Kapacitor state module.
This module accepts connection configuration details either as parameters or as configuration settings in /etc/salt/minion on the relevant minions:
kapacitor.unsafe_ssl: 'false'
kapacitor.protocol: 'http'
kapacitor.host: 'localhost'
kapacitor.port: 9092
This data can also be passed into pillar. Options passed into opts will overwrite options passed into pillar.
New in version 2016.11.0.
(name)¶Ensure that a task is absent from Kapacitor.
Name of the task.
(name, tick_script, task_type='stream', database=None, retention_policy='default', enable=True, dbrps=None)¶Ensure that a task is present and up-to-date in Kapacitor.
Name of the task.
Path to the TICK script for the task. Can be a salt:// source.
Task type. Defaults to 'stream'
A list of databases and retention policies in "dbname"."rpname" format to fetch data from. For backward compatibility, the value of 'database' and 'retention_policy' will be merged as part of dbrps.
New in version 2019.2.0.
Which database to fetch data from. Defaults to None, which will use the default database in InfluxDB.
Which retention policy to fetch data from. Defaults to 'default'.
Whether to enable the task or not. Defaults to True.