Method | Description | Defined By |
a() |
Generates a hyperlink tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeCheckbox() |
Generates a checkbox tag together with a label for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeCheckboxList() |
Generates a list of checkboxes. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeDropDownList() |
Generates a drop-down list for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeFileInput() |
Generates a file input tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeHiddenInput() |
Generates a hidden input tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeHint() |
Generates a hint tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeInput() |
Generates an input tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeLabel() |
Generates a label tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeListBox() |
Generates a list box. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activePasswordInput() |
Generates a password input tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeRadio() |
Generates a radio button tag together with a label for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeRadioList() |
Generates a list of radio buttons. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeTextInput() |
Generates a text input tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
activeTextarea() |
Generates a textarea tag for the given model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
addCssClass() |
Adds a CSS class (or several classes) to the specified options. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
addCssStyle() |
Adds the specified CSS style to the HTML options. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
beginForm() |
Generates a form start tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
beginTag() |
Generates a start tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
button() |
Generates a button tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
buttonInput() |
Generates an input button. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
checkbox() |
Generates a checkbox input. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
checkboxList() |
Generates a list of checkboxes. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
csrfMetaTags() |
Generates the meta tags containing CSRF token information. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
cssFile() |
Generates a link tag that refers to an external CSS file. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
cssStyleFromArray() |
Converts a CSS style array into a string representation. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
cssStyleToArray() |
Converts a CSS style string into an array representation. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
decode() |
Decodes special HTML entities back to the corresponding characters. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
dropDownList() |
Generates a drop-down list. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
encode() |
Encodes special characters into HTML entities. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
endForm() |
Generates a form end tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
endTag() |
Generates an end tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
error() |
Generates a tag that contains the first validation error of the specified model attribute. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
errorSummary() |
Generates a summary of the validation errors. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
escapeJsRegularExpression() |
Escapes regular expression to use in JavaScript. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
fileInput() |
Generates a file input field. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
getAttributeName() |
Returns the real attribute name from the given attribute expression. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
getAttributeValue() |
Returns the value of the specified attribute name or expression. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
getInputId() |
Generates an appropriate input ID for the specified attribute name or expression. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
getInputName() |
Generates an appropriate input name for the specified attribute name or expression. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
hiddenInput() |
Generates a hidden input field. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
img() |
Generates an image tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
input() |
Generates an input type of the given type. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
jsFile() |
Generates a script tag that refers to an external JavaScript file. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
label() |
Generates a label tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
listBox() |
Generates a list box. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
mailto() |
Generates a mailto hyperlink. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
ol() |
Generates an ordered list. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
passwordInput() |
Generates a password input field. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
radio() |
Generates a radio button input. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
radioList() |
Generates a list of radio buttons. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
removeCssClass() |
Removes a CSS class from the specified options. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
removeCssStyle() |
Removes the specified CSS style from the HTML options. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
renderSelectOptions() |
Renders the option tags that can be used by dropDownList() and listBox(). |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
renderTagAttributes() |
Renders the HTML tag attributes. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
resetButton() |
Generates a reset button tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
resetInput() |
Generates a reset input button. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
script() |
Generates a script tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
style() |
Generates a style tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
submitButton() |
Generates a submit button tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
submitInput() |
Generates a submit input button. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
tag() |
Generates a complete HTML tag. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
textInput() |
Generates a text input field. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
textarea() |
Generates a text area input. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
ul() |
Generates an unordered list. |
yii\helpers\BaseHtml |
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