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Configures the Injector to return an instance of Type when `Type' is used as the token.

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interface TypeProvider extends Type { // inherited from core/Type new (...args: any[]): T }
      interface TypeProvider extends Type {

  // inherited from core/Type
  new (...args: any[]): T


Create an instance by invoking the new operator and supplying additional arguments. This form is a short form of TypeProvider;

For more details, see the "Dependency Injection Guide".

Usage notes


@Injectable() class Greeting { salutation = 'Hello'; } const injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([ Greeting, // Shorthand for { provide: Greeting, useClass: Greeting } ]); expect(injector.get(Greeting).salutation).toBe('Hello');
class Greeting {
  salutation = 'Hello';

const injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([
  Greeting,  // Shorthand for { provide: Greeting, useClass: Greeting }
