Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more

In Files

  • rubygems/requirement.rb

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Public Class Methods

create(input) click to toggle source

Factory method to create a Gem::Requirement object. Input may be a Version, a String, or nil. Intended to simplify client code.

If the input is “weird”, the default version requirement is returned.

               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 39
def self.create input
  case input
  when Gem::Requirement then
  when Gem::Version, Array then
    new input
    if input.respond_to? :to_str then
      new [input.to_str]
default() click to toggle source

A default “version requirement” can surely only be ‘>= 0’.

               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 61
def self.default
  new '>= 0'
new(*requirements) click to toggle source

Constructs a requirement from requirements. Requirements can be Strings, Gem::Versions, or Arrays of those. nil and duplicate requirements are ignored. An empty set of requirements is the same as ">= 0".

               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 99
def initialize *requirements
  requirements = requirements.flatten

  requirements << ">= 0" if requirements.empty?
  @none = (requirements == ">= 0")
  @requirements = requirements.map! { |r| self.class.parse r }
parse(obj) click to toggle source

Parse obj, returning an [op, version] pair. obj can be a String or a Gem::Version.

If obj is a String, it can be either a full requirement specification, like ">= 1.2", or a simple version number, like "1.2".

parse("> 1.0")                 # => [">", "1.0"]
parse("1.0")                   # => ["=", "1.0"]
parse(Gem::Version.new("1.0")) # => ["=,  "1.0"]
               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 77
def self.parse obj
  return ["=", obj] if Gem::Version === obj

  unless PATTERN =~ obj.to_s
    raise ArgumentError, "Illformed requirement [#{obj.inspect}]"

  [$1 || "=", Gem::Version.new($2)]

Public Instance Methods

===(version) click to toggle source
Alias for: satisfied_by?
=~(version) click to toggle source
Alias for: satisfied_by?
none?() click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 109
def none?
  @none ||= (to_s == ">= 0")
prerelease?() click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 145
def prerelease?
  requirements.any? { |r| r.last.prerelease? }
satisfied_by?(version) click to toggle source

True if version satisfies this Requirement.

               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 158
def satisfied_by? version
  # #28965: syck has a bug with unquoted '=' YAML.loading as YAML::DefaultKey
  requirements.all? { |op, rv| (OPS[op] || OPS["="]).call version, rv }
Also aliased as: ===, =~
specific?() click to toggle source

True if the requirement will not always match the latest version.

               # File rubygems/requirement.rb, line 169
def specific?
  return true if @requirements.length > 1 # GIGO, > 1, > 2 is silly

  not %w[> >=].include? @requirements.first.first # grab the operator

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