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  • rubygems/dependency.rb

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The Dependency class holds a Gem name and a Gem::Requirement.



Valid dependency types.



Dependency name or regular expression.


Allows you to force this dependency to be a prerelease.

Public Class Methods

new(name, *requirements) click to toggle source

Constructs a dependency with name and requirements. The last argument can optionally be the dependency type, which defaults to :runtime.

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 34
def initialize name, *requirements
  if Regexp === name then
    msg = ["NOTE: Dependency.new w/ a regexp is deprecated.",
           "Dependency.new called from #{Gem.location_of_caller.join(":")}"]
    warn msg.join("\n") unless Gem::Deprecate.skip

  type         = Symbol === requirements.last ? requirements.pop : :runtime
  requirements = requirements.first if 1 == requirements.length # unpack

  unless TYPES.include? type
    raise ArgumentError, "Valid types are #{TYPES.inspect}, "
      + "not #{type.inspect}"

  @name        = name
  @requirement = Gem::Requirement.create requirements
  @type        = type
  @prerelease  = false

  # This is for Marshal backwards compatibility. See the comments in
  # +requirement+ for the dirty details.

  @version_requirements = @requirement

Public Instance Methods

<=>(other) click to toggle source

Dependencies are ordered by name.

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 154
def <=> other
  self.name <=> other.name
=~(other) click to toggle source

Uses this dependency as a pattern to compare to other. This dependency will match if the name matches the other’s name, and other has only an equal version requirement that satisfies this dependency.

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 164
def =~ other
  unless Gem::Dependency === other
    return unless other.respond_to?(:name) && other.respond_to?(:version)
    other = Gem::Dependency.new other.name, other.version

  return false unless name === other.name

  reqs = other.requirement.requirements

  return false unless reqs.length == 1
  return false unless reqs.first.first == '='

  version = reqs.first.last

  requirement.satisfied_by? version
match?(name, version) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 182
def match? name, version
  return false unless self.name === name
  return true if requirement.none?

  requirement.satisfied_by? Gem::Version.new(version)
matches_spec?(spec) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 189
def matches_spec? spec
  return false unless name === spec.name
  return true  if requirement.none?

matching_specs(platform_only = false) click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 215
def matching_specs platform_only = false
  matches = Gem::Specification.find_all { |spec|
    self.name === spec.name and # TODO: == instead of ===
      requirement.satisfied_by? spec.version

  if platform_only
    matches.reject! { |spec|
      not Gem::Platform.match spec.platform

  matches = matches.sort_by { |s| s.sort_obj } # HACK: shouldn't be needed
merge(other) click to toggle source

Merges the requirements of other into this dependency

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 199
def merge other
  unless name == other.name then
    raise ArgumentError,
          "#{self} and #{other} have different names"

  default = Gem::Requirement.default
  self_req  = self.requirement
  other_req = other.requirement

  return self.class.new name, self_req  if other_req == default
  return self.class.new name, other_req if self_req  == default

  self.class.new name, self_req.as_list.concat(other_req.as_list)
prerelease?() click to toggle source

Does this dependency require a prerelease?

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 76
def prerelease?
  @prerelease || requirement.prerelease?
requirement() click to toggle source

What does this dependency require?

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 98
def requirement
  return @requirement if defined?(@requirement) and @requirement

  # @version_requirements and @version_requirement are legacy ivar
  # names, and supported here because older gems need to keep
  # working and Dependency doesn't implement marshal_dump and
  # marshal_load. In a happier world, this would be an
  # attr_accessor. The horrifying instance_variable_get you see
  # below is also the legacy of some old restructurings.
  # Note also that because of backwards compatibility (loading new
  # gems in an old RubyGems installation), we can't add explicit
  # marshaling to this class until we want to make a big
  # break. Maybe 2.0.
  # Children, define explicit marshal and unmarshal behavior for
  # public classes. Marshal formats are part of your public API.

  if defined?(@version_requirement) && @version_requirement
    version = @version_requirement.instance_variable_get :@version
    @version_requirement  = nil
    @version_requirements = Gem::Requirement.new version

  @requirement = @version_requirements if defined?(@version_requirements)
requirements_list() click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 125
def requirements_list
specific?() click to toggle source

True if the dependency will not always match the latest version.

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 233
def specific?
to_spec() click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 255
def to_spec
  matches = self.to_specs

  matches.find { |spec| spec.activated? } or matches.last
to_specs() click to toggle source
               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 237
def to_specs
  matches = matching_specs true

  # TODO: check Gem.activated_spec[self.name] in case matches falls outside

  if matches.empty? then
    specs = Gem::Specification.all_names.join ", "
    error = Gem::LoadError.new "Could not find #{name} (#{requirement}) amongst [#{specs}]"
    error.name        = self.name
    error.requirement = self.requirement
    raise error

  # TODO: any other resolver validations should go here

type() click to toggle source

Dependency type.

               # File rubygems/dependency.rb, line 140
def type
  @type ||= :runtime

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