This module is inspired from minitage's buildout maker (
New in version 2016.3.0.
This state module is beta; the API is subject to change and no promise as to performance or functionality is yet present
- name: /path/to/buildout
- name: /path/to/buildout
- parts:
- a
- b
- python: /path/to/pythonpath/bin/python
- unless: /bin/test_something_installed
- onlyif: /bin/test_else_installed
(name, config='buildout.cfg', quiet=False, parts=None, user=None, env=, buildout_ver=None, test_release=False, distribute=None, new_st=None, offline=False, newest=False, python='/builds/saltstack/open/docs/builddocs/venv/bin/python', debug=False, verbose=False, unless=None, onlyif=None, use_vt=False, loglevel='debug', **kwargs)¶Install buildout in a specific directory
It is a thin wrapper to modules.buildout.buildout
directory to execute in
do not output console & logs
buildout config to use (default: buildout.cfg)
specific buildout parts to run
user used to run buildout as
New in version 2014.1.4.
environment variables to set when running
force a specific buildout version (1 | 2)
buildout accept test release
Forcing use of setuptools >= 0.7
use distribute over setuptools if possible
does buildout run offline
python to use
run buildout with -D debug flag
Only execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
Do not execute cmd if statement on the host return 0
run buildout in newest mode
run buildout in verbose mode (-vvvvv)
Use the new salt VT to stream output [experimental]
loglevel for buildout commands