Utility Attributes

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Ionic provides a set SCSS/CSS utility attributes that can help when developing your app.

Text Transformation

Attribute Description
text-left align the text of the element to it’s left
text-center align the text of the element to it’s center
text-right align the text of the element to it’s right
text-justify Stretches the lines so that each line has equal width
text-nowrap don’t wrap text
text-uppercase transforms text to all caps
text-lowercase transforms text to all lowercase
text-capitalize transforms the first letter of the text to capitals.

Element Padding

Attribute Description
padding adds padding to the whole element
padding-top adds padding-top
padding-left adds padding-left
padding-right adds padding-right
padding-bottom adds padding-bottom
padding-vertical adds padding to the top and botttom
padding-horizontal adds padding to the left and right
no-padding removes any padding


