

Create JavaScript sandboxes and execute scripts in them.


Create a sandbox

To create a sandbox:

const { sandbox, evaluate, load } = require("sdk/loader/sandbox");
let scope = sandbox('http://example.com');

The argument passed to the sandbox defines its privileges. The argument may be:

  • a URL string, in which case the sandbox will get the same privileges as a script loaded from that URL
  • a DOM window object, to inherit privileges from the window being passed.
  • omitted or null: then the sandbox will have chrome privileges giving it access to all the XPCOM components.

Optionally the sandbox function can be passed a second argument (See sandbox documentation on MDN for details).

Evaluate code

Module provides evaluate function that lets you execute code in the given sandbox:

evaluate(scope, 'var a = 5;');
evaluate(scope, 'a + 2;'); //=> 7

More details about evaluated script may be passed via optional arguments that may improve exception reporting:

// Evaluate code as if it was loaded from 'http://foo.com/bar.js' and
// start from 2nd line.
evaluate(scope, 'a ++', 'http://foo.com/bar.js', 2);

Version of JavaScript can be also specified via an optional argument:

evaluate(scope, 'let b = 2;', 'bar.js', 1, '1.5');
// throws cause `let` is not defined in JS 1.5.

Load scripts

This module provides a limited API for loading scripts from local URLs. data: URLs are supported.

load(scope, 'resource://path/to/my/script.js');
load(scope, 'file:///path/to/script.js');
load(scope, 'data:,var a = 5;');




Make a new sandbox that inherits principals from source.


source : string|window|null
An object that determines the privileges that will be given to the sandbox. This argument can be:

  • a URI string, giving the sandbox the same privileges as a script loaded from that URL
  • a DOM window object, giving the sandbox the same privileges as the DOM window
  • null, to give the sandbox chrome privileges.

sandbox : A sandbox in which you can evaluate and load JavaScript.

evaluate(sandbox, code, uri, line, version)

Evaluate code in sandbox, and return the result.


sandbox : sandbox
The sandbox to use.

code : string
The code to execute.

uri : string
Evaluate the code as if it were being loaded from the given URI. Optional.

line : number
Evaluate the code starting at this line. Optional, defaults to 1.

version : string
Evaluate the code using this version of JavaScript. Defaults to 1.8.


result : Returns whatever the evaluated code returns.

load(sandbox, uri)

Evaluate code from uri in sandbox.


sandbox : sandbox
The sandbox to use.

uri : string
The URL pointing to the script to load. It must be a local chrome:, resource:, file: or data: URL.


result : Returns whatever the evaluated code returns.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg
 Last updated by: wbamberg,