
Actions are one of the two types of Hooks.

They provide a way for running a function at a specific point in the execution of WordPress Core, plugins, and themes. They are the counterpart to Filters.

Add Action Add Action

The process of adding an action includes two steps.

First, you need to create a Callback function which will be called when the action is run. Second, you need to add your Callback function to a hook which will perform the calling of the function.

You will use the add_action() function, passing at least two parameters, string $tag, callable $function_to_add.

The example below will run when the init hook is executed:

function wporg_custom()
    // do something
add_action('init', 'wporg_custom');

You can refer to the Hooks chapter for a list of available hooks.

As you gain more experience, looking through WordPress Core source code will allow you to find the most appropriate hook.

Additional Parameters Additional Parameters

add_action() can accept two additional parameters, int $priority for the priority given to the callback function, and int $accepted_args for the number of arguments that will be passed to the callback function.

Priority Priority

The priority determines when the callback function will be executed in relation to the other callback functions associated with a given hook.

A function with a priority of 11 will run after a function with a priority of 10; and a function with a priority of 9 will run before a function with a priority of 10. Any positive integer is an acceptable value, and the default value is 10.

If two callback functions are registered for the same hook with the same priority, then will be run in the order that they were registered to the hook.

For example, the following callback functions are all registered to the
init hook, but with different priorities:

add_action('init', 'run_me_early', 9);
add_action('init', 'run_me_normal');    // default value of 10 is used since a priority wasn't specified
add_action('init', 'run_me_late', 11);

The first function to run will be run_me_early(), followed by run_me_normal(), and finally the last one to run will be run_me_late().

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Number of Arguments Number of Arguments

Sometimes it’s desirable for a callback function to receive some extra data related to the function that it’s hooking into.

For example, when WordPress saves a post and runs the save_post hook, it passes two parameters to the callback function: the ID of the post being saved, and the post object itself:

do_action('save_post', $post->ID, $post);

So, when a callback function is registered for the save_post hook, it can specify that it wants to receive those two arguments:

add_action('save_post', 'wporg_custom', 10, 2);

…and then it can register the arguments in the function definition:

function wporg_custom($post_id, $post)
    // do something

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Example Example

If you wanted to modify the query that fetches search results during The Loop on the frontend, you could hook into the pre_get_posts hook.

function wporg_search($query)
    if (!is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() && $query->is_search) {
        $query->set('post_type', ['post', 'movie']);
add_action('pre_get_posts', 'wporg_search');