
This module was removed in Firefox 36, please use the addon-httpd npm module instead.

An HTTP server for the Mozilla platform, which can be used in unit tests.


The most basic usage is:

var { startServerAsync } = require("sdk/test/httpd");
var srv = startServerAsync(port, basePath);
require("sdk/system/unload").when(function cleanup() {
  srv.stop(function() { // you should continue execution from this point.

This starts a server in background (assuming you're running this code in an application that has an event loop, such as Firefox). The server listens at http://localhost:port/ and serves files from the specified directory. You can serve static content or use SJS scripts, as described in documentation on developer.mozilla.org.

You can also use nsHttpServer to start the server manually:

var { nsHttpServer } = require("sdk/test/httpd");
var srv = new nsHttpServer();
// further documentation on developer.mozilla.org

See HTTP server for unit tests for general information.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg, evold
 Last updated by: wbamberg,