Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • rexml/xpath_parser.rb

Class/Module Index [+]



You don’t want to use this class. Really. Use XPath, which is a wrapper for this class. Believe me. You don’t want to poke around in here. There is strange, dark magic at work in this code. Beware. Go back! Go back while you still can!



Expr takes a stack of path elements and a set of nodes (either a Parent or an Array and returns an Array of matching nodes


Public Class Methods

new( ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 49
def initialize( )
  @parser = REXML::Parsers::XPathParser.new
  @namespaces = nil
  @variables = {}

Public Instance Methods

[]=( variable_name, value ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 86
def []=( variable_name, value )
  @variables[ variable_name ] = value
first( path_stack, node ) click to toggle source

Performs a depth-first (document order) XPath search, and returns the first match. This is the fastest, lightest way to return a single result.

FIXME: This method is incomplete!

               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 95
def first( path_stack, node )
  #puts "#{depth}) Entering match( #{path.inspect}, #{tree.inspect} )"
  return nil if path.size == 0

  case path[0]
  when :document
    # do nothing
    return first( path[1..-1], node )
  when :child
    for c in node.children
      #puts "#{depth}) CHILD checking #{name(c)}"
      r = first( path[1..-1], c )
      #puts "#{depth}) RETURNING #{r.inspect}" if r
      return r if r
  when :qname
    name = path[2]
    #puts "#{depth}) QNAME #{name(tree)} == #{name} (path => #{path.size})"
    if node.name == name
      #puts "#{depth}) RETURNING #{tree.inspect}" if path.size == 3
      return node if path.size == 3
      return first( path[3..-1], node )
      return nil
  when :descendant_or_self
    r = first( path[1..-1], node )
    return r if r
    for c in node.children
      r = first( path, c )
      return r if r
  when :node
    return first( path[1..-1], node )
  when :any
    return first( path[1..-1], node )
  return nil
get_first(path, nodeset) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 73
def get_first path, nodeset
 #puts "#"*40
 path_stack = @parser.parse( path )
 #puts "PARSE: #{path} => #{path_stack.inspect}"
 #puts "PARSE: nodeset = #{nodeset.inspect}"
 first( path_stack, nodeset )
match( path_stack, nodeset ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 136
def match( path_stack, nodeset )
  #puts "MATCH: path_stack = #{path_stack.inspect}"
  #puts "MATCH: nodeset = #{nodeset.inspect}"
  r = expr( path_stack, nodeset )
  #puts "MAIN EXPR => #{r.inspect}"
namespaces=( namespaces={} ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 55
def namespaces=( namespaces={} )
  Functions::namespace_context = namespaces
  @namespaces = namespaces
parse(path, nodeset) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 65
def parse path, nodeset
 #puts "#"*40
 path_stack = @parser.parse( path )
 #puts "PARSE: #{path} => #{path_stack.inspect}"
 #puts "PARSE: nodeset = #{nodeset.inspect}"
 match( path_stack, nodeset )
predicate(path, nodeset) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 81
def predicate path, nodeset
  path_stack = @parser.parse( path )
  expr( path_stack, nodeset )
variables=( vars={} ) click to toggle source
               # File rexml/xpath_parser.rb, line 60
def variables=( vars={} )
  Functions::variables = vars
  @variables = vars

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