Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb, line 10 def initialize super 'dependency', 'Show the dependencies of an installed gem', :version => Gem::Requirement.default, :domain => :local add_version_option add_platform_option add_prerelease_option add_option('-R', '--[no-]reverse-dependencies', 'Include reverse dependencies in the output') do |value, options| options[:reverse_dependencies] = value end add_option('-p', '--pipe', "Pipe Format (name --version ver)") do |value, options| options[:pipe_format] = value end add_local_remote_options end
# File rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb, line 45 def execute if options[:reverse_dependencies] and remote? and not local? then alert_error 'Only reverse dependencies for local gems are supported.' terminate_interaction 1 end options[:args] << '' if options[:args].empty? pattern = if options[:args].length == 1 and options[:args].first =~ /\A\/(.*)\/(i)?\z/m then flags = $2 ? Regexp::IGNORECASE : nil Regexp.new $1, flags else /\A#{Regexp.union(*options[:args])}/ end # TODO: deprecate for real damnit dependency = Gem::Deprecate.skip_during { Gem::Dependency.new pattern, options[:version] } dependency.prerelease = options[:prerelease] specs = [] specs.concat dependency.matching_specs if local? if remote? and not options[:reverse_dependencies] then fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher # REFACTOR: fetcher.find_specs_matching => specs specs_and_sources = fetcher.find_matching(dependency, dependency.specific?, true, dependency.prerelease?) specs.concat specs_and_sources.map { |spec_tuple, source_uri| fetcher.fetch_spec spec_tuple, URI.parse(source_uri) } end if specs.empty? then patterns = options[:args].join ',' say "No gems found matching #{patterns} (#{options[:version]})" if Gem.configuration.verbose terminate_interaction 1 end specs = specs.uniq.sort reverse = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } if options[:reverse_dependencies] then specs.each do |spec| reverse[spec.full_name] = find_reverse_dependencies spec end end if options[:pipe_format] then specs.each do |spec| unless spec.dependencies.empty? spec.dependencies.sort_by { |dep| dep.name }.each do |dep| say "#{dep.name} --version '#{dep.requirement}'" end end end else response = '' specs.each do |spec| response << print_dependencies(spec) unless reverse[spec.full_name].empty? then response << " Used by\n" reverse[spec.full_name].each do |sp, dep| response << " #{sp} (#{dep})\n" end end response << "\n" end say response end end
Returns an Array of [specification, dep] that are satisfied by
# File rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb, line 142 def find_reverse_dependencies(spec) result = [] Gem::Specification.each do |sp| sp.dependencies.each do |dep| dep = Gem::Dependency.new(*dep) unless Gem::Dependency === dep if spec.name == dep.name and dep.requirement.satisfied_by?(spec.version) then result << [sp.full_name, dep] end end end result end
# File rubygems/commands/dependency_command.rb, line 128 def print_dependencies(spec, level = 0) response = '' response << ' ' * level + "Gem #{spec.full_name}\n" unless spec.dependencies.empty? then spec.dependencies.sort_by { |dep| dep.name }.each do |dep| response << ' ' * level + " #{dep}\n" end end response end
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