Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 291 def self.children(*args) # args ::= [<namespace>] [<pattern>] # <pattern> must be glob-style pattern tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('namespace', 'children', *args)).collect{|ns| # ns is fullname Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns] else ns end } } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 309 def self.code(script = Proc.new) TkNamespace.new('').code(script) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 360 def self.current ns = self.current_path Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns] else ns end } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 353 def self.current_path tk_call('namespace', 'current') end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 377 def self.delete(*ns_list) tk_call('namespace', 'delete', *ns_list) ns_list.each{|ns| Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ if ns.kind_of?(TkNamespace) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.delete(ns.path) else Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.delete(ns.to_s) end } } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 403 def self.ensemble_configinfo(cmd, slot = nil) if slot tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, '-' + slot.to_s) else inf = {} Hash(*tk_split_simplelist(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd))).each{|k, v| inf[k[1..-1]] = v} inf end end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 396 def self.ensemble_configure(cmd, slot, value=None) if slot.kind_of?(Hash) tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, *hash_kv(slot)) else tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'configure', cmd, '-'+slot.to_s, value) end end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 393 def self.ensemble_create(*keys) tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'create', *hash_kv(keys)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 412 def self.ensemble_exist?(cmd) bool(tk_call('namespace', 'ensemble', 'exists', cmd)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 416 def self.eval(namespace, cmd = Proc.new, *args) #tk_call('namespace', 'eval', namespace, cmd, *args) TkNamespace.new(namespace).eval(cmd, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 438 def self.exist?(ns) bool(tk_call('namespace', 'exists', ns)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 445 def self.export(*patterns) tk_call('namespace', 'export', *patterns) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 448 def self.export_with_clear(*patterns) tk_call('namespace', 'export', '-clear', *patterns) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 468 def self.force_import(*patterns) tk_call('namespace', 'import', '-force', *patterns) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 458 def self.forget(*patterns) tk_call('namespace', 'forget', *patterns) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 503 def self.get_path tk_call('namespace', 'path') end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 528 def self.get_unknown_handler tk_tcl2ruby(tk_call('namespace', 'unknown')) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 29 def TkNamespace.id2obj(id) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[id]? Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[id]: id } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 465 def self.import(*patterns) tk_call('namespace', 'import', *patterns) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 478 def self.inscope(namespace, script, *args) tk_call('namespace', 'inscope', namespace, script, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 245 def initialize(name = nil, parent = nil) unless name Tk_Namespace_ID.mutex.synchronize{ # name = Tk_Namespace_ID.join('') name = Tk_Namespace_ID.join(TkCore::INTERP._ip_id_) Tk_Namespace_ID[1].succ! } end name = __tk_call('namespace', 'current') if name == '' if parent if parent =~ /^::/ if name =~ /^::/ @fullname = parent + name else @fullname = parent +'::'+ name end else ancestor = __tk_call('namespace', 'current') ancestor = '' if ancestor == '::' if name =~ /^::/ @fullname = ancestor + '::' + parent + name else @fullname = ancestor + '::'+ parent +'::'+ name end end else # parent == nil ancestor = __tk_call('namespace', 'current') ancestor = '' if ancestor == '::' if name =~ /^::/ @fullname = name else @fullname = ancestor + '::' + name end end @path = @fullname @parent = __tk_call('namespace', 'qualifiers', @fullname) @name = __tk_call('namespace', 'tail', @fullname) # create namespace __tk_call('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, '') Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[@fullname] = self } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 485 def self.origin(cmd) tk_call('namespace', 'origin', cmd) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 489 def self.parent(namespace=None) ns = tk_call('namespace', 'parent', namespace) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.mutex.synchronize{ if Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL.key?(ns) Tk_Namespace_ID_TBL[ns] else ns end } end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 513 def self.qualifiers(str) tk_call('namespace', 'qualifiers', str) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 506 def self.set_path(*namespace_list) tk_call('namespace', 'path', array2tk_list(namespace_list)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 531 def self.set_unknown_handler(cmd = Proc.new) tk_call('namespace', 'unknown', cmd) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 517 def self.tail(str) tk_call('namespace', 'tail', str) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 521 def self.upvar(namespace, *var_pairs) tk_call('namespace', 'upvar', namespace, *(var_pairs.flatten)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 535 def self.which(name) tk_call('namespace', 'which', name) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 305 def children(pattern=None) TkNamespace.children(@fullname, pattern) end
def code(script = Proc.new)
if script.kind_of?(String) cmd = proc{|*args| ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(script)} elsif script.kind_of?(Proc) cmd = proc{|*args| ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(&script)} else fail ArgumentError, "String or Proc is expected" end TkNamespace::NsCode.new(tk_call_without_enc('namespace', 'code', _get_eval_string(cmd, false)))
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 325 def code(script = Proc.new) if script.kind_of?(String) cmd = proc{|*args| ret = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(script) id = ret.object_id TkNamespace::Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL[id] = ret id } elsif script.kind_of?(Proc) cmd = proc{|*args| if TkCore::WITH_RUBY_VM ### Ruby 1.9 !!!! obj = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args) ret = obj.instance_exec(obj, &script) else ret = ScopeArgs.new(@fullname,*args).instance_eval(&script) end id = ret.object_id TkNamespace::Tk_NsCode_RetObjID_TBL[id] = ret id } else fail ArgumentError, "String or Proc is expected" end TkNamespace::NsCode.new(tk_call_without_enc('namespace', 'code', _get_eval_string(cmd, false)), true) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 370 def current_namespace # ns_tk_call('namespace', 'current') # @fullname self end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 356 def current_path @fullname end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 389 def delete TkNamespece.delete(@fullname) end
def eval(cmd = Proc.new, *args)
#TkNamespace.eval(@fullname, cmd, *args) #ns_tk_call(cmd, *args) code_obj = code(cmd) ret = code_obj.call(*args) # uninstall_cmd(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(code_obj.path)[-1]) uninstall_cmd(_fromUTF8(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(_toUTF8(code_obj.path))[-1])) tk_tcl2ruby(ret)
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 431 def eval(cmd = Proc.new, *args) code_obj = code(cmd) ret = code_obj.call(*args) uninstall_cmd(_fromUTF8(TkCore::INTERP._split_tklist(_toUTF8(code_obj.path))[-1])) ret end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 441 def exist? TkNamespece.exist?(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 451 def export TkNamespace.export(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 454 def export_with_clear TkNamespace.export_with_clear(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 474 def force_import TkNamespace.force_import(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 461 def forget TkNamespace.forget(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 471 def import TkNamespace.import(@fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 481 def inscope(script, *args) TkNamespace.inscope(@fullname, script, *args) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 210 def install_cmd(cmd) lst = tk_split_simplelist(super(cmd), false, false) if lst[1] =~ /^::/ lst[1] = @fullname else lst.insert(1, @fullname) end TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*lst) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 499 def parent tk_call('namespace', 'parent', @fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 509 def set_path tk_call('namespace', 'path', @fullname) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 223 def tk_call(*args) #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args) args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''} super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 235 def tk_call_with_enc(*args) #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args) args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''} super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args)) end
# File tk/lib/tk/namespace.rb, line 229 def tk_call_without_enc(*args) #super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, *args) args = args.collect{|arg| (s = _get_eval_string(arg, true))? s: ''} super('namespace', 'eval', @fullname, TkCore::INTERP._merge_tklist(*args)) end
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