Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
TarReader reads tar files and allows iteration over their items
Creates a new TarReader on io
yields it to the block, if given.
# File rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb, line 21 def self.new(io) reader = super return reader unless block_given? begin yield reader ensure reader.close end nil end
Close the tar file
# File rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb, line 47 def close end
Iterates over files in the tarball yielding each entry
# File rubygems/package/tar_reader.rb, line 53 def each loop do return if @io.eof? header = Gem::Package::TarHeader.from @io return if header.empty? entry = Gem::Package::TarReader::Entry.new header, @io size = entry.header.size yield entry skip = (512 - (size % 512)) % 512 pending = size - entry.bytes_read begin # avoid reading... @io.seek pending, IO::SEEK_CUR pending = 0 rescue Errno::EINVAL, NameError while pending > 0 do bytes_read = @io.read([pending, 4096].min).size raise UnexpectedEOF if @io.eof? pending -= bytes_read end end @io.read skip # discard trailing zeros # make sure nobody can use #read, #getc or #rewind anymore entry.close end end
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