Management of Open vSwitch ports.
(name, bridge=None)¶Ensures that the named port exists on bridge, eventually deletes it. If bridge is not set, port is removed from whatever bridge contains it.
name -- The name of the port.
bridge -- The name of the bridge.
(name, bridge, tunnel_type=None, id=None, remote=None, dst_port=None, internal=False)¶Ensures that the named port exists on bridge, eventually creates it.
name -- The name of the port.
bridge -- The name of the bridge.
tunnel_type -- Optional type of interface to create, currently supports: vlan, vxlan and gre.
id -- Optional tunnel's key.
remote -- Remote endpoint's IP address.
dst_port -- Port to use when creating tunnelport in the switch.
internal -- Create an internal port if one does not exist
Generated on June 18, 2020 at 04:09:58 UTC.
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