Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 188 def add(widget, *args) configure(widget, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 12 def anchor(master, anchor=None) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'anchor', master, anchor) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 18 def bbox(master, *args) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) args.unshift(master) list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'bbox', *args)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 172 def column(master, index, keys=nil) if keys.kind_of?(Hash) columnconfigure(master, index, keys) else columnconfiginfo(master, index, keys) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 114 def columnconfiginfo(master, index, slot=nil) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) if slot case slot when 'uniform', :uniform tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure', master, index, "-#{slot}") else num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure', master, index, "-#{slot}")) end else #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid','columnconfigure',master,index)) ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'columnconfigure', master, index)) info = {} while key = ilist.shift case key when 'uniform' info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift else info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift) end end info end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 101 def columnconfigure(master, index, args) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) tk_call_without_enc("grid", 'columnconfigure', master, index, *hash_kv(args)) end
def configure(win, *args)
if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash) opts = args.pop else opts = {} end params = [] params.push(_epath(win)) args.each{|win| case win when '-', 'x', '^' # RELATIVE PLACEMENT params.push(win) else params.push(_epath(win)) end } opts.each{|k, v| params.push("-#{k}") params.push((v.kind_of?(TkObject))? v.epath: v) } if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION < 8 || (Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && Tk::TCL_MINOR_VERSION <= 3) if params[0] == '-' || params[0] == 'x' || params[0] == '^' tk_call_without_enc('grid', *params) else tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params) end else tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 58 def configure(*args) if args[-1].kind_of?(Hash) opts = args.pop else opts = {} end fail ArgumentError, 'no widget is given' if args.empty? params = [] args.flatten(1).each{|win| case win when '-', ?- # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase columnspan) params.push('-') when /^-+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase columnspan) params.concat(win.to_s.split(//)) when '^', ?^ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase rowspan) params.push('^') when /^\^+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (increase rowspan) params.concat(win.to_s.split(//)) when 'x', :x, ?x, nil, '' # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (empty column) params.push('x') when /^x+$/ # RELATIVE PLACEMENT (empty column) params.concat(win.to_s.split(//)) else params.push(_epath(win)) end } opts.each{|k, v| params.push("-#{k}") params.push(_epath(v)) # have to use 'epath' (hash_kv() is unavailable) } if Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION < 8 || (Tk::TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && Tk::TCL_MINOR_VERSION <= 3) if params[0] == '-' || params[0] == 'x' || params[0] == '^' tk_call_without_enc('grid', *params) else tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params) end else tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'configure', *params) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 192 def forget(*args) return '' if args.size == 0 wins = args.collect{|win| # (win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win _epath(win) } tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'forget', *wins) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 201 def info(slave) # slave = slave.epath if slave.kind_of?(TkObject) slave = _epath(slave) #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'info', slave)) ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'info', slave)) info = {} while key = ilist.shift #info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift) end return info end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 214 def location(master, x, y) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'location', master, x, y)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 220 def propagate(master, mode=None) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) if mode == None bool(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'propagate', master)) else tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'propagate', master, mode) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 230 def remove(*args) return '' if args.size == 0 wins = args.collect{|win| # (win.kind_of?(TkObject))? win.epath: win _epath(win) } tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'remove', *wins) end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 180 def row(master, index, keys=nil) if keys.kind_of?(Hash) rowconfigure(master, index, keys) else rowconfiginfo(master, index, keys) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 143 def rowconfiginfo(master, index, slot=nil) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) if slot case slot when 'uniform', :uniform tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index, "-#{slot}") else num_or_str(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index, "-#{slot}")) end else #ilist = list(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index)) ilist = simplelist(tk_call_without_enc('grid', 'rowconfigure', master, index)) info = {} while key = ilist.shift case key when 'uniform' info[key[1..-1]] = ilist.shift else info[key[1..-1]] = tk_tcl2ruby(ilist.shift) end end info end end
# File tk/lib/tk/grid.rb, line 108 def rowconfigure(master, index, args) # master = master.epath if master.kind_of?(TkObject) master = _epath(master) tk_call_without_enc("grid", 'rowconfigure', master, index, *hash_kv(args)) end
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