
nmcli - Manage Networking

New in version 2.0.


Manage the network devices. Create, modify, and manage, ethernet, teams, bonds, vlans etc.

Requirements (on host that executes module)

  • nmcli
  • dbus


parameter required default choices comments
no 300
    This is only used with bridge - [ageing-time <0-1000000>] the Ethernet MAC address aging time, in seconds
    no None
      This is only used with bond - ARP interval
      no None
        This is only used with bond - ARP IP target
        no yes
        • yes
        • no
        Whether the connection should start on boot.
        Whether the connection profile can be automatically activated
          Where conn_name will be the name used to call the connection. when not provided a default name is generated: <type>[-<ifname>][-<num>]
          no None
            A list of upto 3 dns servers, ipv4 format e.g. To add two IPv4 DNS server addresses: [""]
              A list of upto 3 dns servers, ipv6 format e.g. To add two IPv6 DNS server addresses: ["2001:4860:4860::8888 2001:4860:4860::8844"]
              no None
                This is only used with bond - downdelay
                no None
                  This is only used with VLAN - VLAN egress priority mapping
                  no None
                    This is only used with VLAN - flags
                    no 15
                      This is only used with bridge - [forward-delay <2-30>] STP forwarding delay, in seconds
                        The IPv4 gateway for this interface using this format ie: ""
                        no None
                          The IPv6 gateway for this interface using this format ie: "2001:db8::1"
                          no True
                            This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - 'hairpin mode' for the slave, which allows frames to be sent back out through the slave the frame was received on.
                            no 2
                              This is only used with bridge - [hello-time <1-10>] STP hello time, in seconds
                              no conn_name
                                Where IFNAME will be the what we call the interface name.
                                interface to bind the connection to. The connection will only be applicable to this interface name.
                                A special value of "*" can be used for interface-independent connections.
                                The ifname argument is mandatory for all connection types except bond, team, bridge and vlan.
                                no None
                                  This is only used with VLAN - VLAN ingress priority mapping
                                  no None
                                    The IPv4 address to this interface using this format ie: ""
                                    no None
                                      The IPv6 address to this interface using this format ie: "abbe::cafe"
                                      no None
                                        This is only used with bridge - MAC address of the bridge (note: this requires a recent kernel feature, originally introduced in 3.15 upstream kernel)
                                        no None
                                          master <master (ifname, or connection UUID or conn_name) of bridge, team, bond master connection profile.
                                          no 20
                                            This is only used with bridge - [max-age <6-42>] STP maximum message age, in seconds
                                            no 100
                                              This is only used with bond - miimon
                                              no balence-rr
                                              • balance-rr
                                              • active-backup
                                              • balance-xor
                                              • broadcast
                                              • 802.3ad
                                              • balance-tlb
                                              • balance-alb
                                              This is the type of device or network connection that you wish to create for a bond, team or bridge.
                                              no 1500
                                                The connection MTU, e.g. 9000. This can't be applied when creating the interface and is done once the interface has been created.
                                                Can be used when modifying Team, VLAN, Ethernet (Future plans to implement wifi, pppoe, infiniband)
                                                no 100
                                                  This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - [<1-65535>] - STP port cost for destinations via this slave
                                                  no None
                                                    This is only used with bond and is the primary interface name (for "active-backup" mode), this is the usually the 'ifname'
                                                    no 128
                                                      This is only used with 'bridge' - sets STP priority
                                                      no 32
                                                        This is only used with 'bridge-slave' - [<0-63>] - STP priority of this slave
                                                        • present
                                                        • absent
                                                        Whether the device should exist or not, taking action if the state is different from what is stated.
                                                        no None
                                                          This is only used with bridge and controls whether Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is enabled for this bridge
                                                          • ethernet
                                                          • team
                                                          • team-slave
                                                          • bond
                                                          • bond-slave
                                                          • bridge
                                                          • vlan
                                                          This is the type of device or network connection that you wish to create.
                                                          no None
                                                            This is only used with bond - updelay
                                                            no None
                                                              This is only used with VLAN - parent device this VLAN is on, can use ifname
                                                              no None
                                                                This is only used with VLAN - VLAN ID in range <0-4095>


                                                                The following examples are working examples that I have run in the field. I followed follow the structure:
                                                                |           /group_vars/openstack-stage.yml
                                                                |           /host_vars/
                                                                |           /host_vars/
                                                                |          /playbook-add.yml
                                                                |          /playbook-del.yml
                                                                ## inventory examples
                                                                ### groups_vars
                                                                storage_gw: ""
                                                                external_gw: ""
                                                                tenant_gw: ""
                                                                #Team vars
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'tenant', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'external', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: "{{external_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'storage', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', master: 'tenant'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', master: 'tenant'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', master: 'storage'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', master: 'external'}
                                                                #bond vars
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'tenant', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: '', mode: 'balance-rr'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'external', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: '', mode: 'balance-rr'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'storage', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}", mode: 'balance-rr'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', master: 'tenant'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', master: 'tenant'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', master: 'storage'}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', master: 'external'}
                                                                #ethernet vars
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em1', ifname: 'em1', ip4: "{{tenant_ip}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'em2', ifname: 'em2', ip4: "{{tenant_ip1}}", gw4: "{{tenant_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p1', ifname: 'p2p1', ip4: "{{storage_ip}}", gw4: "{{storage_gw}}"}
                                                                    - {conn_name: 'p2p2', ifname: 'p2p2', ip4: "{{external_ip}}", gw4: "{{external_gw}}"}
                                                                ### host_vars
                                                                storage_ip: ""
                                                                external_ip: ""
                                                                tenant_ip: ""
                                                                ## playbook-add.yml example
                                                                - hosts: openstack-stage
                                                                  remote_user: root
                                                                - name: install needed network manager libs
                                                                  yum: name={{ item }} state=installed
                                                                    - NetworkManager-glib
                                                                    - libnm-qt-devel.x86_64
                                                                    - nm-connection-editor.x86_64
                                                                    - libsemanage-python
                                                                    - policycoreutils-python
                                                                ##### Working with all cloud nodes - Teaming
                                                                  - name: try nmcli add team - conn_name only & ip4 gw4
                                                                    nmcli: type=team conn_name={{item.conn_name}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} state=present
                                                                      - "{{nmcli_team}}"
                                                                  - name: try nmcli add teams-slave
                                                                    nmcli: type=team-slave conn_name={{item.conn_name}} ifname={{item.ifname}} master={{item.master}} state=present
                                                                      - "{{nmcli_team_slave}}"
                                                                ###### Working with all cloud nodes - Bonding
                                                                #  - name: try nmcli add bond - conn_name only & ip4 gw4 mode
                                                                #    nmcli: type=bond conn_name={{item.conn_name}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} mode={{item.mode}} state=present
                                                                #    with_items:
                                                                #      - "{{nmcli_bond}}"
                                                                #  - name: try nmcli add bond-slave
                                                                #    nmcli: type=bond-slave conn_name={{item.conn_name}} ifname={{item.ifname}} master={{item.master}} state=present
                                                                #    with_items:
                                                                #      - "{{nmcli_bond_slave}}"
                                                                ##### Working with all cloud nodes - Ethernet
                                                                #  - name: nmcli add Ethernet - conn_name only & ip4 gw4
                                                                #    nmcli: type=ethernet conn_name={{item.conn_name}} ip4={{item.ip4}} gw4={{item.gw4}} state=present
                                                                #    with_items:
                                                                #      - "{{nmcli_ethernet}}"
                                                                ## playbook-del.yml example
                                                                - hosts: openstack-stage
                                                                  remote_user: root
                                                                  - name: try nmcli del team - multiple
                                                                    nmcli: conn_name={{item.conn_name}} state=absent
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'em1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'em2'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'p1p1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'p1p2'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'p2p1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'p2p2'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'tenant'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'storage'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'external'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-em1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-em2'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-p1p1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-p1p2'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-p2p1'}
                                                                      - { conn_name: 'team-p2p2'}
                                                                # To add an Ethernet connection with static IP configuration, issue a command as follows
                                                                - nmcli: conn_name=my-eth1 ifname=eth1 type=ethernet ip4= gw4= state=present
                                                                # To add an Team connection with static IP configuration, issue a command as follows
                                                                - nmcli: conn_name=my-team1 ifname=my-team1 type=team ip4= gw4= state=present autoconnect=yes
                                                                # Optionally, at the same time specify IPv6 addresses for the device as follows:
                                                                - nmcli: conn_name=my-eth1 ifname=eth1 type=ethernet ip4= gw4= ip6=abbe::cafe gw6=2001:db8::1 state=present
                                                                # To add two IPv4 DNS server addresses:
                                                                -nmcli: conn_name=my-eth1 dns4=["", ""] state=present
                                                                # To make a profile usable for all compatible Ethernet interfaces, issue a command as follows
                                                                - nmcli: ctype=ethernet name=my-eth1 ifname="*" state=present
                                                                # To change the property of a setting e.g. MTU, issue a command as follows:
                                                                - nmcli: conn_name=my-eth1 mtu=9000 type=ethernet state=present
                                                                    Exit Status's:
                                                                        - nmcli exits with status 0 if it succeeds, a value greater than 0 is
                                                                        returned if an error occurs.
                                                                        - 0 Success - indicates the operation succeeded
                                                                        - 1 Unknown or unspecified error
                                                                        - 2 Invalid user input, wrong nmcli invocation
                                                                        - 3 Timeout expired (see --wait option)
                                                                        - 4 Connection activation failed
                                                                        - 5 Connection deactivation failed
                                                                        - 6 Disconnecting device failed
                                                                        - 7 Connection deletion failed
                                                                        - 8 NetworkManager is not running
                                                                        - 9 nmcli and NetworkManager versions mismatch
                                                                        - 10 Connection, device, or access point does not exist.

                                                                This is an Extras Module

                                                                For more information on what this means please read Extras Modules

                                                                For help in developing on modules, should you be so inclined, please read Community Information & Contributing, Helping Testing PRs and Developing Modules.