Theano API Manual
- c_code
- c_code_cleanup
- c_headers
- c_header_dirs
- c_libraries
- c_lib_dirs
- c_compile_args
- c_no_compile_args
- c_init_code
- c_init_code_apply
- c_init_code_struct
- c_support_code
- c_support_code_apply
- c_support_code_struct
- c_cleanup_code_struct
- infer_shape
- c_code_cache_version
- c_code_cache_version_apply
- python_constant_folding
- get_params
- c_declare
- c_init
- c_extract
- c_sync
- c_cleanup
- c_headers
- c_libraries
- c_header_dirs
- c_lib_dirs
- c_compile_args
- c_no_compile_args
- c_init_code
- c_support_code
- c_compiler
- c_code_cache_version
- apply
- add_requirements
- optimize
- transform
- filter
- filter_inplace
- is_valid_value
- values_eq
- values_eq_approx
- make_variable
- __call__
- __eq__
- __hash__
- get_shape_info
- get_size
- clone
- may_share_memory
- __init__
- __init__
- __init__
- copy
- free
- __init__
- including
- excluding
- requiring
- print_summary
- print_diff_summary(self, other, n_apply_to_print=None, n_ops_to_print=None):
- """"""" As print_summary, but print the difference on two different profile mode."
- TODO: Also we don't print the Apply-wise summary as it don't work for now.
- TODO: make comparaison with gpu code.
- __init__
- __call__
- clone
- clone_with_new_inputs
- default_output
- run_params
- clone
- get_parents
- clone
- eval
- revert
- Reverts the graph to whatever it was at the provided
- checkpoint (undoes all replacements). A checkpoint at any
- given time can be obtained using self.checkpoint().
- replace_validate
- c_cleanup
- c_code_cache_version
- c_declare
- c_extract
- c_extract_out
- c_init
- c_is_simple
- c_literal
- c_sync
- clone
- clone
- eval
- convert_variable
- filter
- filter_variable
- is_valid_value
- make_variable
- value_validity_msg
- values_eq
- values_eq_approx
- abs_rel_errors
- max_err
- __init__
- __call__
- make_node
- c_code_reduce_01X
- c_code_reduce_ccontig
- supports_c_code
- copy_into
- copy_of_x
- do_type_checking
- get_helper_c_code_args
- make_view_array
- c_code_helper
- flops
- c_code_helper
- flops
- flops
- as_destructive
- next_seed
- normal
- uniform
- updates
- get_value
- set_value
- gpu_kernels
- kernel_version
- c_code_reduce_01X
- supports_c_code
- make_node
- copy_into
- copy_of_x
- do_type_checking
- get_helper_c_code_args
- make_view_array
- dtype_specs
- get_substream_rstates
- inc_rstate
- multinomial
- normal
- seed
- uniform
- __init__
- reshape
- dimshuffle
- flatten
- ravel
- {any,all}(axis=None, keepdims=False)
- {sum,prod,mean}(axis=None, dtype=None, keepdims=False, acc_dtype=None)
- {var,std,min,max,argmin,argmax}(axis=None, keepdims=False),
- diagonal
- astype
- take
- copy() Return a new symbolic variable that is a copy of the variable. Does not copy the tag.
- norm
- nonzero
- nonzero_values
- sort
- argsort
- clip
- conf
- repeat
- round
- trace
- get_scalar_constant_value
- zeros_like
- __{abs,neg,lt,le,gt,ge,invert,and,or,add,sub,mul,div,truediv,floordiv}__
- argmax
- argmin
- argsort
- choose
- clip
- compress
- conj
- conjugate
- copy
- dimshuffle
- fill
- max
- mean
- min
- nonzero
- nonzero_values
- prod
- ptp
- repeat
- reshape
- round
- sort
- squeeze
- std
- sum
- swapaxes
- transfer
- transpose
- var
- grad
- perform
- perform
- R_op
- grad
- make_node
- make_node
- binomial(self, size=(), n=1, p=0.5, ndim=None):
- uniform(self, size=(), low=0.0, high=1.0, ndim=None):
- normal(self, size=(), avg=0.0, std=1.0, ndim=None):
- random_integers(self, size=(), low=0, high=1, ndim=None):
- choice(self, size=(), a=2, replace=True, p=None, ndim=None, dtype='int64'):
- poisson(self, size=(), lam=None, ndim=None, dtype='int64'):
- permutation(self, size=(), n=1, ndim=None):
- multinomial(self, size=(), n=1, pvals=[0.5, 0.5], ndim=None):
- shuffle_row_elements(self, input):
- updates
- seed
- gen
- uniform, normal, binomial, multinomial, random_integers, ...
- perform
- on_attach
- on_change_input
- on_detach
- on_import
- on_prune
- orderings
- void Py_XINCREF(PyObject *o)
- void Py_XDECREF(PyObject *o)
- void* PyArray_DATA(PyArrayObject* arr)
- int PyArray_NDIM(PyArrayObject* arr)
- npy_intp* PyArray_DIMS(PyArrayObject* arr)
- npy_intp* PyArray_STRIDES(PyArrayObject* arr)
- PyArray_Descr* PyArray_DESCR(PyArrayObject* arr)
- int PyArray_TYPE(PyArrayObject* arr)
- npy_intp PyArray_SIZE(PyArrayObject* arr)
- bool PyArray_CHKFLAGS(PyArrayObject* arr, flags)
- PyObject* PyArray_EMPTY(int nd, npy_intp* dims, typenum dtype,
- int fortran)
- PyObject* PyArray_ZEROS(int nd, npy_intp* dims, typenum dtype,
- int fortran)
- PyArrayObject* PyArray_GETCONTIGUOUS(PyObject* op)
- c_code
- c_support_code
- c_support_code_apply
- c_code_cache_version