
The mlflow.onnx module provides APIs for logging and loading ONNX models in the MLflow Model format. This module exports MLflow Models with the following flavors:

ONNX (native) format

This is the main flavor that can be loaded back as an ONNX model object.


Produced for use by generic pyfunc-based deployment tools and batch inference.



Experimental: This method may change or be removed in a future release without warning.


The default Conda environment for MLflow Models produced by calls to save_model() and log_model().



Experimental: This method may change or be removed in a future release without warning.

Load an ONNX model from a local file or a run.



The location, in URI format, of the MLflow model, for example:

  • /Users/me/path/to/local/model

  • relative/path/to/local/model

  • s3://my_bucket/path/to/model

  • runs:/<mlflow_run_id>/run-relative/path/to/model

  • models:/<model_name>/<model_version>

  • models:/<model_name>/<stage>

For more information about supported URI schemes, see the Artifacts Documentation.


An ONNX model instance.

mlflow.onnx.log_model(onnx_model, artifact_path, conda_env=None, registered_model_name=None)[source]


Experimental: This method may change or be removed in a future release without warning.

Log an ONNX model as an MLflow artifact for the current run.

  • onnx_model – ONNX model to be saved.

  • artifact_path – Run-relative artifact path.

  • conda_env

    Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this decsribes the environment this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies contained in get_default_conda_env(). If None, the default get_default_conda_env() environment is added to the model. The following is an example dictionary representation of a Conda environment:

        'name': 'mlflow-env',
        'channels': ['defaults'],
        'dependencies': [

  • registered_model_name – Note:: Experimental: This argument may change or be removed in a future release without warning. If given, create a model version under registered_model_name, also creating a registered model if one with the given name does not exist.

mlflow.onnx.save_model(onnx_model, path, conda_env=None, mlflow_model=<mlflow.models.Model object>)[source]


Experimental: This method may change or be removed in a future release without warning.

Save an ONNX model to a path on the local file system.

  • onnx_model – ONNX model to be saved.

  • path – Local path where the model is to be saved.

  • conda_env

    Either a dictionary representation of a Conda environment or the path to a Conda environment yaml file. If provided, this describes the environment this model should be run in. At minimum, it should specify the dependencies contained in get_default_conda_env(). If None, the default get_default_conda_env() environment is added to the model. The following is an example dictionary representation of a Conda environment:

        'name': 'mlflow-env',
        'channels': ['defaults'],
        'dependencies': [

  • mlflow_modelmlflow.models.Model this flavor is being added to.