMandatory(), m_bssBasicMcsSet, m_bssBasicRateSet, m_wifiPhy, NS_FATAL_ERROR, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by GetAckTxVector(), GetBlockAckTxVector(), and GetCtsTxVector().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetCtsToSelfTxVector | ( | const WifiMacHeader * | header, |
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
Definition at line 851 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::HighLatencyCtsToSelfTxVectorTag::GetCtsToSelfTxVector(), IsLowLatency(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetCtsTxVector | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
WifiMode | rtsMode | ||
) |
address | remote address |
rtsMode | the transmission mode used to send an RTS we just received |
Definition at line 1487 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoGetCtsTxChannelWidth(), DoGetCtsTxGuardInterval(), DoGetCtsTxNess(), DoGetCtsTxNss(), DoGetCtsTxPowerLevel(), GetChannelWidthForTransmission(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetStbc(), m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNess(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetStbc(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::GetCtsTxVector().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDataTxVector | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
Definition at line 800 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::ConvertGuardIntervalToNanoSeconds(), DoGetDataTxVector(), GetBasicMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), GetChannelWidthForTransmission(), ns3::HighLatencyDataTxVectorTag::GetDataTxVector(), GetDefaultMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), GetNBasicModes(), GetNonUnicastMode(), GetPreambleForTransmission(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetStbc(), IsLowLatency(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsMgt(), Lookup(), m_defaultTxPowerLevel, m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WifiTxVector::SetChannelWidth(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetMode(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNess(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNss(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetNTx(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetPreambleType(), ns3::WifiTxVector::SetStbc(), and ns3::WifiTxVector::SetTxPowerLevel().
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::GetDataTxVector().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultMcs | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the default Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS) index.
Definition at line 1861 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxMcs.
Referenced by GetControlAnswerMode(), and LookupState().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultMode | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the default transmission mode.
Definition at line 1855 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxMode.
Referenced by ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoCreateStation(), DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetDataTxVector(), GetNonUnicastMode(), and LookupState().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetDefaultTxPowerLevel | ( | void | ) | const |
Definition at line 1628 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxPowerLevel.
Referenced by DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().
uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentationThreshold | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the fragmentation threshold.
Definition at line 578 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References DoGetFragmentationThreshold().
Referenced by GetFragmentOffset(), GetFragmentSize(), GetNFragments(), and NeedFragmentation().
uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentOffset | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet, | ||
uint32_t | fragmentNumber | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
fragmentNumber | the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero). |
Definition at line 1300 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, GetFragmentationThreshold(), GetNFragments(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::Txop::GetFragmentOffset(), and ns3::QosTxop::GetFragmentOffset().
uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetFragmentSize | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet, | ||
uint32_t | fragmentNumber | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
fragmentNumber | the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero). |
Definition at line 1272 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, GetFragmentationThreshold(), GetNFragments(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::Txop::GetFragmentSize(), ns3::QosTxop::GetFragmentSize(), ns3::Txop::GetNextFragmentSize(), ns3::QosTxop::GetNextFragmentSize(), and ns3::QosTxop::IsTxopFragmentation().
protected |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2096 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_greenfield, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetGreenfieldSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports Greenfield or not.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 1849 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_greenfield.
Referenced by GetPreambleForTransmission(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::IsNonGfHtStasPresent().
protected |
Return the HE guard interval duration supported by the station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2090 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_guardInterval, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector().
protected |
Return whether the given station is HE capable.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2156 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_heSupported, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetHtSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports HT or not.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2207 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htSupported.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::GetHtOperation().
protected |
Return whether the given station is HT capable.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2144 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htSupported, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
WifiRemoteStationInfo ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetInfo | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
address | of the remote station |
Definition at line 1634 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_info.
Return the WifiMac.
Definition at line 2126 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_wifiMac.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CalculateRetransmits(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::CalculateTimeUnicastPacket().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 2231 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetMaxSupportedTxSpatialStreams(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().
protected |
Return the WifiMode supported by the specified station at the specified index.
station | the station being queried |
i | the index |
Definition at line 2037 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNMcsSupported(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CalculateRetransmits(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::StatsDump(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::UpdateStats().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicMcs | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the number of basic MCS index.
Definition at line 1970 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_bssBasicMcsSet.
Referenced by AddBasicMcs(), GetBasicMcs(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicModes | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the number of basic modes we support.
Definition at line 1903 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_bssBasicRateSet.
Referenced by AddBasicMode(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::CheckSupportedRates(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), GetBasicMode(), GetDataTxVector(), GetNonUnicastMode(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::GetSupportedRates(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetSupportedRates(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
protected |
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2114 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ness, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector().
private |
Return the number of fragments needed for the given packet.
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to be fragmented |
Definition at line 1256 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetFragmentationThreshold(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by GetFragmentOffset(), GetFragmentSize(), and IsLastFragment().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNMcsSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return the number of MCS supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2201 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetHtOperation(), and GetMcsSupported().
protected |
Return the number of MCS supported by the given station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2162 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
uint32_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNNonErpBasicModes | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the number of non-ERP basic modes we support.
Definition at line 1916 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_bssBasicRateSet, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.
Referenced by GetNonErpBasicMode().
protected |
Return the number of non-ERP modes supported by the given station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2168 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.
Referenced by GetNonErpSupported().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonErpBasicMode | ( | uint8_t | i | ) | const |
Return a basic mode from the set of basic modes that is not an ERP mode.
i | index of the basic mode in the basic mode set |
Definition at line 1931 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNNonErpBasicModes(), m_bssBasicRateSet, NS_ASSERT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.
protected |
Return whether non-ERP mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
station | the station being queried |
i | the index |
Definition at line 2044 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNNonErpSupported(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, NS_ASSERT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM.
Referenced by ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().
WifiMode ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNonUnicastMode | ( | void | ) | const |
Return a mode for non-unicast packets.
Definition at line 1983 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetBasicMode(), GetDefaultMode(), GetNBasicModes(), and m_nonUnicastMode.
Referenced by GetDataTxVector().
protected |
Return the number of modes supported by the given station.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2132 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoReportDataOk(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoReportDataOk(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoReportDataOk(), GetSupported(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::IncreaseRate(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::IsMaxRate(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::UpdateMode(), and ns3::OnoeWifiManager::UpdateMode().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNumberOfAntennas | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 2225 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetNumberOfAntennas(), and m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), and ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector().
uint8_t ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNumberOfSupportedStreams | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return the number of spatial streams supported by the station.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2195 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_streams.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetHtOperation(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().
protected |
Return the number of supported streams the station has.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2108 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_streams.
Return the WifiPhy.
Definition at line 2120 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_wifiPhy.
Referenced by ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::GetHtDeviceMcsList(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::GetVhtDeviceMcsList(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().
protected |
Return the preamble to be used for the transmission.
mode | the mode selected for the transmission |
dest | address of the recipient |
Definition at line 2237 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiPhy::GetGreenfield(), GetGreenfieldSupported(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), GetShortPreambleEnabled(), GetUseGreenfieldProtection(), m_wifiPhy, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HE_SU, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_GF, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_HT_MF, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_LONG, ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_SHORT, and ns3::WIFI_PREAMBLE_VHT.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), GetAckTxVector(), GetBlockAckTxVector(), GetCtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), GetDataTxVector(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetQosSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 687 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_qosSupported.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::NotifyAccessGranted().
protected |
Return whether the given station is QoS capable.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2138 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_qosSupported, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetRifsPermitted | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device can use RIFS.
Definition at line 530 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_rifsPermitted.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::ReceiveOk(), ns3::MacLow::SendDataAfterCts(), ns3::MacLow::SendDataPacket(), and ns3::MacLow::StartDataTxTimers().
WifiTxVector ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetRtsTxVector | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
Definition at line 904 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::HighLatencyRtsTxVectorTag::GetRtsTxVector(), IsLowLatency(), Lookup(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::GetRtsTxVector().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortGuardInterval | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2189 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortGuardInterval.
Referenced by ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetHtOperation(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().
protected |
Return whether the given station supports HT/VHT short guard interval.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2084 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortGuardInterval, and ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state.
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortPreambleEnabled | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device uses short PLCP preambles.
Definition at line 524 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_shortPreambleEnabled.
Referenced by GetPreambleForTransmission().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortPreambleSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports short PLCP preamble or not.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 675 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortPreamble.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::GetShortPreambleEnabled().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortSlotTimeEnabled | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device uses short slot time.
Definition at line 518 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_shortSlotTimeEnabled.
Referenced by ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetShortSlotTimeSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports short ERP slot time or not.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 681 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortSlotTime.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::GetShortSlotTimeEnabled().
protected |
Return whether mode associated with the specified station at the specified index.
station | the station being queried |
i | the index |
Definition at line 2030 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References GetNSupported(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by ns3::ParfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::FindRate(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetDataTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::GetThresholds(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::GetThresholds(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::InitThresholds(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::PrintTable(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::RateInit(), and ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::UpdateStats().
static |
Get the type ID.
Definition at line 321 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::TypeId::ATTR_GET, CTS_TO_SELF, DoGetFragmentationThreshold(), DoSetFragmentationThreshold(), IsLowLatency(), m_defaultTxPowerLevel, m_erpProtectionMode, m_htProtectionMode, m_macTxDataFailed, m_macTxFinalDataFailed, m_macTxFinalRtsFailed, m_macTxRtsFailed, m_nonUnicastMode, ns3::MakeBooleanAccessor(), ns3::MakeBooleanChecker(), ns3::MakeEnumAccessor(), ns3::MakeEnumChecker(), ns3::MakeTraceSourceAccessor(), ns3::MakeUintegerAccessor(), ns3::MakeWifiModeAccessor(), ns3::MakeWifiModeChecker(), RTS_CTS, SetMaxSlrc(), SetMaxSsrc(), ns3::TypeId::SetParent(), and SetRtsCtsThreshold().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseGreenfieldProtection | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format is enabled.
Definition at line 1169 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useGreenfieldProtection.
Referenced by GetPreambleForTransmission().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseNonErpProtection | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-ERP stations.
Definition at line 1143 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useNonErpProtection.
Referenced by ns3::AarfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::CaraWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AmrrWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::OnoeWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::ArfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AarfcdWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::DoGetRtsTxVector(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::GetRtsTxVector(), and ns3::MacLow::StartTransmission().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetUseNonHtProtection | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device supports protection of non-HT stations.
Definition at line 1156 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useNonHtProtection.
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::GetVhtSupported | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station supports VHT or not.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 2213 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_vhtSupported.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::CheckInit(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::ApWifiMac::GetVhtOperationalChannelWidth(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::RateInit().
protected |
Return whether the given station is VHT capable.
station | the station being queried |
Definition at line 2150 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_vhtSupported.
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::HasHeSupported | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device has HE capability support enabled.
Definition at line 560 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_heSupported.
Referenced by ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoInitialize(), GetControlAnswerMode(), ns3::QosTxop::NeedFragmentation(), ns3::MacLow::ReceiveMpdu(), ns3::MacLow::SendBlockAckAfterBlockAckRequest(), ns3::QosTxop::SetupBlockAckIfNeeded(), and SetupPhy().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::HasHtSupported | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device has HT capability support enabled.
Definition at line 536 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_htSupported.
Referenced by ns3::BlockAckManager::CreateAgreement(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoCreateStation(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), GetControlAnswerMode(), NeedCtsToSelf(), ns3::QosTxop::NeedFragmentation(), ns3::MacLow::ReceiveMpdu(), ns3::MacLow::SendBlockAckAfterBlockAckRequest(), SetupPhy(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::~MinstrelHtWifiManager().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::HasPcfSupported | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device has PCF capability support enabled.
Definition at line 572 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_pcfSupported.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::EndTxNoAck(), ns3::MacLow::ForwardDown(), and ns3::MacLow::IsCfPeriod().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::HasVhtSupported | ( | void | ) | const |
Return whether the device has VHT capability support enabled.
Definition at line 548 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_vhtSupported.
Referenced by ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoCreateStation(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoGetDataTxVector(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::DoInitialize(), ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::DoInitialize(), GetControlAnswerMode(), ns3::QosTxop::NeedFragmentation(), ns3::MacLow::ReceiveMpdu(), ns3::MacLow::SendBlockAckAfterBlockAckRequest(), ns3::QosTxop::SetupBlockAckIfNeeded(), and SetupPhy().
private |
Return whether the modulation class of the selected mode for the control answer frame is allowed.
modClassReq | modulation class of the request frame |
modClassAnswer | modulation class of the answer frame |
Definition at line 1323 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
Referenced by GetControlAnswerMode().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsAssociated | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station associated.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 703 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::GOT_ASSOC_TX_OK, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::Enqueue(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsBrandNew | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether the station state is brand new.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 693 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::BRAND_NEW, LookupState(), and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsLastFragment | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet, | ||
uint32_t | fragmentNumber | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
fragmentNumber | the fragment index of the next fragment to send (starts at zero). |
Definition at line 1312 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, GetNFragments(), NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::Txop::IsLastFragment(), and ns3::QosTxop::IsLastFragment().
privatepure virtual |
Note: In this context, low vs high latency is defined in IEEE 802.11 Rate Adaptation: A Practical Approach, by M. Lacage, M.H. Manshaei, and T. Turletti.
Implemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, ns3::AarfWifiManager, and ns3::ConstantRateWifiManager.
Referenced by GetCtsToSelfTxVector(), GetDataTxVector(), GetRtsTxVector(), GetTypeId(), and PrepareForQueue().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::IsWaitAssocTxOk | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) | const |
Return whether we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 713 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::WAIT_ASSOC_TX_OK.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxFailed(), and ns3::ApWifiMac::TxOk().
private |
Return the station associated with the given address and TID.
address | the address of the station |
tid | the TID |
Definition at line 1691 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoCreateStation(), LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_slrc, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_ssrc, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_state, m_stations, ns3::WifiRemoteStation::m_tid, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by GetDataTxVector(), GetRtsTxVector(), Lookup(), NeedFragmentation(), NeedRetransmission(), NeedRts(), PrepareForQueue(), ReportAmpduTxStatus(), ReportDataFailed(), ReportDataOk(), ReportFinalDataFailed(), ReportFinalRtsFailed(), ReportRtsFailed(), ReportRtsOk(), and ReportRxOk().
private |
Find a remote station by its remote address and TID taken from MAC header.
Return the station associated with the given address and MAC header. It simply gets TID from the MAC header and calls Lookup with tid.
address | the address of the station |
header | MAC header |
Definition at line 1676 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetQosTid(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::IsQosData(), and Lookup().
private |
Return the state of the station associated with the given address.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 1641 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::BRAND_NEW, ns3::WifiPhy::GetChannelWidth(), GetDefaultMcs(), GetDefaultMode(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGreenfield(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetGuardInterval(), ns3::Time::GetNanoSeconds(), ns3::WifiPhy::GetShortGuardInterval(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_aggregation, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_channelWidth, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_greenfield, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_guardInterval, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_heSupported, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_htSupported, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ldpc, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_ness, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalMcsSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_operationalRateSet, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_qosSupported, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_shortGuardInterval, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, m_states, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_stbc, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_streams, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_vhtSupported, m_wifiPhy, NS_LOG_DEBUG, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by AddAllSupportedMcs(), AddAllSupportedModes(), AddStationHeCapabilities(), AddStationHtCapabilities(), AddStationVhtCapabilities(), AddSupportedErpSlotTime(), AddSupportedMcs(), AddSupportedMode(), AddSupportedPlcpPreamble(), GetChannelWidthSupported(), GetGreenfieldSupported(), GetHtSupported(), GetInfo(), GetNMcsSupported(), GetNumberOfSupportedStreams(), GetQosSupported(), GetShortGuardInterval(), GetShortPreambleSupported(), GetShortSlotTimeSupported(), GetVhtSupported(), IsAssociated(), IsBrandNew(), IsWaitAssocTxOk(), Lookup(), RecordDisassociated(), RecordGotAssocTxFailed(), RecordGotAssocTxOk(), RecordWaitAssocTxOk(), RemoveAllSupportedMcs(), and SetQosSupport().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedCtsToSelf | ( | WifiTxVector | txVector | ) |
Return if we need to do Cts-to-self before sending a DATA.
txVector | the TXVECTOR of the packet to be sent |
Definition at line 1083 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References CTS_TO_SELF, ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), HasHtSupported(), m_bssBasicMcsSet, m_bssBasicRateSet, m_erpProtectionMode, m_htProtectionMode, m_useNonErpProtection, m_useNonHtProtection, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::NeedCtsToSelf().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedFragmentation | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
Definition at line 1199 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoNeedFragmentation(), GetFragmentationThreshold(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::IsTxopFragmentation(), ns3::QosTxop::NeedFragmentation(), and ns3::Txop::NeedFragmentation().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedRetransmission | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
Definition at line 1175 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoNeedRetransmission(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), m_maxSlrc, m_maxSsrc, m_rtsCtsThreshold, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::Txop::NeedDataRetransmission(), and ns3::Txop::NeedRtsRetransmission().
bool ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::NeedRts | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet, | ||
WifiTxVector | txVector | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to send |
txVector | the TXVECTOR of the packet to send |
Definition at line 1050 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoNeedRts(), ns3::WifiTxVector::GetMode(), ns3::WifiMode::GetModulationClass(), ns3::Packet::GetSize(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), m_erpProtectionMode, m_htProtectionMode, m_rtsCtsThreshold, m_useNonErpProtection, m_useNonHtProtection, NS_LOG_DEBUG, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, RTS_CTS, ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_ERP_OFDM, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HE, ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_HT, and ns3::WIFI_MOD_CLASS_VHT.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::NeedRts(), ns3::QosTxop::RestartAccessIfNeeded(), and ns3::QosTxop::StartAccessIfNeeded().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::PrepareForQueue | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
Ptr< const Packet > | packet | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
packet | the packet to queue |
This method is typically invoked just before queuing a packet for transmission. It is a no-op unless the IsLowLatency attribute of the attached ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager is set to false, in which case, the tx parameters of the packet are calculated and stored in the packet as a tag. These tx parameters are later retrieved from GetDadaMode and GetRtsMode.
Definition at line 751 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References ns3::Packet::AddPacketTag(), first::address, data, DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), DoGetDataTxVector(), DoGetRtsTxVector(), IsLowLatency(), Lookup(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::PushFront(), and ns3::Txop::Queue().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordDisassociated | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Records that the STA was disassociated.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 744 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::DISASSOC, LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::OcbWifiMac::Enqueue(), ns3::MeshWifiInterfaceMac::ForwardDown(), ns3::AdhocWifiMac::Receive(), ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive(), and ns3::OcbWifiMac::Receive().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordGotAssocTxFailed | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Records that we missed an ACK for the association response we sent.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 737 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::DISASSOC, LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxFailed().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordGotAssocTxOk | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Records that we got an ACK for the association response we sent.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 730 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::GOT_ASSOC_TX_OK, LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, and NS_ASSERT.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::TxOk().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RecordWaitAssocTxOk | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Records that we are waiting for an ACK for the association response we sent.
address | the address of the station |
Definition at line 723 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_state, NS_ASSERT, and ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::WAIT_ASSOC_TX_OK.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::Receive().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::RemoveAllSupportedMcs | ( | Mac48Address | address | ) |
Invoked in a STA or AP to delete all of the supported MCS by a destination.
address | the address of the station being recorded |
Definition at line 649 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, LookupState(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportAmpduTxStatus | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
uint8_t | tid, | ||
uint8_t | nSuccessfulMpdus, | ||
uint8_t | nFailedMpdus, | ||
double | rxSnr, | ||
double | dataSnr | ||
) |
Typically called per A-MPDU, either when a Block ACK was successfully received or when a BlockAckTimeout has elapsed.
address | the address of the receiver |
tid | TID of the DATA packet |
nSuccessfulMpdus | number of successfully transmitted MPDUs. A value of 0 means that the Block ACK was missed. |
nFailedMpdus | number of unsuccessfully transmitted MPDUs. |
rxSnr | received SNR of the block ack frame itself |
dataSnr | data SNR reported by remote station |
Definition at line 1035 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportAmpduTxStatus(), Lookup(), m_macTxDataFailed, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::MissedBlockAck(), and ns3::BlockAckManager::NotifyGotBlockAck().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportDataFailed | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
uint32_t | packetSize | ||
) |
Should be invoked whenever the AckTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
packetSize | the size of the DATA packet |
Definition at line 935 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportDataFailed(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), m_macTxDataFailed, m_rtsCtsThreshold, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, packetSize, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::NormalAckTimeout(), and ns3::QosTxop::NotifyInternalCollision().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportDataOk | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
double | ackSnr, | ||
WifiMode | ackMode, | ||
double | dataSnr, | ||
uint32_t | packetSize | ||
) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Ack associated to a data packet we just sent.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
ackSnr | the SNR of the ACK we received |
ackMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the ACK |
dataSnr | the SNR of the DATA we sent |
packetSize | the size of the DATA packet |
Definition at line 967 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportDataOk(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), m_rtsCtsThreshold, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, packetSize, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::ReceiveOk().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportFinalDataFailed | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
uint32_t | packetSize | ||
) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportDataFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
packetSize | the size of the DATA packet |
Definition at line 1001 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportFinalDataFailed(), ns3::WifiMacHeader::GetSize(), Lookup(), m_macTxFinalDataFailed, m_rtsCtsThreshold, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, packetSize, and ns3::WIFI_MAC_FCS_LENGTH.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::MissedAck(), ns3::Txop::MissedAck(), ns3::Txop::MissedCfPollResponse(), ns3::QosTxop::NotifyInternalCollision(), and ns3::Txop::SendCfFrame().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportFinalRtsFailed | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header | ||
) |
Should be invoked after calling ReportRtsFailed if NeedRetransmission returns false.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
Definition at line 989 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportFinalRtsFailed(), Lookup(), m_macTxFinalRtsFailed, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::MissedCts(), ns3::Txop::MissedCts(), and ns3::QosTxop::NotifyInternalCollision().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRtsFailed | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header | ||
) |
Should be invoked whenever the RtsTimeout associated to a transmission attempt expires.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
Definition at line 924 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportRtsFailed(), Lookup(), m_macTxRtsFailed, NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::CtsTimeout(), and ns3::QosTxop::NotifyInternalCollision().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRtsOk | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
double | ctsSnr, | ||
WifiMode | ctsMode, | ||
double | rtsSnr | ||
) |
Should be invoked whenever we receive the Cts associated to an RTS we just sent.
Note that we also get the SNR of the RTS we sent since the receiver put a SnrTag in the CTS.
address | the address of the receiver |
header | MAC header of the DATA packet |
ctsSnr | the SNR of the CTS we received |
ctsMode | the WifiMode the receiver used to send the CTS |
rtsSnr | the SNR of the RTS we sent |
Definition at line 955 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportRtsOk(), Lookup(), NS_ASSERT, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::ReceiveOk().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::ReportRxOk | ( | Mac48Address | address, |
const WifiMacHeader * | header, | ||
double | rxSnr, | ||
WifiMode | txMode | ||
) |
address | remote address |
header | MAC header |
rxSnr | the snr of the packet received |
txMode | the transmission mode used for the packet received. |
Should be invoked whenever a packet is successfully received.
Definition at line 1022 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References first::address, DoReportRxOk(), Lookup(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::MacLow::ReceiveOk().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::Reset | ( | void | ) |
Reset the station, invoked in a STA upon dis-association or in an AP upon reboot.
Definition at line 1867 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_bssBasicMcsSet, m_bssBasicRateSet, m_states, m_stations, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by DoDispose(), ns3::MacLow::NotifySwitchingStartNow(), SetupMac(), and SetupPhy().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetDefaultTxPowerLevel | ( | uint8_t | txPower | ) |
Set the default transmission power level.
txPower | the default transmission power level |
Definition at line 2219 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_defaultTxPowerLevel.
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetFragmentationThreshold | ( | uint32_t | threshold | ) |
Sets a fragmentation threshold.
The method calls a private method DoSetFragmentationThreshold that checks the validity of the value given.
threshold | the fragmentation threshold |
Definition at line 490 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References DoSetFragmentationThreshold(), and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
virtual |
Enable or disable HE capability support.
enable | enable or disable HE capability support |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, and ns3::AarfWifiManager.
Definition at line 554 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_heSupported.
Referenced by ns3::RegularWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager().
virtual |
Enable or disable HT capability support.
enable | enable or disable HT capability support |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, and ns3::AarfWifiManager.
Definition at line 483 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_htSupported, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by AmpduAggregationTest::DoRun(), and ns3::RegularWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetMaxSlrc | ( | uint32_t | maxSlrc | ) |
Sets the maximum STA long retry count (SLRC).
maxSlrc | the maximum SLRC |
Definition at line 469 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_maxSlrc, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by GetTypeId().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetMaxSsrc | ( | uint32_t | maxSsrc | ) |
Sets the maximum STA short retry count (SSRC).
maxSsrc | the maximum SSRC |
Definition at line 462 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_maxSsrc, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by AmpduAggregationTest::DoRun(), and GetTypeId().
virtual |
Enable or disable PCF capability support.
enable | enable or disable PCF capability support |
Definition at line 566 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_pcfSupported.
Referenced by ns3::InfrastructureWifiMac::SetPcfSupported(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetQosSupport | ( | Mac48Address | from, |
bool | qosSupported | ||
) |
Records QoS support of the remote station.
from | the address of the station being recorded |
qosSupported | whether the station supports QoS |
Definition at line 1714 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References LookupState(), ns3::WifiRemoteStationState::m_qosSupported, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by AddStationHeCapabilities(), AddStationHtCapabilities(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetRifsPermitted | ( | bool | allow | ) |
Permit or prohibit RIFS.
allow | permit or prohibit RIFS |
Definition at line 511 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_rifsPermitted, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::GetRifsMode(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetRtsCtsThreshold | ( | uint32_t | threshold | ) |
Sets the RTS threshold.
threshold | the RTS threshold |
Definition at line 476 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_rtsCtsThreshold, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by GetTypeId().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetShortPreambleEnabled | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Enable or disable short PLCP preambles.
enable | enable or disable short PLCP preambles |
Definition at line 497 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_shortPreambleEnabled, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::SendOneBeacon(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SendProbeResp(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetShortSlotTimeEnabled | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Enable or disable short slot time.
enable | enable or disable short slot time |
Definition at line 504 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_shortSlotTimeEnabled, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::SendOneBeacon(), ns3::ApWifiMac::SendProbeResp(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromProbeResp().
Set up MAC associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of timing parameters (e.g.
mac | the MAC of this device |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, and ns3::RraaWifiManager.
Definition at line 452 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_wifiMac, third::mac, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, and Reset().
Referenced by ns3::WifiNetDevice::CompleteConfig(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::SetupMac(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::SetupMac(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::SetupMac(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::SetupMac().
Set up PHY associated with this device since it is the object that knows the full set of transmit rates that are supported.
phy | the PHY of this device |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager, ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::IdealWifiManager, and ns3::ParfWifiManager.
Definition at line 433 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References HasHeSupported(), HasHtSupported(), HasVhtSupported(), ns3::WifiMode::IsMandatory(), m_defaultTxMcs, m_defaultTxMode, m_wifiPhy, NS_ASSERT, NS_LOG_FUNCTION, third::phy, and Reset().
Referenced by ns3::WifiNetDevice::CompleteConfig(), ns3::WaveNetDevice::DoInitialize(), AmpduAggregationTest::DoRun(), TwoLevelAggregationTest::DoRun(), ns3::IdealWifiManager::SetupPhy(), ns3::ParfWifiManager::SetupPhy(), ns3::AparfWifiManager::SetupPhy(), ns3::RraaWifiManager::SetupPhy(), ns3::RrpaaWifiManager::SetupPhy(), ns3::MinstrelWifiManager::SetupPhy(), and ns3::MinstrelHtWifiManager::SetupPhy().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetUseGreenfieldProtection | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Enable or disable protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format.
enable | enable or disable protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format |
Definition at line 1162 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useGreenfieldProtection, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::IsNonGfHtStasPresent(), ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromAssocResp(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetUseNonErpProtection | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations.
enable | enable or disable protection for non-ERP stations |
Definition at line 1136 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useNonErpProtection, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
Referenced by ns3::ApWifiMac::GetUseNonErpProtection(), and ns3::StaWifiMac::UpdateApInfoFromBeacon().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::SetUseNonHtProtection | ( | bool | enable | ) |
Enable or disable protection for non-HT stations.
enable | enable or disable protection for non-HT stations |
Definition at line 1149 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_useNonHtProtection, and NS_LOG_FUNCTION.
virtual |
Enable or disable VHT capability support.
enable | enable or disable VHT capability support |
Reimplemented in ns3::MinstrelWifiManager, ns3::RrpaaWifiManager, ns3::RraaWifiManager, ns3::ArfWifiManager, ns3::AparfWifiManager, ns3::OnoeWifiManager, ns3::AmrrWifiManager, ns3::AarfcdWifiManager, ns3::CaraWifiManager, ns3::ParfWifiManager, and ns3::AarfWifiManager.
Definition at line 542 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_vhtSupported.
Referenced by ns3::RegularWifiMac::SetWifiRemoteStationManager().
void ns3::WifiRemoteStationManager::UpdateFragmentationThreshold | ( | void | ) |
Typically called to update the fragmentation threshold at the start of a new transmission.
This avoid that the fragmentation threshold gets changed during a transmission (see bug 730).
Definition at line 1244 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.cc.
References m_fragmentationThreshold, and m_nextFragmentationThreshold.
Referenced by ns3::QosTxop::NotifyAccessGranted(), ns3::Txop::NotifyAccessGranted(), ns3::QosTxop::SendAddBaRequest(), and ns3::QosTxop::StartNextPacket().
private |
basic MCS set
Definition at line 1425 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by AddBasicMcs(), GetBasicMcs(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetNBasicMcs(), NeedCtsToSelf(), and Reset().
private |
This member is the list of WifiMode objects that comprise the BSSBasicRateSet parameter.
This list is constructed through calls to WifiRemoteStationManager::AddBasicMode(), and an API that allows external access to it is available through WifiRemoteStationManager::GetNBasicModes() and WifiRemoteStationManager::GetBasicMode().basic rate set
Definition at line 1424 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by AddBasicMode(), GetBasicMode(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetNBasicModes(), GetNNonErpBasicModes(), GetNonErpBasicMode(), NeedCtsToSelf(), and Reset().
private |
The default transmission modulation-coding scheme (MCS)
Definition at line 1431 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetDefaultMcs(), and SetupPhy().
private |
The default transmission mode.
Definition at line 1430 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetDefaultMode(), and SetupPhy().
private |
Default tranmission power level.
Definition at line 1442 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by DoGetAckTxPowerLevel(), DoGetBlockAckTxPowerLevel(), DoGetCtsTxPowerLevel(), GetDataTxVector(), GetDefaultTxPowerLevel(), GetTypeId(), and SetDefaultTxPowerLevel().
private |
Protection mode for ERP stations when non-ERP stations are detected.
Definition at line 1450 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), NeedCtsToSelf(), and NeedRts().
private |
Current threshold for fragmentation.
Definition at line 1440 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by DoGetFragmentationThreshold(), and UpdateFragmentationThreshold().
private |
Flag if HE capability is supported.
Definition at line 1435 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by HasHeSupported(), and SetHeSupported().
private |
Protection mode for HT stations when non-HT stations are detected.
Definition at line 1451 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), NeedCtsToSelf(), and NeedRts().
private |
Flag if HT capability is supported.
Definition at line 1433 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by HasHtSupported(), and SetHtSupported().
private |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single data packet has failed.
Definition at line 1460 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), ReportAmpduTxStatus(), and ReportDataFailed().
private |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a data packet has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
Definition at line 1470 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), and ReportFinalDataFailed().
private |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a RTS has exceeded the maximum number of attempts.
Definition at line 1465 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), and ReportFinalRtsFailed().
private |
The trace source fired when the transmission of a single RTS has failed.
Definition at line 1456 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetTypeId(), and ReportRtsFailed().
private |
Maximum STA long retry count (SLRC)
Definition at line 1438 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by NeedRetransmission(), and SetMaxSlrc().
private |
Maximum STA short retry count (SSRC)
Definition at line 1437 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by NeedRetransmission(), and SetMaxSsrc().
private |
Threshold for fragmentation that will be used for the next transmission.
Definition at line 1441 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by DoSetFragmentationThreshold(), and UpdateFragmentationThreshold().
private |
Transmission mode for non-unicast DATA frames.
Definition at line 1443 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetNonUnicastMode(), and GetTypeId().
private |
Flag if PCF capability is supported.
Definition at line 1436 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by HasPcfSupported(), and SetPcfSupported().
private |
flag if RIFS is enabled
Definition at line 1449 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetRifsPermitted(), and SetRifsPermitted().
private |
Threshold for RTS/CTS.
Definition at line 1439 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by NeedRetransmission(), NeedRts(), ReportDataFailed(), ReportDataOk(), ReportFinalDataFailed(), and SetRtsCtsThreshold().
private |
flag if short PLCP preamble is enabled
Definition at line 1447 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetShortPreambleEnabled(), and SetShortPreambleEnabled().
private |
flag if short slot time is enabled
Definition at line 1448 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetShortSlotTimeEnabled(), and SetShortSlotTimeEnabled().
private |
States of known stations.
Definition at line 1427 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by LookupState(), and Reset().
private |
Information for each known stations.
Definition at line 1428 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
private |
flag if protection for stations that do not support HT greenfield format is enabled
Definition at line 1446 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetUseGreenfieldProtection(), and SetUseGreenfieldProtection().
private |
flag if protection for non-ERP stations against ERP transmissions is enabled
Definition at line 1444 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetUseNonErpProtection(), NeedCtsToSelf(), NeedRts(), and SetUseNonErpProtection().
private |
flag if protection for non-HT stations against HT transmissions is enabled
Definition at line 1445 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetUseNonHtProtection(), NeedCtsToSelf(), NeedRts(), and SetUseNonHtProtection().
private |
Flag if VHT capability is supported.
Definition at line 1434 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by HasVhtSupported(), and SetVhtSupported().
This is a pointer to the WifiMac associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupMac().
Through this pointer the station manager can determine MAC characteristics, such as the interframe spaces.
Definition at line 1414 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by GetMac(), and SetupMac().
This is a pointer to the WifiPhy associated with this WifiRemoteStationManager that is set on call to WifiRemoteStationManager::SetupPhy().
Through this pointer the station manager can determine PHY characteristics, such as the set of all transmission rates that may be supported (the "DeviceRateSet").
Definition at line 1406 of file wifi-remote-station-manager.h.
Referenced by AddAllSupportedMcs(), AddAllSupportedModes(), AddStationHeCapabilities(), AddStationHtCapabilities(), AddStationVhtCapabilities(), DoGetAckTxChannelWidth(), DoGetAckTxGuardInterval(), DoGetBlockAckTxChannelWidth(), DoGetBlockAckTxGuardInterval(), DoGetCtsToSelfTxVector(), DoGetCtsTxChannelWidth(), DoGetCtsTxGuardInterval(), GetAckTxVector(), GetBlockAckTxVector(), GetControlAnswerMode(), GetCtsTxVector(), GetDataTxVector(), GetMaxNumberOfTransmitStreams(), GetNumberOfAntennas(), GetPhy(), GetPreambleForTransmission(), LookupState(), and SetupPhy().