Theming your Ionic App

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Theme support is baked right in to your Ionic apps. To change the theme, just tweak the $colors map in your app/theme/app.variables.scss file:

$colors: (

  primary:    #387ef5,
  secondary:  #32db64,
  danger:     #f53d3d,
  light:      #f4f4f4,
  dark:       #222,


The fastest way to change the theme of your Ionic app is to set a new value for primary, since Ionic uses the primary color by default for buttons and other components.

Custom Colors

To add custom colors, just add them to the $colors map:

$colors: (
  // ...
  twitter:    #55acee


You can customize this further by suppling a base and contrast property.

$colors: (
  // ...
    base: #55acee,
    contrast: #ffffff

Base normally actuals as the background color for elements and contrast acts as the text color. This provides a much more flexible control over your styles.

Ionic makes the $colors keys available as a property to many components. For example, to use our twitter color, add the key as a property:

<button twitter>I'm a button</button>

For any custom components, you can use the color function to get the right colors.

my-component {
  background : color($colors, twitter, contrast)

The color function will look up the right color based on the map, the property, and the variant you pass it. In this case the compile output would be:

my-component {
  background : #55acee


