New in version 2.0.
Deploy, start, update, scale, restart, restore, stop and destroy instances.
- python >= 2.6
- cs >= 0.6.10
parameter | required | default | choices | comments |
account |
no | Account the instance is related to. | ||
affinity_groups |
no | Affinity groups names to be applied to the new instance. aliases: affinity_group | ||
api_http_method |
no | get |
HTTP method used. |
api_key |
no | API key of the CloudStack API. | ||
api_region |
no | cloudstack | Name of the ini section in the cloustack.ini file. | |
api_secret |
no | Secret key of the CloudStack API. | ||
api_timeout |
no | 10 | HTTP timeout. | |
api_url |
no | URL of the CloudStack API e.g. | ||
cpu |
no | The number of CPUs to allocate to the instance, used with custom service offerings | ||
cpu_speed |
no | The clock speed/shares allocated to the instance, used with custom service offerings | ||
disk_offering |
no | Name of the disk offering to be used. | ||
disk_size |
no | Disk size in GByte required if deploying instance from ISO. | ||
display_name |
no | Custom display name of the instances. Display name will be set to name if not specified.Either name or display_name is required. | ||
domain |
no | Domain the instance is related to. | ||
force |
no | Force stop/start the instance if required to apply changes, otherwise a running instance will not be changed. | ||
group |
no | Group in where the new instance should be in. | ||
hypervisor |
no |
Name the hypervisor to be used for creating the new instance. Relevant when using state=present , but only considered if not set on ISO/template.If not set or found on ISO/template, first found hypervisor will be used. | |
ip6_address |
no | IPv6 address for default instance's network. | ||
ip_address |
no | IPv4 address for default instance's network during creation. | ||
ip_to_networks |
no | List of mappings in the form {'network': NetworkName, 'ip':} Mutually exclusive with networks option.aliases: ip_to_network | ||
iso |
no | Name or id of the ISO to be used for creating the new instance. Required when using state=present .Mutually exclusive with template option. | ||
keyboard |
no |
Keyboard device type for the instance. | |
memory |
no | The memory allocated to the instance, used with custom service offerings | ||
name |
no | Host name of the instance. name can only contain ASCII letters.Name will be generated (UUID) by CloudStack if not specified and can not be changed afterwards. Either name or display_name is required. | ||
networks |
no | List of networks to use for the new instance. aliases: network | ||
poll_async |
no | True | Poll async jobs until job has finished. | |
project |
no | Name of the project the instance to be deployed in. | ||
root_disk_size |
no | Root disk size in GByte required if deploying instance with KVM hypervisor and want resize the root disk size at startup (need CloudStack >= 4.4, cloud-initramfs-growroot installed and enabled in the template) | ||
security_groups |
no | List of security groups the instance to be applied to. aliases: security_group | ||
service_offering |
no | Name or id of the service offering of the new instance. If not set, first found service offering is used. | ||
ssh_key |
no | Name of the SSH key to be deployed on the new instance. | ||
state |
no | present |
State of the instance. |
tags |
no | List of tags. Tags are a list of dictionaries having keys key and value .If you want to delete all tags, set a empty list e.g. tags: [] . | ||
template |
no | Name or id of the template to be used for creating the new instance. Required when using state=present .Mutually exclusive with ISO option. | ||
template_filter (added in 2.1) |
no | executable |
Name of the filter used to search for the template or iso. Used for params iso or template on state=present .aliases: iso_filter |
user_data |
no | Optional data (ASCII) that can be sent to the instance upon a successful deployment. The data will be automatically base64 encoded. Consider switching to HTTP_POST by using CLOUDSTACK_METHOD=post to increase the HTTP_GET size limit of 2KB to 32 KB. | ||
zone |
no | Name of the zone in which the instance shoud be deployed. If not set, default zone is used. |
# Create a instance from an ISO # NOTE: Names of offerings and ISOs depending on the CloudStack configuration. - local_action: module: cs_instance name: web-vm-1 iso: Linux Debian 7 64-bit hypervisor: VMware project: Integration zone: ch-zrh-ix-01 service_offering: 1cpu_1gb disk_offering: PerfPlus Storage disk_size: 20 networks: - Server Integration - Sync Integration - Storage Integration # For changing a running instance, use the 'force' parameter - local_action: module: cs_instance name: web-vm-1 display_name: iso: Linux Debian 7 64-bit service_offering: 2cpu_2gb force: yes # Create or update a instance on Exoscale's public cloud using display_name. # Note: user_data can be used to kickstart the instance using cloud-init yaml config. - local_action: module: cs_instance display_name: web-vm-1 template: Linux Debian 7 64-bit service_offering: Tiny ssh_key: tags: - { key: admin, value: john } - { key: foo, value: bar } user_data: | #cloud-config packages: - nginx # Create an instance with multiple interfaces specifying the IP addresses - local_action: module: cs_instance name: web-vm-1 template: Linux Debian 7 64-bit service_offering: Tiny ip_to_networks: - {'network': NetworkA, 'ip': ''} - {'network': NetworkB, 'ip': ''} # Ensure an instance is stopped - local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=stopped # Ensure an instance is running - local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=started # Remove an instance - local_action: cs_instance name=web-vm-1 state=absent
Common return values are documented here Common Return Values, the following are the fields unique to this module:
name | description | returned | type | sample |
domain | Domain the instance is related to. | success | string | example domain |
tags | List of resource tags associated with the instance. | success | dict | [ { "key": "foo", "value": "bar" } ] |
ssh_key | Name of SSH key deployed to instance. | success | string | key@work |
public_ip | Public IP address with instance via static NAT rule. | success | string | |
display_name | Display name of the instance. | success | string | web-01 |
service_offering | Name of the service offering the instance has. | success | string | 2cpu_2gb |
password | The password of the instance if exists. | success | string | Ge2oe7Do |
id | UUID of the instance. | success | string | 04589590-ac63-4ffc-93f5-b698b8ac38b6 |
security_groups | Security groups the instance is in. | success | list | [ "default" ] |
name | Name of the instance. | success | string | web-01 |
project | Name of project the instance is related to. | success | string | Production |
account | Account the instance is related to. | success | string | example account |
group | Group name of the instance is related. | success | string | web |
password_enabled | True if password setting is enabled. | success | boolean | True |
zone | Name of zone the instance is in. | success | string | ch-gva-2 |
created | Date of the instance was created. | success | string | 2014-12-01T14:57:57+0100 |
hypervisor | Hypervisor related to this instance. | success | string | KVM |
default_ip | Default IP address of the instance. | success | string | |
instance_name | Internal name of the instance (ROOT admin only). | success | string | i-44-3992-VM |
state | State of the instance. | success | string | Running |
iso | Name of ISO the instance was deployed with. | success | string | Debian-8-64bit |
template | Name of template the instance was deployed with. | success | string | Debian-8-64bit |
affinity_groups | Affinity groups the instance is in. | success | list | [ "webservers" ] |
Ansible uses the cs
library’s configuration method if credentials are not provided by the arguments api_url
, api_key
, api_secret
. Configuration is read from several locations, in the following order. - The CLOUDSTACK_ENDPOINT
environment variables. - A CLOUDSTACK_CONFIG
environment variable pointing to an .ini
file, - A cloudstack.ini
file in the current working directory. - A .cloudstack.ini
file in the users home directory. Optionally multiple credentials and endpoints can be specified using ini sections in cloudstack.ini
. Use the argument api_region
to select the section name, default section is cloudstack
. See for more information.
This module supports check mode.
For more information on what this means please read Extras Modules
For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, Helping Testing PRs and Developing Modules.