
win_acl - Set file/directory permissions for a system user or group.

New in version 2.0.


Add or remove rights/permissions for a given user or group for the specified src file or folder.


parameter required default choices comments
no For Leaf File, None; For Directory, ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit;
  • ContainerInherit
  • ObjectInherit
  • None
Inherit flags on the ACL rules. Can be specified as a comma separated list (Ex. "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"). For more information on the choices see MSDN InheritanceFlags Enumeration.
    File or Directory
    no None
    • None
    • NoPropagateInherit
    • InheritOnly
    Propagation flag on the ACL rules. For more information on the choices see MSDN PropagationFlags Enumeration.
    yes none
    • AppendData
    • ChangePermissions
    • Delete
    • DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles
    • ExecuteFile
    • FullControl
    • ListDirectory
    • Modify
    • Read
    • ReadAndExecute
    • ReadAttributes
    • ReadData
    • ReadExtendedAttributes
    • ReadPermissions
    • Synchronize
    • TakeOwnership
    • Traverse
    • Write
    • WriteAttributes
    • WriteData
    • WriteExtendedAttributes
    The rights/permissions that are to be allowed/denyed for the specified user or group for the given src file or directory. Can be entered as a comma separated list (Ex. "Modify, Delete, ExecuteFile"). For more information on the choices see MSDN FileSystemRights Enumeration.
    no present
    • present
    • absent
    Specify whether to add present or remove absent the specified access rule
    yes none
    • allow
    • deny
    Specify whether to allow or deny the rights specified
    yes none
      User or Group to add specified rights to act on src file/folder


      # Restrict write,execute access to User Fed-Phil
      $ ansible -i hosts -m win_acl -a "user=Fed-Phil path=C:\Important\Executable.exe type=deny rights='ExecuteFile,Write'" all
      # Playbook example
      # Add access rule to allow IIS_IUSRS FullControl to MySite
      - name: Add IIS_IUSRS allow rights
          path: 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySite'
          user: 'IIS_IUSRS'
          rights: 'FullControl'
          type: 'allow'
          state: 'present'
          inherit: 'ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit'
          propagation: 'None'
      # Remove previously added rule for IIS_IUSRS
      - name: Remove FullControl AccessRule for IIS_IUSRS
          path: 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\MySite'
          user: 'IIS_IUSRS'
          rights: 'FullControl'
          type: 'allow'
          state: 'absent'
          inherit: 'ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit'
          propagation: 'None'
      # Deny Intern
      - name: Deny Deny
          path: 'C:\Administrator\Documents'
          user: 'Intern'
          rights: 'Read,Write,Modify,FullControl,Delete'
          type: 'deny'
          state: 'present'

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