Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • tk/tkutil/tkutil.c

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Public Class Methods

_define_attribute_aliases(p1) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_def_attr_aliases(self, tbl)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE tbl;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;

    if (TYPE(tbl) != T_HASH) {
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "expected a Hash");

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    rb_hash_foreach(tbl, each_attr_def, self);

    return rb_funcall(inf->aliases, rb_intern("update"), 1, tbl);
_get_all_subst_keys() click to toggle source
               static VALUE
    VALUE self;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    char *buf, *ptr;
    char *keys_buf, *keys_ptr;
    int idx, len;
    volatile VALUE ret;

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    ptr = buf = ALLOC_N(char, inf->full_subst_length + 1);
    keys_ptr = keys_buf = ALLOC_N(char, CBSUBST_TBL_MAX + 1);

    for(idx = 0; idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX; idx++) {
      if (inf->ivar[idx] == (ID) 0) continue;

      *(keys_ptr++) = (unsigned char)idx;

      *(ptr++) = '%';

      if (len = inf->keylen[idx]) {
        /* longname */
        strncpy(ptr, inf->key[idx], len);
        ptr += len;
      } else {
        /* single char */
        *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)idx;

      *(ptr++) = ' ';

    *ptr = '\0';
    *keys_ptr = '\0';

    ret = rb_ary_new3(2, rb_str_new2(keys_buf), rb_str_new2(buf));


    return ret;
_get_extra_args_tbl() click to toggle source
               static VALUE
    VALUE self;
  return rb_ary_new();
_get_subst_key(p1) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_get_subst_key(self, str)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE str;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    volatile VALUE list;
    volatile VALUE ret;
    VALUE keyval;
    int i, len, keylen, idx;
    char *buf, *ptr, *key;

    list = rb_funcall(cTclTkLib, ID_split_tklist, 1, str);
    len = RARRAY_LEN(list);

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    ptr = buf = ALLOC_N(char, inf->full_subst_length + len + 1);

    for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      keyval = RARRAY_PTR(list)[i];
      key = RSTRING_PTR(keyval);
      if (*key == '%') {
        if (*(key + 2) == '\0') {
          /* single char */
          *(ptr++) = *(key + 1);
        } else {
          /* search longname-key */
          keylen = RSTRING_LEN(keyval) - 1;
          for(idx = 0; idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX; idx++) {
            if (inf->keylen[idx] != keylen) continue;
            if ((unsigned char)inf->key[idx][0] != (unsigned char)*(key + 1)) continue;
            if (strncmp(inf->key[idx], key + 1, keylen)) continue;
          if (idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX) {
            *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)idx;
          } else {
            *(ptr++) = ' ';
      } else {
        *(ptr++) = ' ';
    *ptr = '\0';

    ret = rb_str_new2(buf);
    return ret;
_setup_subst_table(p1, p2, p3 = v3) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_table_setup(argc, argv, self)
     int   argc;
     VALUE *argv;
     VALUE self;
  volatile VALUE cbsubst_obj;
  volatile VALUE key_inf;
  volatile VALUE longkey_inf;
  volatile VALUE proc_inf;
  VALUE inf;
  ID id;
  struct cbsubst_info *subst_inf;
  int idx, len;
  unsigned char chr;

  /* accept (key_inf, proc_inf) or (key_inf, longkey_inf, procinf) */
  if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "21", &key_inf, &longkey_inf, &proc_inf) == 2) {
    proc_inf = longkey_inf;
    longkey_inf = rb_ary_new();

  /* check the number of longkeys */
  if (RARRAY_LEN(longkey_inf) > 125 /* from 0x80 to 0xFD */) {
    rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "too many longname-key definitions");

  /* init */
  cbsubst_obj = allocate_cbsubst_info(&subst_inf);

   * keys : array of [subst, type, ivar]
   *         subst ==> char code or string
   *         type  ==> char code or string
   *         ivar  ==> symbol
  len = RARRAY_LEN(key_inf);
  for(idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
    inf = RARRAY_PTR(key_inf)[idx];
    if (TYPE(inf) != T_ARRAY) continue;

    if (TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]) == T_STRING) {
      chr = *(RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]));
    } else {
      chr = NUM2CHR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]);
    if (TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]) == T_STRING) {
      subst_inf->type[chr] = *(RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]));
    } else {
      subst_inf->type[chr] = NUM2CHR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]);

    subst_inf->full_subst_length += 3;

    id = SYM2ID(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[2]);
    subst_inf->ivar[chr] = rb_intern(RSTRING_PTR(rb_str_cat2(rb_str_new2("@"), rb_id2name(id))));

    rb_attr(self, id, 1, 0, Qtrue);

   * longkeys : array of [name, type, ivar]
   *         name ==> longname key string
   *         type ==> char code or string
   *         ivar ==> symbol
  len = RARRAY_LEN(longkey_inf);
  for(idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
    inf = RARRAY_PTR(longkey_inf)[idx];
    if (TYPE(inf) != T_ARRAY) continue;

    chr = (unsigned char)(0x80 + idx);
    subst_inf->keylen[chr] = RSTRING_LEN(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]);
    subst_inf->key[chr] = strndup(RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]),
    subst_inf->key[chr] = malloc(RSTRING_LEN(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]) + 1);
    if (subst_inf->key[chr]) {
      strncpy(subst_inf->key[chr], RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]),
              RSTRING_LEN(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]) + 1);
      subst_inf->key[chr][RSTRING_LEN(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0])] = '\0';
    if (TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]) == T_STRING) {
      subst_inf->type[chr] = *(RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]));
    } else {
      subst_inf->type[chr] = NUM2CHR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[1]);

    subst_inf->full_subst_length += (subst_inf->keylen[chr] + 2);

    id = SYM2ID(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[2]);
    subst_inf->ivar[chr] = rb_intern(RSTRING_PTR(rb_str_cat2(rb_str_new2("@"), rb_id2name(id))));

    rb_attr(self, id, 1, 0, Qtrue);

   * procs : array of [type, proc]
   *         type  ==> char code or string
   *         proc  ==> proc/method/obj (must respond to 'call')
  len = RARRAY_LEN(proc_inf);
  for(idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) {
    inf = RARRAY_PTR(proc_inf)[idx];
    if (TYPE(inf) != T_ARRAY) continue;
                 ((TYPE(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]) == T_STRING)?
                  INT2FIX(*(RSTRING_PTR(RARRAY_PTR(inf)[0]))) :

  rb_const_set(self, ID_SUBST_INFO, cbsubst_obj);

  return self;
_sym2subst(p1) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_sym_to_subst(self, sym)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE sym;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    const char *str;
    char *buf, *ptr;
    int idx, len;
    ID id;
    volatile VALUE ret;

    if (TYPE(sym) != T_SYMBOL) return sym;

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    if (!NIL_P(ret = rb_hash_aref(inf->aliases, sym))) {
      str = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(ret));
    } else {
      str = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(sym));

    id = rb_intern(RSTRING_PTR(rb_str_cat2(rb_str_new2("@"), str)));

    for(idx = 0; idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX; idx++) {
      if (inf->ivar[idx] == id) break;
    if (idx >= CBSUBST_TBL_MAX)  return sym;

    ptr = buf = ALLOC_N(char, inf->full_subst_length + 1);

    *(ptr++) = '%';

    if (len = inf->keylen[idx]) {
      /* longname */
      strncpy(ptr, inf->key[idx], len);
      ptr += len;
    } else {
      /* single char */
      *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)idx;

    *(ptr++) = ' ';
    *(ptr++) = '\0';

    ret = rb_str_new2(buf);


    return ret;
inspect() click to toggle source
               static VALUE
    VALUE self;
    return rb_str_new2("CallbackSubst");
new(*args) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_initialize(argc, argv, self)
    int   argc;
    VALUE *argv;
    VALUE self;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    int idx, iv_idx;

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(rb_obj_class(self), ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

   idx = 0;
    for(iv_idx = 0; iv_idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX; iv_idx++) {
      if ( inf->ivar[iv_idx] == (ID) 0 ) continue;
      rb_ivar_set(self, inf->ivar[iv_idx], argv[idx++]);
      if (idx >= argc) break;

    return self;
ret_val(p1) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_ret_val(self, val)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE val;
    /* This method may be overwritten on some sub-classes.                  */
    /* This method is used for converting from ruby's callback-return-value */
    /* to tcl's value (e.g. validation procedure of entry widget).          */
    return val;
scan_args(p1, p2) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_scan_args(self, arg_key, val_ary)
    VALUE self;
    VALUE arg_key;
    VALUE val_ary;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    int idx;
    unsigned char *keyptr = (unsigned char*)RSTRING_PTR(arg_key);
    int keylen = RSTRING_LEN(arg_key);
    int vallen = RARRAY_LEN(val_ary);
    unsigned char type_chr;
    volatile VALUE dst = rb_ary_new2(vallen);
    volatile VALUE proc;
    int thr_crit_bup;
    VALUE old_gc;

    thr_crit_bup = rb_thread_critical;
    rb_thread_critical = Qtrue;

    old_gc = rb_gc_disable();

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    for(idx = 0; idx < vallen; idx++) {
      if (idx >= keylen) {
        proc = Qnil;
      } else if (*(keyptr + idx) == ' ') {
        proc = Qnil;
      } else {
        if (type_chr = inf->type[*(keyptr + idx)]) {
          proc = rb_hash_aref(inf->proc, INT2FIX((int)type_chr));
        } else {
          proc = Qnil;

      if (NIL_P(proc)) {
        rb_ary_push(dst, RARRAY_PTR(val_ary)[idx]);
      } else {
        rb_ary_push(dst, rb_funcall(proc, ID_call, 1,

    if (old_gc == Qfalse) rb_gc_enable();
    rb_thread_critical = thr_crit_bup;

    return dst;
subst_arg(*args) click to toggle source
               static VALUE
cbsubst_get_subst_arg(argc, argv, self)
    int   argc;
    VALUE *argv;
    VALUE self;
    struct cbsubst_info *inf;
    const char *str;
    char *buf, *ptr;
    int i, idx, len;
    ID id;
    volatile VALUE arg_sym, ret;

    Data_Get_Struct(rb_const_get(self, ID_SUBST_INFO),
                    struct cbsubst_info, inf);

    ptr = buf = ALLOC_N(char, inf->full_subst_length + 1);

    for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
        switch(TYPE(argv[i])) {
        case T_STRING:
            str = RSTRING_PTR(argv[i]);
            arg_sym = ID2SYM(rb_intern(str));
        case T_SYMBOL:
            arg_sym = argv[i];
            str = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(arg_sym));
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "arg #%d is not a String or a Symbol", i);

        if (!NIL_P(ret = rb_hash_aref(inf->aliases, arg_sym))) {
            str = rb_id2name(SYM2ID(ret));

        id = rb_intern(RSTRING_PTR(rb_str_cat2(rb_str_new2("@"), str)));

        for(idx = 0; idx < CBSUBST_TBL_MAX; idx++) {
          if (inf->ivar[idx] == id) break;
        if (idx >= CBSUBST_TBL_MAX) {
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "cannot find attribute :%s", str);

        *(ptr++) = '%';

        if (len = inf->keylen[idx]) {
          /* longname */
          strncpy(ptr, inf->key[idx], len);
          ptr += len;
        } else {
          /* single char */
          *(ptr++) = (unsigned char)idx;

        *(ptr++) = ' ';

    *ptr = '\0';

    ret = rb_str_new2(buf);


    return ret;

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