SceneKit Namespace

3D Graphics Based On Scene-Graphs.


Scene Kit is a framework for 3D graphics, based on hierarchical scene-graphs.

The fundamental classes in Scene Kit are SceneKit.SCNScene, which holds all content, and CoreGraphics.SceneKit.SCNView, a UIKit.UIView that renders an SceneKit.SCNScene.

An SceneKit.SCNScene has a SceneKit.SCNScene.RootNode property of type SceneKit.SCNNode. SceneKit.SCNNode's have SceneKit.SCNNode.ChildNodes and implement System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<class MonoTouch.SceneKit.SCNNode>. Properties of SceneKit.SCNNode include SceneKit.SCNNode.Camera, of type SceneKit.SCNCamera, SceneKit.SCNNode.Geometry, of type SceneKit.SCNGeometry, and SceneKit.SCNNode.Light, of type SceneKit.SCNLight.

Additionally, every SceneKit.SCNNode has a SceneKit.SCNNode.Position property that defines a location in space relative to the SceneKit.SCNNode's SceneKit.SCNNode.ParentNode and SceneKit.SCNNode.FirstMaterial and SceneKit.SCNNode.Materials that create the SceneKit.SCNNode's appearance.

The following example shows a minimal Scene Kit view:

C# Example

public MySceneView (RectangleF frame) : base(frame)
	BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue;
	this.Scene = new SCNScene ();

	var material = new SCNMaterial ();
	material.Diffuse.Contents = UIImage.FromFile("textureX.png");
	material.Specular.Contents = UIColor.Gray;
	material.LocksAmbientWithDiffuse = true;

	Scene.RootNode.Geometry = new SCNBox {
		Width = 1,
		Height = 1,
		Length = 1,
		ChamferRadius = 0.2f,
		FirstMaterial = material

	Scene.RootNode.Light = new SCNLight {
		LightType = SCNLightType.Ambient,
		Color = UIColor.Gray,

	var camera = new SCNCamera ();
	var cameraNode = new SCNNode () {
		Camera = camera,
		Position = new SCNVector3 (3, 3, 3),
		Constraints = new SCNConstraint[] { SCNLookAtConstraint.Create(Scene.RootNode) }
	Scene.RootNode.AddChildNode (cameraNode);


_SCNShaderModifiersDocumentation for this section has not yet been entered.
ISCNActionableInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNActionable.
ISCNAnimatableInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNAnimatable.
ISCNBoundingVolumeInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNBoundingVolume.
ISCNNodeRendererDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNNodeRendererDelegate.
ISCNPhysicsContactDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactDelegate.
ISCNProgramDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNProgramDelegate.
ISCNSceneRendererInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNSceneRenderer.
ISCNSceneRendererDelegateInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNSceneRendererDelegate.
ISCNShadableInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNShadable.
ISCNTechniqueSupportInterface representing the required methods (if any) of the protocol SceneKit.SCNTechniqueSupport.
SCNActionPerforms actions on a SceneKit.SCNNode, including changes to appearance, geometry, animations, or arbitrary functions.
SCNActionableAllows actions to be applied.
SCNActionNodeWithElapsedTimeHandlerCompletion handler used with SceneKit.SCNAction.CustomAction.
SCNActionTimingModeEnumerates rate curves for use with SceneKit.SCNAction objects.
SCNAnimatableAllows animations to be applied.
SCNAnimationEventPerforms a function at a specific time during an animation.
SCNAnimationEventHandlerCompletion handler for use with SceneKit.SCNAnimationEvent.Create.
SCNAntialiasingModeEnumerates values that control antialiasing behavior.
SCNBindingHandlerCompletion handler used with SceneKit.SCNShadable.HandleBinding.
SCNBoundingVolumeFunctions that define a volume in 3D space.
SCNBoxAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry whose faces are all rectangles.
SCNCameraSpecifies a camera, with attributes such as field-of-view and depth-of-view.
SCNCapsuleAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a cylinder with capped ends.
SCNChamferModeEnumerates the ways a SceneKit.SCNShape can be chamfered; on its front, back, or both sides.
SCNConeAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a circular frustum. Or, a party hat.
SCNConstraintAutomatically adjusts the transformation of a node.
SCNCullModeEnumeration determining which faces of a surface SceneKit.SCNMaterial are rendered.
SCNCylinderAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a right circular cylinder.
SCNFieldForceEvaluatorDelegate for the SceneKit.SCNPhysicsField.CustomField method.
SCNFilterModeEnumeration of texture filtering modes.
SCNFloorAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is an infinite plane.
SCNGeometryA 3D shape.
SCNGeometryElementCombines information about vertices and a drawing primitive. Maps to a single drawing command sent to the GPU.
SCNGeometryPrimitiveTypeEnumeration of 2D geometry primitives.
SCNGeometrySourceProvides vertex data that, in conjunction with SCNGeometryElements, define a 3D object.
SCNGeometrySourceSemanticEnumerates vertex mode attributes.
SCNHitTestConstants for use with the options argument in SceneKit.SCNNode.HitTest.
SCNHitTestOptionsConfiguration options for hit-testing in SCNNode and SCNSceneRenderer
SCNHitTestResultInformation about the SCNNode (if any) located at a specific point or along a ray.
SCNIKConstraintAn SceneKit.SCNConstraint that applies inverse kinematics.
SCNJavaScriptStatic class that contains a method to export JavaScript modules.
SCNLevelOfDetailControls alternate geometries rendered at thresholds in either world-space or screen-space.
SCNLightA light source, used for all SCNLightTypes.
SCNLightingModelConstants for use with the SceneKit.SCHMaterial.LightingModel property, which defines the way lights and materials combine to produce a particular rendered color.
SCNLightTypeEnumerates the types of SceneKit.SCNLight.
SCNLookAtConstraintAn SceneKit.SCNConstraint that orients a node to point towards another node.
SCNMaterialSpecifies the lighting and shading characteristics of the surface of an SCNGeometry.
SCNMaterialPropertyConfigures the various properties (such as color and texture) of a SceneKit.SCNMaterial.
SCNMatrix4A 4x4 matrix.
SCNMorpherAn animated transformation of an SCNGeometry into one or more target SCNGeometry objects.
SCNMorpherCalculationModeEnumeration of valid interpolation formulae for SceneKit.SCNMorpher.CalculationMode.
SCNNodeA node in the scene graph.
SCNNodePredicateDelegate for use with SceneKit.SCNNode.EnumerateChildNodes.
SCNNodeRendererDelegateInterface defining delegate object functions for adding custom OpenGL drawing code.
SCNNodeRendererDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNNodeRendererDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNNodeRendererDelegate protocol.
SCNParticleBirthDirectionEnumerates the initial direction of particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.
SCNParticleBirthLocationEnumeration of the initial location of particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.
SCNParticleBlendModeEnumeration of the ways in which overlapping particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem will be rendered.
SCNParticleEventEnumeration of lifecycle events for particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem. Used with SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.HandleEvent.
SCNParticleEventHandlerCompletion handler for use with SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.HandleEvent.
SCNParticleImageSequenceAnimationModeEnumeration of playing modes for SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem's whose particles are rendered as a sequence of images.
SCNParticleInputModeEnumerates how a particle property is animated (over the lifetime of the particle, as the particle travels over a distance, or based on another property). Used with SceneKit.SCNParticlePropertyController.InputMode.
SCNParticleModifierHandlerDelegate used as the handler in SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.AddModifier.
SCNParticleModifierStageEnumerates moments when the modifier specified in SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.AddModifier should be applied.
SCNParticleOrientationModeEnumerates the alignment of particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem. Used with SceneKit.SCNParticleSystem.OrientationMode.
SCNParticlePropertyControllerAnimates a property of the particles emitted by a SCNParticleSystem.
SCNParticleSortingModeEnumeration specifying the order in which particles emitted by a SceneKit.SCNParticleScene are rendered.
SCNParticleSystemEmits small sprites whose behaviors are developer-specified.
SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointAn SCNPhysicsBehavior that allows two SCNPhysicsBody objects to pivot around each other.
SCNPhysicsBehaviorControls the behavior of one or more SCNPhysicsBody objects.
SCNPhysicsBodyAdds physics simulation to an SCNNode.
SCNPhysicsBodyTypeAn enumeration specifying whether the SceneKit.SCNPhysicsBody is dynamic, kinematic, or static. Used with SceneKit.SCNPhysicsBody.CreateBody.
SCNPhysicsContactHow two SCNPhysicsBody objects are in contact with each other.
SCNPhysicsContactDelegateDelegate object functions responding to touches between SceneKit.SCNPhysicsBody objects..
SCNPhysicsContactDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNPhysicsContactDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactDelegate protocol.
SCNPhysicsContactEventArgsProvides data for the SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactEventArgs.DidBeginContact, SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactEventArgs.DidEndContact and SceneKit.SCNPhysicsContactEventArgs.DidUpdateContact events.
SCNPhysicsFieldApplies forces to all SCNPhysicsBody objects in a given volume.
SCNPhysicsFieldScopeEnumerates values specifying whether an SceneKit.SCNPhysicsField affects objects inside or outside its border.
SCNPhysicsHingeJointAn SCNPhysicsBehavior that attaches two SCNPhysicsBody objects along a single axis.
SCNPhysicsSearchModeEnumerates values that control which physics search results are returned.
SCNPhysicsShapeA solid volume for a SCNPhysicsBody. Used in collision detection.
SCNPhysicsShapeOptionsValid keys for the options dictionary used with SceneKit.SCNPhysicsShape.Create.
SCNPhysicsShapeOptionsKeysDefines valid keys for use with the options dictionary passed to SceneKit.SCNPhysicsShape.Create.
SCNPhysicsShapeOptionsTypesGeometrical type associated with SceneKit.SCNPhysicsShapes.
SCNPhysicsShapeTypeEnumeration of categories for SceneKit.SCNPhysicsShapes.
SCNPhysicsSliderJointAn SCNPhysicsBehavior that connects two SCNPhysicsBody objects, allowing them to slide and rotate around their connecting points.
SCNPhysicsTestValid options for use with SceneKit.SCNPhysicsWorld.ContactTest.
SCNPhysicsTestKeysContains values that control searching, backface culling, and collision testing.
SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeKeysEnumerates values that control which collision search results are returned.
SCNPhysicsVehicleAn SCNPhysicsBehavior that simulates the physics of a wheeled vehicle.
SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelThe appearance and physical characteristics of a wheel on a SCNPhysicsVehicle.
SCNPhysicsWorldA physics simulation that models collisions and other physics-related properties in an SCNScene.
SCNPlaneAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a rectangular single-sided finite plane.
SCNProgramPerforms custom rendering using shaders written in OpenGL Shading Language.
SCNProgramDelegateDelegate object for SCNProgram objects.
SCNProgramDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNProgramDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNProgramDelegate protocol.
SCNProgramSemanticOptionsDefines the SceneKit.SCNProgramSemanticOptions.MappingChannel for use with SceneKit.SCNProgram.SetSemantic.
SCNPyramidAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a right rectangular pyramid.
SCNQuaternionRepresents a quaternion and contains methods that operate on them.
SCNRendererRenders an SCNScene into an OpenGL context.
SCNRenderingArgumentsDefines keys for use with SceneKit.SCNNodeRendererDelegate.Render and SceneKit.SCNProgram.SetSemantic.
SCNSceneThe highest-level description of a 3D scene.
SCNSceneLoadingOptionsOptions for scene loading.
SCNSceneRendererImplementation class of the SceneKit.ISCNSceneRenderer interface.
SCNSceneRenderer_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNSceneRenderer interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNSceneRenderer protocol.
SCNSceneRendererDelegateDelegate object for the SCNRenderer class, defines methods reflects rendering events.
SCNSceneRendererDelegate_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNSceneRendererDelegate interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNSceneRendererDelegate protocol.
SCNSceneSourceReads scene-defining data from a file or NSData object.
SCNSceneSourceFilterDelegate that tests objects in the scene for inclusion.
SCNSceneSourceLoadErrorsEnumerates error types that can occur while loading SceneKit.SCNSceneSources.
SCNSceneSourceLoadingOptions for creating and loading SCNScene objects.
SCNSceneSourcePropertiesMetadata keys associated with a scene file. Used with SceneKit.SCNSceneSource.GetProperty.
SCNSceneSourceStatusEnumerates the states of an SCNSceneSource.
SCNSceneSourceStatusHandlerCallback used to reflect progress during execution of SceneKit.SCNSceneSource.SceneFromOptions.
SCNShadableImplementation of SceneKit.ISCNShadable.
SCNShadable_ExtensionsExtension methods to the SceneKit.ISCNShadable interface to support all the methods from the SceneKit.SCNShadable protocol.
SCNShaderModifiersA Foundation.DictionaryContainer containing options for shaders.
SCNShadowModeEnumeration controlling when shadows are calculated.
SCNShapeAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry created from a 2D path, optionally extruded into three dimensions.
SCNSkinnerAccesses the scene graph in support of skeletal animation.
SCNSphereAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a sphere.
SCNTechniqueProvides additional drawing passes, each of which applies a shader.
SCNTechniqueSupportImplementation of SceneKit.ISCNTechniqueSupport that simply holds a reference to the SceneKit.SCNTechnique.
SCNTextAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry based on a string, optionally extruded into three dimensions.
SCNTorusAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a ring-shaped solid.
SCNTransactionAllows a set of modifications to be applied atomically.
SCNTransformConstraintAn SceneKit.SCNConstraint that executes a function specifying a change in transformation (position, rotation, and scale) to a node or nodes.
SCNTransformConstraintHandlerDelegate used in calls to SceneKit.SCNTransformConstraint.Create.
SCNTransparencyModeEnumerates techniques for calculating transparency.
SCNTubeAn SceneKit.SCNGeometry that is a cylinder with a hole along its central axis.
SCNVector3A 3-component vector.
SCNVector4A 4-component vector.
SCNViewA UIKit.UIView that renders SceneKit.SCNScenes.
SCNView+SCNViewAppearanceAppearance class for objects of type SceneKit.SCNView.
SCNWrapModeEnumerates texture-wrapping techniques.