Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb

Class/Module Index [+]



Using the Pull Parser

This API is experimental, and subject to change.

parser = PullParser.new( "<a>text<b att='val'/>txet</a>" )
while parser.has_next?
  res = parser.next
  puts res[1]['att'] if res.start_tag? and res[0] == 'b'

See the PullEvent class for information on the content of the results. The data is identical to the arguments passed for the various events to the StreamListener API.

Notice that:

parser = PullParser.new( "<a>BAD DOCUMENT" )
while parser.has_next?
  res = parser.next
  raise res[1] if res.error?

Nat Price gave me some good ideas for the API.

Public Class Methods

new(stream) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 37
def initialize stream
  @entities = {}
  @listeners = nil
  @parser = BaseParser.new( stream )
  @my_stack = []

Public Instance Methods

add_listener( listener ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 44
def add_listener( listener )
  @listeners = [] unless @listeners
  @listeners << listener
each() click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 49
def each
  while has_next?
    yield self.pull
peek(depth=0) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 55
def peek depth=0
  if @my_stack.length <= depth
    (depth - @my_stack.length + 1).times {
      e = PullEvent.new(@parser.pull)
pull() click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 65
def pull
  return @my_stack.shift if @my_stack.length > 0

  event = @parser.pull
  case event[0]
  when :entitydecl
    @entities[ event[1] ] =
      event[2] unless event[2] =~ /PUBLIC|SYSTEM/
  when :text
    unnormalized = @parser.unnormalize( event[1], @entities )
    event << unnormalized
  PullEvent.new( event )
unshift(token) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/parsers/pullparser.rb, line 80
def unshift token
  @my_stack.unshift token

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