execute Tk_MainLoop
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2695 def mainloop(check_root = true) MultiTkIp.mainloop(check_root) end
Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2735 def _conv_listelement(arg) MultiTkIp._conv_listelement(arg) end
static VALUE lib_fromUTF8(argc, argv, self) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE self; { VALUE str, encodename; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &str, &encodename) == 1) { encodename = Qnil; } return lib_fromUTF8_core(Qnil, str, encodename); }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2732 def _merge_tklist(*args) MultiTkIp._merge_tklist(*args) end
static VALUE lib_split_tklist(self, list_str) VALUE self; VALUE list_str; { return lib_split_tklist_core(Qnil, list_str); }
static VALUE lib_Tcl_backslash(self, str) VALUE self; VALUE str; { return lib_UTF_backslash_core(self, str, 1); }
static VALUE lib_UTF_backslash(self, str) VALUE self; VALUE str; { return lib_UTF_backslash_core(self, str, 0); }
static VALUE lib_toUTF8(argc, argv, self) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE self; { VALUE str, encodename; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &str, &encodename) == 1) { encodename = Qnil; } return lib_toUTF8_core(Qnil, str, encodename); }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2701 def do_one_event(flag = TclTkLib::EventFlag::ALL) MultiTkIp.do_one_event(flag) end
static VALUE lib_thread_callback(argc, argv, self) int argc; VALUE *argv; VALUE self; { struct thread_call_proc_arg *q; VALUE proc, th, ret; int status, foundEvent; if (rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &proc) == 0) { proc = rb_block_proc(); } q = (struct thread_call_proc_arg *)ALLOC(struct thread_call_proc_arg); /* q = (struct thread_call_proc_arg *)ckalloc(sizeof(struct thread_call_proc_arg)); */ q->proc = proc; q->done = (int*)ALLOC(int); /* q->done = (int*)ckalloc(sizeof(int)); */ *(q->done) = 0; /* create call-proc thread */ th = rb_thread_create(_thread_call_proc, (void*)q); rb_thread_schedule(); /* start sub-eventloop */ foundEvent = RTEST(lib_eventloop_launcher(/* not check root-widget */0, 0, q->done, (Tcl_Interp*)NULL)); #ifdef RUBY_VM if (RTEST(rb_funcall(th, ID_alive_p, 0))) { #else if (RTEST(rb_thread_alive_p(th))) { #endif rb_funcall(th, ID_kill, 0); ret = Qnil; } else { ret = rb_protect(_thread_call_proc_value, th, &status); } xfree(q->done); xfree(q); /* ckfree((char*)q->done); */ /* ckfree((char*)q); */ if (NIL_P(rbtk_pending_exception)) { /* return rb_errinfo(); */ if (status) { rb_exc_raise(rb_errinfo()); } } else { VALUE exc = rbtk_pending_exception; rbtk_pending_exception = Qnil; /* return exc; */ rb_exc_raise(exc); } return ret; }
static VALUE lib_get_system_encoding(self) VALUE self; { #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 || (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && TCL_MINOR_VERSION > 0) tcl_stubs_check(); return rb_str_new2(Tcl_GetEncodingName((Tcl_Encoding)NULL)); #else return Qnil; #endif }
static VALUE lib_set_system_encoding(self, enc_name) VALUE self; VALUE enc_name; { #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 || (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && TCL_MINOR_VERSION > 0) tcl_stubs_check(); if (NIL_P(enc_name)) { Tcl_SetSystemEncoding((Tcl_Interp *)NULL, (CONST char *)NULL); return lib_get_system_encoding(self); } enc_name = rb_funcall(enc_name, ID_to_s, 0, 0); if (Tcl_SetSystemEncoding((Tcl_Interp *)NULL, StringValuePtr(enc_name)) != TCL_OK) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown encoding name '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(enc_name)); } return enc_name; #else return Qnil; #endif }
static VALUE lib_get_system_encoding(self) VALUE self; { #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 || (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && TCL_MINOR_VERSION > 0) tcl_stubs_check(); return rb_str_new2(Tcl_GetEncodingName((Tcl_Encoding)NULL)); #else return Qnil; #endif }
static VALUE lib_set_system_encoding(self, enc_name) VALUE self; VALUE enc_name; { #if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > 8 || (TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == 8 && TCL_MINOR_VERSION > 0) tcl_stubs_check(); if (NIL_P(enc_name)) { Tcl_SetSystemEncoding((Tcl_Interp *)NULL, (CONST char *)NULL); return lib_get_system_encoding(self); } enc_name = rb_funcall(enc_name, ID_to_s, 0, 0); if (Tcl_SetSystemEncoding((Tcl_Interp *)NULL, StringValuePtr(enc_name)) != TCL_OK) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "unknown encoding name '%s'", RSTRING_PTR(enc_name)); } return enc_name; #else return Qnil; #endif }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2713 def get_eventloop_tick MultiTkIp.get_eventloop_tick end
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2725 def get_eventloop_weight MultiTkIp.get_eventloop_weight end
static VALUE get_eventloop_window_mode(self) VALUE self; { if ( ~window_event_mode ) { return Qfalse; } else { return Qtrue; } }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2719 def get_no_event_wait MultiTkIp.get_no_event_wait end
static VALUE lib_get_reltype_name(self) VALUE self; { set_tcltk_version(); switch(tcltk_version.type) { case TCL_ALPHA_RELEASE: return rb_str_new2("alpha"); case TCL_BETA_RELEASE: return rb_str_new2("beta"); case TCL_FINAL_RELEASE: return rb_str_new2("final"); default: rb_raise(rb_eRuntimeError, "tcltklib has invalid release type number"); } }
static VALUE lib_getversion(self) VALUE self; { set_tcltk_version(); return rb_ary_new3(4, INT2NUM(tcltk_version.major), INT2NUM(tcltk_version.minor), INT2NUM(tcltk_version.type), INT2NUM(tcltk_version.patchlevel)); }
execute Tk_MainLoop
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2695 def mainloop(check_root = true) MultiTkIp.mainloop(check_root) end
static VALUE lib_evloop_abort_on_exc(self) VALUE self; { if (event_loop_abort_on_exc > 0) { return Qtrue; } else if (event_loop_abort_on_exc == 0) { return Qfalse; } else { return Qnil; } }
static VALUE lib_evloop_abort_on_exc_set(self, val) VALUE self, val; { rb_secure(4); if (RTEST(val)) { event_loop_abort_on_exc = 1; } else if (NIL_P(val)) { event_loop_abort_on_exc = -1; } else { event_loop_abort_on_exc = 0; } return lib_evloop_abort_on_exc(self); }
static VALUE lib_evloop_thread_p(self) VALUE self; { if (NIL_P(eventloop_thread)) { return Qnil; /* no eventloop */ } else if (rb_thread_current() == eventloop_thread) { return Qtrue; /* is eventloop */ } else { return Qfalse; /* not eventloop */ } }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2698 def mainloop_watchdog(check_root = true) MultiTkIp.mainloop_watchdog(check_root) end
static VALUE lib_num_of_mainwindows(self) VALUE self; { #ifdef RUBY_USE_NATIVE_THREAD /* Ruby 1.9+ !!! */ return tk_funcall(lib_num_of_mainwindows_core, 0, (VALUE*)NULL, self); #else return lib_num_of_mainwindows_core(self, 0, (VALUE*)NULL); #endif }
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2728 def restart(*args) MultiTkIp.restart(*args) end
def ::mainloop_abort_on_exception
end def ::mainloop_abort_on_exception=(mode)
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2710 def set_eventloop_tick(tick) MultiTkIp.set_eventloop_tick(tick) end
# File tk/lib/multi-tk.rb, line 2722 def set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick) MultiTkIp.set_eventloop_weight(loop_max, no_event_tick) end
static VALUE set_eventloop_window_mode(self, mode) VALUE self; VALUE mode; { rb_secure(4); if (RTEST(mode)) { window_event_mode = ~0; } else { window_event_mode = ~TCL_WINDOW_EVENTS; } return mode; }
static VALUE set_max_block_time(self, time) VALUE self; VALUE time; { struct Tcl_Time tcl_time; VALUE divmod; switch(TYPE(time)) { case T_FIXNUM: case T_BIGNUM: /* time is micro-second value */ divmod = rb_funcall(time, rb_intern("divmod"), 1, LONG2NUM(1000000)); tcl_time.sec = NUM2LONG(RARRAY_PTR(divmod)[0]); tcl_time.usec = NUM2LONG(RARRAY_PTR(divmod)[1]); break; case T_FLOAT: /* time is second value */ divmod = rb_funcall(time, rb_intern("divmod"), 1, INT2FIX(1)); tcl_time.sec = NUM2LONG(RARRAY_PTR(divmod)[0]); tcl_time.usec = (long)(NUM2DBL(RARRAY_PTR(divmod)[1]) * 1000000); default: { VALUE tmp = rb_funcall(time, ID_inspect, 0, 0); rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "invalid value for time: '%s'", StringValuePtr(tmp)); } } Tcl_SetMaxBlockTime(&tcl_time); return Qnil; }
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