Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • rexml/formatters/default.rb

Class/Module Index [+]



Public Class Methods

new( ie_hack=false ) click to toggle source

Prints out the XML document with no formatting – except if id_hack is set.


If set to true, then inserts whitespace before the close of an empty tag, so that IE’s bad XML parser doesn’t choke.

               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 10
def initialize( ie_hack=false )
  @ie_hack = ie_hack

Public Instance Methods

write( node, output ) click to toggle source

Writes the node to some output.


The node to write


A class implementing <<. Pass in an Output object to change the output encoding.

               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 21
def write( node, output )
  case node

  when Document
    if node.xml_decl.encoding != 'UTF-8' && !output.kind_of?(Output)
      output = Output.new( output, node.xml_decl.encoding )
    write_document( node, output )

  when Element
    write_element( node, output )

  when Declaration, ElementDecl, NotationDecl, ExternalEntity, Entity,
       Attribute, AttlistDecl
    node.write( output,-1 )

  when Instruction
    write_instruction( node, output )

  when DocType, XMLDecl
    node.write( output )

  when Comment
    write_comment( node, output )

  when CData
    write_cdata( node, output )

  when Text
    write_text( node, output )

    raise Exception.new("XML FORMATTING ERROR")


Protected Instance Methods

write_cdata( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 96
def write_cdata( node, output )
  output << CData::START
  output << node.to_s
  output << CData::STOP
write_comment( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 90
def write_comment( node, output )
  output << Comment::START
  output << node.to_s
  output << Comment::STOP
write_document( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 59
def write_document( node, output )
  node.children.each { |child| write( child, output ) }
write_element( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 63
def write_element( node, output )
  output << "<#{node.expanded_name}"

  node.attributes.to_a.map { |a|
    Hash === a ? a.values : a
  }.flatten.sort_by {|attr| attr.name}.each do |attr|
    output << " "
    attr.write( output )
  end unless node.attributes.empty?

  if node.children.empty?
    output << " " if @ie_hack
    output << "/"
    output << ">"
    node.children.each { |child|
      write( child, output )
    output << "</#{node.expanded_name}"
  output << ">"
write_instruction( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 102
def write_instruction( node, output )
  output << Instruction::START.sub(/\/u, '')
  output << node.target
  output << ' '
  output << node.content
  output << Instruction::STOP.sub(/\/u, '')
write_text( node, output ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/formatters/default.rb, line 86
def write_text( node, output )
  output << node.to_s()

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