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  • rubygems/security.rb

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A Gem::Security::Policy object encapsulates the settings for verifying signed gem files. This is the base class. You can either declare an instance of this or use one of the preset security policies below.



Public Class Methods

new(policy = {}, opt = {}) click to toggle source

Create a new Gem::Security::Policy object with the given mode and options.

               # File rubygems/security.rb, line 414
def initialize(policy = {}, opt = {})
  # set options
  @opt = Gem::Security::OPT.merge(opt)

  # build policy
  policy.each_pair do |key, val|
    case key
    when :verify_data   then @verify_data   = val
    when :verify_signer then @verify_signer = val
    when :verify_chain  then @verify_chain  = val
    when :verify_root   then @verify_root   = val
    when :only_trusted  then @only_trusted  = val
    when :only_signed   then @only_signed   = val
trusted_cert_path(cert, opt = {}) click to toggle source

Get the path to the file for this cert.

               # File rubygems/security.rb, line 434
def self.trusted_cert_path(cert, opt = {})
  opt = Gem::Security::OPT.merge(opt)

  # get digest algorithm, calculate checksum of root.subject
  algo = opt[:dgst_algo]
  dgst = algo.hexdigest(cert.subject.to_s)

  # build path to trusted cert file
  name = "cert-#{dgst}.pem"

  # join and return path components
  File::join(opt[:trust_dir], name)

Public Instance Methods

verify_gem(signature, data, chain, time = Time.now) click to toggle source

Verify that the gem data with the given signature and signing chain matched this security policy at the specified time.

               # File rubygems/security.rb, line 452
def verify_gem(signature, data, chain, time = Time.now)
  cert_class = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate
  exc = Gem::Security::Exception
  chain ||= []

  chain = chain.map{ |str| cert_class.new(str) }
  signer, ch_len = chain[-1], chain.size

  # make sure signature is valid
  if @verify_data
    # get digest algorithm (TODO: this should be configurable)
    dgst = @opt[:dgst_algo]

    # verify the data signature (this is the most important part, so don't
    # screw it up :D)
    v = signer.public_key.verify(dgst.new, signature, data)
    raise exc, "Invalid Gem Signature" unless v

    # make sure the signer is valid
    if @verify_signer
      # make sure the signing cert is valid right now
      v = signer.check_validity(nil, time)
      raise exc, "Invalid Signature: #{v[:desc]}" unless v[:is_valid]

  # make sure the certificate chain is valid
  if @verify_chain
    # iterate down over the chain and verify each certificate against it's
    # issuer
    (ch_len - 1).downto(1) do |i|
      issuer, cert = chain[i - 1, 2]
      v = cert.check_validity(issuer, time)
      raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
          'Invalid Signing Chain', cert.subject, v[:desc]
      ] unless v[:is_valid]

    # verify root of chain
    if @verify_root
      # make sure root is self-signed
      root = chain[0]
      raise exc, "%s: %s (subject = '%s', issuer = '%s')" % [
          'Invalid Signing Chain Root',
          'Subject does not match Issuer for Gem Signing Chain',
      ] unless root.issuer.to_s == root.subject.to_s

      # make sure root is valid
      v = root.check_validity(root, time)
      raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
          'Invalid Signing Chain Root', root.subject, v[:desc]
      ] unless v[:is_valid]

      # verify that the chain root is trusted
      if @only_trusted
        # get digest algorithm, calculate checksum of root.subject
        algo = @opt[:dgst_algo]
        path = Gem::Security::Policy.trusted_cert_path(root, @opt)

        # check to make sure trusted path exists
        raise exc, "%s: cert = '%s', error = '%s'" % [
            'Untrusted Signing Chain Root',
            "path \"#{path}\" does not exist",
        ] unless File.exist?(path)

        # load calculate digest from saved cert file
        save_cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new(File.read(path))
        save_dgst = algo.digest(save_cert.public_key.to_s)

        # create digest of public key
        pkey_str = root.public_key.to_s
        cert_dgst = algo.digest(pkey_str)

        # now compare the two digests, raise exception
        # if they don't match
        raise exc, "%s: %s (saved = '%s', root = '%s')" % [
            'Invalid Signing Chain Root',
            "Saved checksum doesn't match root checksum",
            save_dgst, cert_dgst,
        ] unless save_dgst == cert_dgst

    # return the signing chain
    chain.map { |cert| cert.subject }

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