This sketch shows how to use the Encoder IP in MKRVidor 4000
Quadrature encoders are a very common way to detect position (and speed) of a moving part, like a DC motor.
Normally, in the microcontroller world, decoding a quadrature encoder has serious limitations since all egdes must be counted, otherwise the final number will be wrong. This is usually accomplished using interrupts, but over a certain revolution speed the intinsic overhead of servicing an interrupt destroys the count reliability.
Using the FPGA to perform decoding allows:
- not to lose any edge until the revolution speed is less than some million RPM :)
- we can "read" the encoder at any time, because the FPGA is counting independently
connect ENC_A to A0 and ENC_B to A1
#include "VidorGraphics.h"
#include "VidorEncoder.h"
// Initialize Encoder #0 (connected to A0 and A1)
// Refer to the online documentation to find which pins correspond to a given index
// This assignment may change between bitstreams
VidorEncoder encoder(0);
void setup() {
// wait for the serial monitor to open,
// if you are powering the board from a USB charger remove the next line
while (!Serial);
// Let's start the FPGA
if (!FPGA.begin()) {
Serial.println("Initialization failed!");
while (1) {}
void loop() {
// Read the encoder
int value = encoder.read();
Serial.print("Encoder value: ");
#if 1
// Wait one second with interrupts disabled
// We can't call delay() since it uses interrupts, so use busy loops
for (int i = 0; i < F_CPU / 10; i++) {
asm ("nop");
if (value >= 200 || value <= -200) {
// Reset the count