Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 26 def initialize(io, security_policy = nil) @io = io @tarreader = Gem::Package::TarReader.new @io has_meta = false data_sig, meta_sig, data_dgst, meta_dgst = nil, nil, nil, nil dgst_algo = security_policy ? Gem::Security::OPT[:dgst_algo] : nil @tarreader.each do |entry| case entry.full_name when "metadata" @metadata = load_gemspec entry.read has_meta = true when "metadata.gz" begin # if we have a security_policy, then pre-read the metadata file # and calculate it's digest sio = nil if security_policy Gem.ensure_ssl_available sio = StringIO.new(entry.read) meta_dgst = dgst_algo.digest(sio.string) sio.rewind end # Ruby 1.8 doesn't have encoding and YAML is UTF-8 args = [sio || entry] args << { :external_encoding => Encoding::UTF_8 } if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) gzis = Zlib::GzipReader.new(*args) # YAML wants an instance of IO @metadata = load_gemspec(gzis) has_meta = true ensure gzis.close unless gzis.nil? end when 'metadata.gz.sig' meta_sig = entry.read when 'data.tar.gz.sig' data_sig = entry.read when 'data.tar.gz' if security_policy Gem.ensure_ssl_available data_dgst = dgst_algo.digest(entry.read) end end end if security_policy then Gem.ensure_ssl_available # map trust policy from string to actual class (or a serialized YAML # file, if that exists) if String === security_policy then if Gem::Security::Policies.key? security_policy then # load one of the pre-defined security policies security_policy = Gem::Security::Policies[security_policy] elsif File.exist? security_policy then # FIXME: this doesn't work yet security_policy = YAML.load File.read(security_policy) else raise Gem::Exception, "Unknown trust policy '#{security_policy}'" end end if data_sig && data_dgst && meta_sig && meta_dgst then # the user has a trust policy, and we have a signed gem # file, so use the trust policy to verify the gem signature begin security_policy.verify_gem(data_sig, data_dgst, @metadata.cert_chain) rescue Exception => e raise "Couldn't verify data signature: #{e}" end begin security_policy.verify_gem(meta_sig, meta_dgst, @metadata.cert_chain) rescue Exception => e raise "Couldn't verify metadata signature: #{e}" end elsif security_policy.only_signed raise Gem::Exception, "Unsigned gem" else # FIXME: should display warning here (trust policy, but # either unsigned or badly signed gem file) end end @tarreader.rewind unless has_meta then path = io.path if io.respond_to? :path error = Gem::Package::FormatError.new 'no metadata found', path raise error end end
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 125 def close @io.close @tarreader.close end
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 130 def each(&block) @tarreader.each do |entry| next unless entry.full_name == "data.tar.gz" is = zipped_stream entry begin Gem::Package::TarReader.new is do |inner| inner.each(&block) end ensure is.close if is end end @tarreader.rewind end
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 147 def extract_entry(destdir, entry, expected_md5sum = nil) if entry.directory? then dest = File.join destdir, entry.full_name if File.directory? dest then FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, dest, :verbose => false else FileUtils.mkdir_p dest, :mode => entry.header.mode, :verbose => false end fsync_dir dest fsync_dir File.join(dest, "..") return end # it's a file md5 = Digest::MD5.new if expected_md5sum destdir = File.join destdir, File.dirname(entry.full_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p destdir, :mode => 0755, :verbose => false destfile = File.join destdir, File.basename(entry.full_name) FileUtils.chmod 0600, destfile, :verbose => false rescue nil # Errno::ENOENT open destfile, "wb", entry.header.mode do |os| loop do data = entry.read 4096 break unless data # HACK shouldn't we check the MD5 before writing to disk? md5 << data if expected_md5sum os.write(data) end os.fsync end FileUtils.chmod entry.header.mode, destfile, :verbose => false fsync_dir File.dirname(destfile) fsync_dir File.join(File.dirname(destfile), "..") if expected_md5sum && expected_md5sum != md5.hexdigest then raise Gem::Package::BadCheckSum end end
Attempt to YAML-load a gemspec from the given io parameter. Return nil if it fails.
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 193 def load_gemspec(io) Gem::Specification.from_yaml io rescue Gem::Exception nil end
Return an IO stream for the zipped entry.
NOTE: Originally this method used two approaches, Return a GZipReader directly, or read the GZipReader into a string and return a StringIO on the string. The string IO approach was used for versions of ZLib before 1.2.1 to avoid buffer errors on windows machines. Then we found that errors happened with 1.2.1 as well, so we changed the condition. Then we discovered errors occurred with versions as late as 1.2.3. At this point (after some benchmarking to show we weren’t seriously crippling the unpacking speed) we threw our hands in the air and declared that this method would use the String IO approach on all platforms at all times. And that’s the way it is.
Revisited. Here’s the beginning of the long story. osdir.com/ml/lang.ruby.gems.devel/2007-06/msg00045.html
StringIO wraping has never worked as a workaround by definition. Skipping initial 10 bytes and passing -MAX_WBITS to Zlib::Inflate luckily works as gzip reader, but it only works if the GZip header is 10 bytes long (see below) and it does not check inflated stream consistency (CRC value in the Gzip trailer.)
RubyGems generated Gzip Header: 10 bytes magic(2) + method(1) + flag(1) + mtime(4) + exflag(1) + os(1) + orig_name(0) + comment(0)
Ideally, it must return a GZipReader without meaningless buffering. We have lots of CRuby committers around so let’s fix windows build when we received an error.
# File rubygems/package/tar_input.rb, line 229 def zipped_stream(entry) Zlib::GzipReader.new entry end
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