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$ ionic plugin add cordova-plugin-touch-id


Scan the fingerprint of a user with the TouchID sensor.

Requires Cordova plugin: cordova-plugin-touch-id. For more info, please see the TouchID plugin docs.

Error Codes

The plugin will reject for various reasons. Your app will most likely need to respond to the cases differently.

Here is a list of some of the error codes:


import {TouchID} from 'ionic-native';

Static Methods


Show TouchID dialog and wait for a fingerprint scan. If user taps ‘Enter Password’ button, brings up standard system passcode screen.

Param Type Details
message string

The message to display

Returns: Promise Returns a Promise the resolves if the fingerprint scan was successful, rejects with an error code (see above).


Show TouchID dialog and wait for a fingerprint scan. If user taps ‘Enter Password’ button, rejects with code ‘-3’ (see above).

Param Type Details
message string

The message to display

Returns: Promise Returns a Promise the resolves if the fingerprint scan was successful, rejects with an error code (see above).

verifyFingerprintWithCustomPasswordFallbackAndEnterPasswordLabel(message, enterPasswordLabel)

Show TouchID dialog with custom ‘Enter Password’ message and wait for a fingerprint scan. If user taps ‘Enter Password’ button, rejects with code ‘-3’ (see above).

Param Type Details
message string

The message to display

enterPasswordLabel string

Custom text for the 'Enter Password' button

Returns: Promise Returns a Promise the resolves if the fingerprint scan was successful, rejects with an error code (see above).

Instance Methods


Whether TouchID is available or not.

Returns: Promise Returns a Promise that resolves if yes, rejects if no.


