The ``mlflow.xgboost`` module provides an API for logging and loading XGBoost models.
This module exports XGBoost models with the following flavors:
XGBoost (native) format
This is the main flavor that can be loaded back into XGBoost.
Produced for use by generic pyfunc-based deployment tools and batch inference.
.. _xgboost.Booster:
.. _xgboost.Booster.save_model:
.. _xgboost.train:
.. _scikit-learn API:
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import shutil
import json
import yaml
import tempfile
import inspect
import logging
import gorilla
import mlflow
from mlflow import pyfunc
from mlflow.models import Model
from mlflow.tracking.artifact_utils import _download_artifact_from_uri
from mlflow.utils.environment import _mlflow_conda_env
from mlflow.utils.model_utils import _get_flavor_configuration
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
from mlflow.utils.annotations import experimental
from mlflow.utils.autologging_utils import try_mlflow_log, log_fn_args_as_params
FLAVOR_NAME = "xgboost"
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def get_default_conda_env():
:return: The default Conda environment for MLflow Models produced by calls to
:func:`save_model()` and :func:`log_model()`.
import xgboost as xgb
return _mlflow_conda_env(
# XGBoost is not yet available via the default conda channels, so we install it via pip
[docs]def save_model(xgb_model, path, conda_env=None, mlflow_model=Model()):
Save an XGBoost model to a path on the local file system.
:param xgb_model: XGBoost model (an instance of `xgboost.Booster`_) to be saved.
Note that models that implement the `scikit-learn API`_ are not supported.
:param path: Local path where the model is to be saved.
:param conda_env: Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a
Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this describes the environment
this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies
contained in :func:`get_default_conda_env()`. If ``None``, the default
:func:`get_default_conda_env()` environment is added to the model.
The following is an *example* dictionary representation of a Conda
'name': 'mlflow-env',
'channels': ['defaults'],
'dependencies': [
'pip': [
:param mlflow_model: :py:mod:`mlflow.models.Model` this flavor is being added to.
import xgboost as xgb
path = os.path.abspath(path)
if os.path.exists(path):
raise MlflowException("Path '{}' already exists".format(path))
model_data_subpath = "model.xgb"
model_data_path = os.path.join(path, model_data_subpath)
# Save an XGBoost model
conda_env_subpath = "conda.yaml"
if conda_env is None:
conda_env = get_default_conda_env()
elif not isinstance(conda_env, dict):
with open(conda_env, "r") as f:
conda_env = yaml.safe_load(f)
with open(os.path.join(path, conda_env_subpath), "w") as f:
yaml.safe_dump(conda_env, stream=f, default_flow_style=False)
pyfunc.add_to_model(mlflow_model, loader_module="mlflow.xgboost",
data=model_data_subpath, env=conda_env_subpath)
mlflow_model.add_flavor(FLAVOR_NAME, xgb_version=xgb.__version__, data=model_data_subpath)
mlflow_model.save(os.path.join(path, "MLmodel"))
[docs]def log_model(xgb_model, artifact_path, conda_env=None, registered_model_name=None, **kwargs):
Log an XGBoost model as an MLflow artifact for the current run.
:param xgb_model: XGBoost model (an instance of `xgboost.Booster`_) to be saved.
Note that models that implement the `scikit-learn API`_ are not supported.
:param artifact_path: Run-relative artifact path.
:param conda_env: Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a
Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this describes the environment
this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies
contained in :func:`get_default_conda_env()`. If ``None``, the default
:func:`get_default_conda_env()` environment is added to the model.
The following is an *example* dictionary representation of a Conda
'name': 'mlflow-env',
'channels': ['defaults'],
'dependencies': [
'pip': [
:param registered_model_name: Note:: Experimental: This argument may change or be removed in a
future release without warning. If given, create a model
version under ``registered_model_name``, also creating a
registered model if one with the given name does not exist.
:param kwargs: kwargs to pass to `xgboost.Booster.save_model`_ method.
Model.log(artifact_path=artifact_path, flavor=mlflow.xgboost,
xgb_model=xgb_model, conda_env=conda_env, **kwargs)
def _load_model(path):
import xgboost as xgb
model = xgb.Booster()
return model
def _load_pyfunc(path):
Load PyFunc implementation. Called by ``pyfunc.load_pyfunc``.
:param path: Local filesystem path to the MLflow Model with the ``xgboost`` flavor.
return _XGBModelWrapper(_load_model(path))
[docs]def load_model(model_uri):
Load an XGBoost model from a local file or a run.
:param model_uri: The location, in URI format, of the MLflow model. For example:
- ``/Users/me/path/to/local/model``
- ``relative/path/to/local/model``
- ``s3://my_bucket/path/to/model``
- ``runs:/<mlflow_run_id>/run-relative/path/to/model``
For more information about supported URI schemes, see
`Referencing Artifacts <https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/tracking.html#
:return: An XGBoost model (an instance of `xgboost.Booster`_)
local_model_path = _download_artifact_from_uri(artifact_uri=model_uri)
flavor_conf = _get_flavor_configuration(model_path=local_model_path, flavor_name=FLAVOR_NAME)
xgb_model_file_path = os.path.join(local_model_path, flavor_conf.get("data", "model.xgb"))
return _load_model(path=xgb_model_file_path)
class _XGBModelWrapper:
def __init__(self, xgb_model):
self.xgb_model = xgb_model
def predict(self, dataframe):
import xgboost as xgb
return self.xgb_model.predict(xgb.DMatrix(dataframe))
def autolog(importance_types=['weight']): # pylint: disable=W0102
Enables automatic logging from XGBoost to MLflow. Logs the following.
- parameters specified in `xgboost.train`_.
- metrics on each iteration (if ``evals`` specified).
- metrics at the best iteration (if ``early_stopping_rounds`` specified).
- feature importance as JSON files and plots.
- trained model.
Note that the `scikit-learn API`_ is not supported.
:param importance_types: importance types to log.
import xgboost
import numpy as np
def train(*args, **kwargs):
def record_eval_results(eval_results):
Create a callback function that records evaluation results.
def callback(env):
return callback
if not mlflow.active_run():
auto_end_run = True
auto_end_run = False
def log_feature_importance_plot(features, importance, importance_type):
Log feature importance plot.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
features = np.array(features)
importance = np.array(importance)
indices = np.argsort(importance)
features = features[indices]
importance = importance[indices]
num_features = len(features)
# If num_features > 10, increase the figure height to prevent the plot
# from being too dense.
w, h = [6.4, 4.8] # matplotlib's default figure size
h = h + 0.1 * num_features if num_features > 10 else h
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(w, h))
yloc = np.arange(num_features)
ax.barh(yloc, importance, align='center', height=0.5)
ax.set_title('Feature Importance ({})'.format(importance_type))
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
# pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable
filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'feature_importance_{}.png'.format(imp_type))
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_artifact, filepath)
original = gorilla.get_original_attribute(xgboost, 'train')
# logging booster params separately via mlflow.log_params to extract key/value pairs
# and make it easier to compare them across runs.
params = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else kwargs['params']
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_params, params)
unlogged_params = ['params', 'dtrain', 'evals', 'obj', 'feval', 'evals_result',
'xgb_model', 'callbacks', 'learning_rates']
log_fn_args_as_params(original, args, kwargs, unlogged_params)
all_arg_names = inspect.getargspec(original)[0] # pylint: disable=W1505
num_pos_args = len(args)
# adding a callback that records evaluation results.
eval_results = []
callbacks_index = all_arg_names.index('callbacks')
callback = record_eval_results(eval_results)
if num_pos_args >= callbacks_index + 1:
tmp_list = list(args)
tmp_list[callbacks_index] += [callback]
args = tuple(tmp_list)
elif 'callbacks' in kwargs and kwargs['callbacks'] is not None:
kwargs['callbacks'] += [callback]
kwargs['callbacks'] = [callback]
# training model
model = original(*args, **kwargs)
# logging metrics on each iteration.
for idx, metrics in enumerate(eval_results):
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_metrics, metrics, step=idx)
# If early_stopping_rounds is present, logging metrics at the best iteration
# as extra metrics with the max step + 1.
early_stopping_index = all_arg_names.index('early_stopping_rounds')
early_stopping = (num_pos_args >= early_stopping_index + 1 or
'early_stopping_rounds' in kwargs)
if early_stopping:
extra_step = len(eval_results)
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_metric, 'stopped_iteration', len(eval_results) - 1)
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_metric, 'best_iteration', model.best_iteration)
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_metrics, eval_results[model.best_iteration],
# logging feature importance as artifacts.
for imp_type in importance_types:
imp = model.get_score(importance_type=imp_type)
features, importance = zip(*imp.items())
log_feature_importance_plot(features, importance, imp_type)
except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except
_logger.exception('Failed to log feature importance plot. LightGBM autologging '
'will ignore the failure and continue. Exception: ')
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'feature_importance_{}.json'.format(imp_type))
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
json.dump(imp, f)
try_mlflow_log(mlflow.log_artifact, filepath)
try_mlflow_log(log_model, model, artifact_path='model')
if auto_end_run:
return model
settings = gorilla.Settings(allow_hit=True, store_hit=True)
gorilla.apply(gorilla.Patch(xgboost, 'train', train, settings=settings))