

Register callbacks that are called when a module is unloaded.



ensure(object, name)

Calling ensure() on an object does two things:

  1. It replaces a destructor method with a wrapper method that will never call the destructor more than once.
  2. It ensures that this wrapper method is called when the object's module is unloaded.

Therefore, when you register an object with ensure(), you can call its destructor method yourself, you can let it happen for you, or you can do both.

The destructor will be called with a single argument describing the reason for the unload; see when(). If object does not have the expected destructor method, then an exception is thrown when ensure() is called.


object : object
An object that defines a destructor method.

name : string
Optional name of the destructor method. Default is unload.


Registers a function to be called when the module is unloaded.


callback : function
A function that will be called when the module is unloaded. It is called with a single argument, one of the following strings describing the reason for unload: "uninstall", "disable", "shutdown", "upgrade", or "downgrade". If a reason could not be determined, undefined will be passed instead. Note that if an add-on is unloaded with reason "disable", it will not be notified about "uninstall" while it is disabled. See bug 571049.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg
 Last updated by: wbamberg,