Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
block_size has been deprecated
# File rexml/source.rb, line 136 def initialize(arg, block_size=500, encoding=nil) @er_source = @source = arg @to_utf = false # Determining the encoding is a deceptively difficult issue to resolve. # First, we check the first two bytes for UTF-16. Then we # assume that the encoding is at least ASCII enough for the '>', and # we read until we get one of those. This gives us the XML declaration, # if there is one. If there isn't one, the file MUST be UTF-8, as per # the XML spec. If there is one, we can determine the encoding from # it. @buffer = "" str = @source.read( 2 ) || '' if encoding self.encoding = encoding elsif str[0,2] == "\xfe\xff" @line_break = "\000>" elsif str[0,2] == "\xff\xfe" @line_break = ">\000" elsif str[0,2] == "\xef\xbb" str += @source.read(1) str = '' if (str[2,1] == "\xBF") @line_break = ">" else @line_break = ">" end super( @source.eof? ? str : str+@source.readline( @line_break ) ) if !@to_utf and @buffer.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and @source.respond_to?(:external_encoding) and @source.external_encoding != ::Encoding::UTF_8 @force_utf8 = true else @force_utf8 = false end end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 205 def consume( pattern ) match( pattern, true ) end
@return the current line in the source
# File rexml/source.rb, line 234 def current_line begin pos = @er_source.pos # The byte position in the source lineno = @er_source.lineno # The XML < position in the source @er_source.rewind line = 0 # The \r\n position in the source begin while @er_source.pos < pos @er_source.readline line += 1 end rescue end rescue IOError pos = -1 line = -1 end [pos, lineno, line] end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 225 def empty? super and ( @source.nil? || @source.eof? ) end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 209 def match( pattern, cons=false ) rv = pattern.match(@buffer) @buffer = $' if cons and rv while !rv and @source begin @buffer << readline rv = pattern.match(@buffer) @buffer = $' if cons and rv rescue @source = nil end end rv.taint rv end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 229 def position @er_source.pos rescue 0 end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 197 def read begin @buffer << readline rescue Exception, NameError @source = nil end end
# File rexml/source.rb, line 174 def scan(pattern, cons=false) rv = super # You'll notice that this next section is very similar to the same # section in match(), but just a liiittle different. This is # because it is a touch faster to do it this way with scan() # than the way match() does it; enough faster to warrent duplicating # some code if rv.size == 0 until @buffer =~ pattern or @source.nil? begin @buffer << readline rescue Iconv::IllegalSequence raise rescue @source = nil end end rv = super end rv.taint rv end
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