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In Files

  • rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb

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GemPathSearcher has the capability to find loadable files inside gems. It generates data up front to speed up searches later.

Public Class Methods

new() click to toggle source

Initialise the data we need to make searches later.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 13
def initialize
  # We want a record of all the installed gemspecs, in the order we wish to
  # examine them.
  # TODO: remove this stupid method
  @gemspecs = init_gemspecs

  # Map gem spec to glob of full require_path directories.  Preparing this
  # information may speed up searches later.
  @lib_dirs = {}

  @gemspecs.each do |spec|
    @lib_dirs[spec.object_id] = lib_dirs_for spec

Public Instance Methods

find(glob) click to toggle source

Look in all the installed gems until a matching glob is found. Return the gemspec of the gem where it was found. If no match is found, return nil.

The gems are searched in alphabetical order, and in reverse version order.

For example:

find('log4r')              # -> (log4r-1.1 spec)
find('log4r.rb')           # -> (log4r-1.1 spec)
find('rake/rdoctask')      # -> (rake-0.4.12 spec)
find('foobarbaz')          # -> nil

Matching paths can have various suffixes (‘.rb’, ‘.so’, and others), which may or may not already be attached to file. This method doesn’t care about the full filename that matches; only that there is a match.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 48
def find(glob)
  # HACK violation of encapsulation
  @gemspecs.find do |spec|
    # TODO: inverted responsibility
    matching_file? spec, glob
find_active(glob) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 65
def find_active(glob)
  # HACK violation of encapsulation
  @gemspecs.find do |spec|
    # TODO: inverted responsibility
    spec.loaded? and matching_file? spec, glob
find_all(glob) click to toggle source

Works like find, but finds all gemspecs matching glob.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 76
def find_all(glob)
  # HACK violation of encapsulation
  @gemspecs.select do |spec|
    # TODO: inverted responsibility
    matching_file? spec, glob
  end || []
find_in_unresolved(glob) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 84
def find_in_unresolved(glob)
  # HACK violation
  specs = Gem.unresolved_deps.values.map { |dep|
    Gem.source_index.search dep, true

  specs.select do |spec|
    # TODO: inverted responsibility
    matching_file? spec, glob
  end || []
find_in_unresolved_tree(glob) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 96
def find_in_unresolved_tree glob
  # HACK violation
  # TODO: inverted responsibility
  specs = Gem.unresolved_deps.values.map { |dep|
    Gem.source_index.search dep, true

  specs.reverse_each do |spec|
    trails = matching_paths(spec, glob)
    next if trails.empty?
    return trails.map(&:reverse).sort.first.reverse

find_spec_for_file(file) click to toggle source

Looks through the available gemspecs and finds the first one that contains file as a requirable file.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 59
def find_spec_for_file(file)
  @gemspecs.find do |spec|
    return spec if spec.contains_requirable_file?(file)
init_gemspecs() click to toggle source

Return a list of all installed gemspecs, sorted by alphabetical order and in reverse version order. (bar-2, bar-1, foo-2)

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 146
def init_gemspecs
  Gem::Specification.sort { |a, b|
    names = a.name <=> b.name
    next names if names.nonzero?
    b.version <=> a.version
lib_dirs_for(spec) click to toggle source

Returns library directories glob for a gemspec. For example,

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 158
def lib_dirs_for(spec)
  "#{spec.full_gem_path}/{#{spec.require_paths.join(',')}}" if
matching_file?(spec, path) click to toggle source

Attempts to find a matching path using the require_paths of the given spec.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 116
def matching_file?(spec, path)
  not matching_files(spec, path).empty?
matching_files(spec, path) click to toggle source

Returns files matching path in spec.

               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 136
def matching_files(spec, path)
  return [] unless @lib_dirs[spec.object_id] # case no paths
  glob = File.join @lib_dirs[spec.object_id], "#{path}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}"
  Dir[glob].select { |f| File.file? f.untaint }
matching_paths(spec, path) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/gem_path_searcher.rb, line 120
def matching_paths(spec, path)
  trails = []

  spec.traverse do |from_spec, dep, to_spec, trail|
    next unless to_spec.conflicts.empty?
    trails << trail unless matching_files(to_spec, path).empty?


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