Extended maintenance of Ruby 1.9.3 ended on February 23, 2015. Read more
# File rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb, line 10 def initialize require 'fileutils' super 'unpack', 'Unpack an installed gem to the current directory', :version => Gem::Requirement.default, :target => Dir.pwd add_option('--target=DIR', 'target directory for unpacking') do |value, options| options[:target] = value end add_option('--spec', 'unpack the gem specification') do |value, options| options[:spec] = true end add_version_option end
# File rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb, line 46 def execute get_all_gem_names.each do |name| dependency = Gem::Dependency.new name, options[:version] path = get_path dependency unless path then alert_error "Gem '#{name}' not installed nor fetchable." next end if @options[:spec] then spec, metadata = get_metadata path if metadata.nil? then alert_error "--spec is unsupported on '#{name}' (old format gem)" next end spec_file = File.basename spec.spec_file open spec_file, 'w' do |io| io.write metadata end else basename = File.basename path, '.gem' target_dir = File.expand_path basename, options[:target] FileUtils.mkdir_p target_dir Gem::Installer.new(path, :unpack => true).unpack target_dir say "Unpacked gem: '#{target_dir}'" end end end
Find cached filename in Gem.path. Returns nil if the file cannot be found.
# File rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb, line 86 def find_in_cache(filename) Gem.path.each do |path| this_path = File.join(path, "cache", filename) return this_path if File.exist? this_path end return nil end
Extracts the Gem::Specification and raw
metadata from the .gem file at path
# File rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb, line 138 def get_metadata path format = Gem::Format.from_file_by_path path spec = format.spec metadata = nil open path, Gem.binary_mode do |io| tar = Gem::Package::TarReader.new io tar.each_entry do |entry| case entry.full_name when 'metadata' then metadata = entry.read when 'metadata.gz' then metadata = Gem.gunzip entry.read end end end return spec, metadata end
Return the full path to the cached gem file matching the given name and version requirement. Returns ‘nil’ if no match.
get_path 'rake', '> 0.4' # "/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/cache/rake-0.4.2.gem" get_path 'rake', '< 0.1' # nil get_path 'rak' # nil (exact name required)
# File rubygems/commands/unpack_command.rb, line 112 def get_path dependency return dependency.name if dependency.name =~ /\.gem$/i specs = dependency.matching_specs selected = specs.sort_by { |s| s.version }.last # HACK: hunt last down return Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.download_to_cache(dependency) unless selected return unless dependency.name =~ /^#{selected.name}$/i # We expect to find (basename).gem in the 'cache' directory. Furthermore, # the name match must be exact (ignoring case). path = find_in_cache File.basename selected.cache_file return Gem::RemoteFetcher.fetcher.download_to_cache(dependency) unless path path end
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