Reference. Processing was designed to be a flexible software sketchbook.
() (parentheses) , (comma) . (dot) /* */ (multiline comment) /** */ (doc comment) // (comment) ; (semicolon) = (assign) [] (array access) {} (curly braces) catch class draw() exit() extends false final implements import loop() new noLoop() null popStyle() private public pushStyle() redraw() return setup() static super this thread() true try void
() (parentheses) , (comma) . (dot) /* */ (multiline comment) /** */ (doc comment) // (comment) ; (semicolon) = (assign) [] (array access) {} (curly braces) catch class draw() exit() extends false final implements import loop() new noLoop() null popStyle() private public pushStyle() redraw() return setup() static super this thread() true try void
cursor() delay() displayDensity() focused frameCount frameRate() frameRate fullScreen() height noCursor() noSmooth() pixelDensity() pixelHeight pixelWidth settings() size() smooth() width
cursor() delay() displayDensity() focused frameCount frameRate() frameRate fullScreen() height noCursor() noSmooth() pixelDensity() pixelHeight pixelWidth settings() size() smooth() width
boolean byte char color double float int longComposite
Array ArrayList DoubleDict DoubleList FloatDict FloatList HashMap IntDict IntList JSONArray JSONObject LongDict LongList Object String StringDict StringList Table TableRow XMLConversion
binary() boolean() byte() char() float() hex() int() str() unbinary() unhex()String Functions
join() match() matchAll() nf() nfc() nfp() nfs() split() splitTokens() trim()Array Functions
append() arrayCopy() concat() expand() reverse() shorten() sort() splice() subset()
Relational Operators
!= (inequality) < (less than) <= (less than or equal to) == (equality) > (greater than) >= (greater than or equal to)Iteration
for whileConditionals
?: (conditional) break case continue default else if switchLogical Operators
! (logical NOT) && (logical AND) || (logical OR)
createShape() loadShape() PShape
createShape() loadShape() PShape
2D Primitives
arc() ellipse() line() point() quad() rect() triangle()Curves
bezier() bezierDetail() bezierPoint() bezierTangent() curve() curveDetail() curvePoint() curveTangent() curveTightness()3D Primitives
box() sphere() sphereDetail()Attributes
ellipseMode() rectMode() strokeCap() strokeJoin() strokeWeight()Vertex
beginContour() beginShape() bezierVertex() curveVertex() endContour() endShape() quadraticVertex() vertex()Loading & Displaying
shape() shapeMode()
mouseButton mouseClicked() mouseDragged() mouseMoved() mousePressed() mousePressed mouseReleased() mouseWheel() mouseX mouseY pmouseX pmouseYKeyboard
key keyCode keyPressed() keyPressed keyReleased() keyTyped()Files
BufferedReader createInput() createReader() launch() loadBytes() loadJSONArray() loadJSONObject() loadStrings() loadTable() loadXML() parseJSONArray() parseJSONObject() parseXML() selectFolder() selectInput()Time & Date
day() hour() millis() minute() month() second() year()
Text Area
print() printArray() println()Image
save() saveFrame()Files
beginRaw() beginRecord() createOutput() createWriter() endRaw() endRecord() PrintWriter saveBytes() saveJSONArray() saveJSONObject() saveStream() saveStrings() saveTable() saveXML() selectOutput()
applyMatrix() popMatrix() printMatrix() pushMatrix() resetMatrix() rotate() rotateX() rotateY() rotateZ() scale() shearX() shearY() translate()
applyMatrix() popMatrix() printMatrix() pushMatrix() resetMatrix() rotate() rotateX() rotateY() rotateZ() scale() shearX() shearY() translate()
Lights, Camera
ambientLight() directionalLight() lightFalloff() lights() lightSpecular() noLights() normal() pointLight() spotLight()Camera
beginCamera() camera() endCamera() frustum() ortho() perspective() printCamera() printProjection()Coordinates
modelX() modelY() modelZ() screenX() screenY() screenZ()Material Properties
ambient() emissive() shininess() specular()
background() clear() colorMode() fill() noFill() noStroke() stroke()Creating & Reading
alpha() blue() brightness() color() green() hue() lerpColor() red() saturation()
createImage() PImage
createImage() PImage
Loading & Displaying
image() imageMode() loadImage() noTint() requestImage() tint()Textures
texture() textureMode() textureWrap()Pixels
blend() copy() filter() get() loadPixels() pixels[] set() updatePixels()
blendMode() clip() createGraphics() noClip() PGraphics
blendMode() clip() createGraphics() noClip() PGraphics
loadShader() PShader resetShader() shader()
Loading & Displaying
createFont() loadFont() text() textFont()Attributes
textAlign() textLeading() textMode() textSize() textWidth()Metrics
textAscent() textDescent()