Using Settings API
Adding Settings Adding Settings
You must define a new setting using register_setting(), it will create an entry in the {$wpdb->prefix}_options
You can add new sections on existing pages using add_settings_section().
You can add new fields to existing sections using add_settings_field().
register_setting() as well as the mentioned add_settings_*()
functions should all be added to the admin_init
action hook.
Add a Setting Add a Setting
register_setting( string $option_group, string $option_name, callable $sanitize_callback = '' );
Please refer to the Function Reference about register_setting() for full explanation about the used parameters.
Add a Section Add a Section
add_settings_section( string $id, string $title, callable $callback, string $page );
Sections are the groups of settings you see on WordPress settings pages with a shared heading. In your plugin you can add new sections to existing settings pages rather than creating a whole new page. This makes your plugin simpler to maintain and creates fewer new pages for users to learn.
Please refer to the Function Reference about add_settings_section() for full explanation about the used parameters.
Add a Field Add a Field
add_settings_field( string $id, string $title, callable $callback, string $page, string $section = 'default', array $args = [] );
Please refer to the Function Reference about add_settings_field() for full explanation about the used parameters.
Example Example
<?php function wporg_settings_init() { // register a new setting for "reading" page register_setting('reading', 'wporg_setting_name'); // register a new section in the "reading" page add_settings_section( 'wporg_settings_section', 'WPOrg Settings Section', 'wporg_settings_section_cb', 'reading' ); // register a new field in the "wporg_settings_section" section, inside the "reading" page add_settings_field( 'wporg_settings_field', 'WPOrg Setting', 'wporg_settings_field_cb', 'reading', 'wporg_settings_section' ); } /** * register wporg_settings_init to the admin_init action hook */ add_action('admin_init', 'wporg_settings_init'); /** * callback functions */ // section content cb function wporg_settings_section_cb() { echo '<p>WPOrg Section Introduction.</p>'; } // field content cb function wporg_settings_field_cb() { // get the value of the setting we've registered with register_setting() $setting = get_option('wporg_setting_name'); // output the field ?> <input type="text" name="wporg_setting_name" value="<?php echo isset( $setting ) ? esc_attr( $setting ) : ''; ?>"> <?php }
Getting Settings Getting Settings
get_option( string $option, mixed $default = false );
Getting settings is accomplished with the get_option() function.
The function accepts two parameters: the name of the option and an optional default value for that option.
Example Example
// get the value of the setting we've registered with register_setting() $setting = get_option('wporg_setting_name');