
The mlflow.models module provides an API for saving machine learning models in “flavors” that can be understood by different downstream tools.

The built-in flavors are:

For details, see MLflow Models.

class mlflow.models.FlavorBackend(config, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Abstract class for Flavor Backend. This class defines the API interface for local model deployment of MLflow model flavors.


True if this flavor has a build_image method defined for building a docker container capable of serving the model, False otherwise.

abstract can_score_model()[source]

Check whether this flavor backend can be deployed in the current environment.


True if this flavor backend can be applied in the current environment.

abstract predict(model_uri, input_path, output_path, content_type, json_format)[source]

Generate predictions using a saved MLflow model referenced by the given URI. Input and output are read from and written to a file or stdin / stdout.

  • model_uri – URI pointing to the MLflow model to be used for scoring.

  • input_path – Path to the file with input data. If not specified, data is read from stdin.

  • output_path – Path to the file with output predictions. If not specified, data is written to stdout.

  • content_type – Specifies the input format. Can be one of {json, csv}

  • json_format – Only applies if content_type == json. Specifies how is the input data encoded in json. Can be one of {split, records} mirroring the behavior of Pandas orient attribute. The default is split which expects dict like data: {'index' -> [index], 'columns' -> [columns], 'data' -> [values]}, where index is optional. For more information see


Performs any preparation necessary to predict or serve the model, for example downloading dependencies or initializing a conda environment. After preparation, calling predict or serve should be fast.

abstract serve(model_uri, port, host)[source]

Serve the specified MLflow model locally.

  • model_uri – URI pointing to the MLflow model to be used for scoring.

  • port – Port to use for the model deployment.

  • host – Host to use for the model deployment. Defaults to localhost.

class mlflow.models.Model(artifact_path=None, run_id=None, utc_time_created=None, flavors=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

An MLflow Model that can support multiple model flavors. Provides APIs for implementing new Model flavors.

add_flavor(name, **params)[source]

Add an entry for how to serve the model in a given format.

classmethod from_dict(model_dict)[source]

Load a model from its YAML representation.

classmethod load(path)[source]

Load a model from its YAML representation.

classmethod log(artifact_path, flavor, registered_model_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Log model using supplied flavor module. If no run is active, this method will create a new active run.

  • artifact_path – Run relative path identifying the model.

  • flavor – Flavor module to save the model with. The module must have the save_model function that will persist the model as a valid MLflow model.

  • registered_model_name – Note:: Experimental: This argument may change or be removed in a future release without warning. If given, create a model version under registered_model_name, also creating a registered model if one with the given name does not exist.

  • kwargs – Extra args passed to the model flavor.


Write the model as a local YAML file.
